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Rachel Maddow Shows Up Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Rachel Maddow Shows Up Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is

I really don't know what to do with this...there is no text...just the video.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 2/10/2010 by iMacFanatic]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Rachel Maddow lays it out as clearly as can be and anyone who thinks otherwise is blind.

The congressional GOP has proved itself...not incapable of working with President Obama and the Democrats but they simply refuse to. As she makes clear even when it is something that they are on record as supporting...if Obama goes on record as supporting it...they turn against it....then lie about it.

They have repeatedly mangled the truth and tried to make it out as if they want bipartisanship when actually they do not.

IF the congressional Democrats had any gonads (and they don't) they would point out the bald faced facts...

According to a 2004 GAO accounting even with the invasion of Iraq the nation would have still been running a surplus if it were not for junior's tax cuts for the wealthy. Yes it was that big.

AND if we had not invaded Iraq on bogus trumped up and manufactured charges...we might very well still be running a surplus even with the recession and maybe even with Obama's added spending.

The Democrats need to say this until the Republicans blush (if they even have a sense of shame) but they won't.

They need to stop behaving like the sky is falling because Scott Brown got elected...

they need to grow a fricking spine and take on the GOP head on because the GOP has proved itself incapable of good faith.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 2/10/2010 by iMacFanatic]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by iMacFanatic

What can you say about this.

It is sad how the welfare of the country takes a back seat.

These A-Holes could care less about Main Street , it is sickening.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:08 PM
I watched it last night...quite an eye opener actually.

I was sitting there, this is really pissing me off to no end...what unabashed hypocracy...and the fact that nobody will call them on it because most people simply wont do the tiny amount of research needed.

then it occured to me that I was actually pissed and feeling particularly partisan...I wondered if at that very moment, people watching faux news was equally pissed about something the dems are doing that we simply dont know about.

I thought then it would be a really great move if for one night, the viewers of msnbc made a full agreement with the viewers of fox to swap for one a episode of hannity and they watch a episode of maddow to simply see what the other is truely griping about.

but naa, that will never happen, because no matter who you watch, the other one whom is on the other side of the spectrum is a idiot, unwatchable unamerican brainwashed fool (reflection of how we tend to feel about ourselves but would never admit to that...)

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:18 PM
I just said this in another forum a few minutes ago. This is how it works for both parties. It doesn`t matter which party is running things, the party that didn`t win goes around putting down everything the other party stands for to make them look bad. But remember, the party that lost, lost for a reason, mainly, for not doing their job in the first place. Then when the tables are turned in the next election, the same thing happens all over again. It`s all garbage with a capital G. As I stated in that other forum, I believe it`s time to trash both politics and the banking system.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:31 PM
Well, if that isn't one of the saddest things I have ever seen.

"Damn the country, Obama must fail"

This is butthurt to a whole new level. What is wrong with the Republicans?
The country is in need and all they can do is say no. Obama isn't a bad president, he's stuck with a timid majority and ideals of bipartisanship in the midst of an opposition driven by hate. I'd love to see anyone defend these hypocritical republicans, they probably will use ad hominems against Maddow and the MSM.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I tend to watch more Fox News than MSNBC...not because I like or trust Fox News...but because I want to see the lies they are throwing around.

I just happened to watch Hannity last you know what he talked about? He said liberals were hypocrits for making fun of Palin for writing on her hand. And he made fun of Obama for mis-pronouncint "corpsemen". Seriously...that was the whole show. They have nothing to say about policy because what Obama and dems are now trying to pass is stuff they actually agree with...they just can't admit that on their shows.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:49 PM
I have to say that in my 54 plus years of life I have never seen anything like this unless it was after Clinton won the first time and Bob Dole got on the air and said that there wasn't going to be a honeymoon with him...meaning they were going to fight him tooth and nail...but this is different.

The right and the GOP have had a habit over the years of being sore losers and even worse winners. They seem to think that they have an inherent right to rule and nobody else does.

Yes the Democrats fought junior but it was nothing like this...this is nothing but obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism...meanwhile nothing gets done.

What ticks me off though is that the Democrats (and this is a bad habit of theirs) seem to think that they can engage the GOP as it stands regardless of the fact that the GOP has no real interest in it unless it is on their terms only.

We are facing a true disaster in the upcoming years and part of the whole push to reform health care is an attempt to avert that looming disaster...if not between the drain on Social Security as my generation begins to retire in mass...not to mention the subsequent drain on Medicare/aid unless something happens to reign in the costs the whole system will reach a point of paralysis. The politicos have known this for years...and have sporadically even talked about it but they kept putting it off and now we are down to the wire...and this crap is happening.

I voted for Obama and I probably will again...reluctantly...but he has really dropped the ball on this by trying to stay above the foray when he should have been leading the charge.

The GOP is hoping all this obstruction will benefit them...I hope it blows up in their smug faces.

[edit on 2/10/2010 by iMacFanatic]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Unfortunately it seems all too reminiscent of Rush Limbaughs call to have the Obama Administration as well as the Economy to fail.

The problem I'm seeing here, is that racism is alive and well in America, its the old boys club and that you're (Obama) not a member.

I'm not a big believer in partisan politics, and this is exactly why.
These a##holes get into office, and only working few weeks per month, to vote themselves pay raises, take pictures of themselves with big PCH style stimulus money checks and not much else.

I think that we could call them out and point out that this could be considered to be treasonous behaviour AND that American people, mainly their constituency, who voted them into office are taking notice.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by SaturnFX

I tend to watch more Fox News than MSNBC...not because I like or trust Fox News...but because I want to see the lies they are throwing around.

I just happened to watch Hannity last you know what he talked about? He said liberals were hypocrits for making fun of Palin for writing on her hand. And he made fun of Obama for mis-pronouncint "corpsemen". Seriously...that was the whole show. They have nothing to say about policy because what Obama and dems are now trying to pass is stuff they actually agree with...they just can't admit that on their shows.

See, its things like that which actually confuses me.

I sometimes wonder if I am perhaps me, widespread hypocracy and intentional derailment for the purpose of derailing seems exceptionally important and disturbing to me...and the stuff the right talks about, to me, seems so transparent, shallow, and fact free (but with double the emotion).

In my worldview, it seems clearly and blindingly obvious whats going on and why...and yet, you have almost equal amounts of people saying that the right talking points are more important and worthy of the spotlight than the left. It makes no sense to me and makes me start to question my sanity...maybe hypocracy and the sole action to create a self destruct government really isn't a big deal...maybe simple jingoistic nonsense truely is on the grand scheme of things a more worthy topic to follow. I often do question why I follow the things I follow, and I believe I have a rational and reasonable methodology for my system of beliefs, however maybe my mind is soo twisted that it would appear that way to begin with and I am really just being an idiot.

Its a sense of unreality thats hitting me lately when I turn on the television. At least in the Clinton years, the right did occasionally make sense to me, and the final effect when they ran the house/senate and the left ran the white house, things were working really well...I just cant seem to twist (or untwist) my outlook enough to see how this new dynamic is even potentially anything less than insane.

yep, time to question my own sanity, since "they" seem to all agree that they are the sane of us has to be wrong.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by nh_ee

Well remember at one point under junior's regime there were those on the right who said that disagreeing with them was treasonous.

I am still not sure that it has anything to do with Obama's least on the congressional level...its just a matter of very sore losers...after all they held congress from 93 to 06 and barely lost it then and had the presidency for 8 I said they tend to think that they have the right to rule.

I have a feeling that this coming November will be a blood bath for both parties...we may very well see the largest number of incumbents fall ever. What they will be replaced with though is another question. I certainly don't wanna see people backed by the tea party in there...rigid ideology is the problem as it is...

We do not need more of it.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:33 PM
I like rachel maddow when she was on Air America (RIP). The other night she trashed Tom Tancredo for his remark about literacy tests to vote. Her quick quip about that was - "that was what the jim crow laws were about, trying to keep blacks from voting"? SO RACHEL - does mean you think that blacks are still mostly illiterate and would be unable to pass such a test? If that isn't a racist remark I don;t know what is.
Tancredo was actually reffering to immigrants who refuse to learn the english language. I agree, if you can't learn the native language then you cannot be an informed voter.
Rachel Maddow is just another popinjay who wouldnt have a show if were not for relentless criticism of someone. Pretty much like every other talking head on TV.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

a star for you. that was an excellent way of making that point.

OP, listen....what you are up in arms about is more of a "business as usual". What you have with that Maddow video is someone who just found a way to present the information in a way that resonates. But the phenomena being described are business as usual.

Do you believe that either party is different? Really? Because to me, the sameness is stupifying. Even the "Tea Bag" movement....stupifying. The Tea Baggers are pissed because of the SCOTUS decision to allow corporate money. Why? Isn't that decision exactly counter to what the Tea Baggers represent? Has anyone even considered it? Not likely.

But back to the topic...consider the sameness of the party's. Take war, specifically the war in Afghanistan. Was Obama not talking about drawing the wars to a close? If so, then why in his first year has he had more predator drone attacks that GW had in 8 years? Oh, i get it...he is less "hawkish" because he took 3 months to decide to send troops to Afghanistan. LOL, very peace loving, that Obama. Meanwhile, while he was making a political point out of it for his voting base, the in place soldiers over there had to continue struggling without support.

I am a fiscal conservative/constitutionalist. There is no party to represent me, unfortunately. I can choose between the Dems (tax and spend) or the GOP (don't tax, but spend). From where i stand, the GOP being obstructionist can only be made better by the Dems doing the same when the POTUS flips in 2012 (please no palin, please no palin, please no palin). Just about every decision that either party makes is rife with special interest and pork, and not worth gaining passage. The less that they can do, the better our country will be.

The solutions are plentiful and startling. But they are ignored by everyone. One really good one is to institute a flat tax. With this one move you can create greater revenue, and reduce overhead by several million. No more IRS, and revenue is tied directly to GDP. If they can keep GDP high, tax revenue will remain high. If they can be consistent, then they can forecast, and create a budget more effectively. This also would allow for greater transperancy as we would all be able to tell what the annual tax revenue should be, and can then question expenditures on a line item basis.

Why aren't simple solutions instituted? Especially when the Dems have a majority?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:58 PM
Gotta lobe a Liberal Lesbian Democrat on MSNBC eh?

I just love her & MSNBC, mostly because they don't only report the news (as biased as it is) they aslo make fun of a lot of people and it's quite entertaining.

I did watch the segment last night and this will strike a cord with those who watch MSNBC.

I can truly say that I dont' think this has been made to purposely make the Republican's look bad. It's just pure and simple truth. They just DO NOT want to cooperate at all.

It's really unfortunate that this kind of partisan feeling exists in the most crucial time for your country.

America must rise from her ashes or forever remain divided and weak. The red team are keeping that from happening.


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

And what is wrong with being a liberal lesbian Democrat on MSNBC...

Like is somehow different than being a conservative homophobe Republican on false news?

Given the choice between Maddows and say glenn beck...I much prefer least she is intelligent and doesn't make things up.

She was not making fun of anyone...just pointing out an ugly truth...and letting their own words damn them.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
reply to post by tothetenthpower

And what is wrong with being a liberal lesbian Democrat on MSNBC...

Like is somehow different than being a conservative homophobe Republican on false news?

Given the choice between Maddows and say glenn beck...I much prefer least she is intelligent and doesn't make things up.

She was not making fun of anyone...just pointing out an ugly truth...and letting their own words damn them.

I'm a gay liberal, and if I were an American, I'd probably be a Democrat. It was a compliment trust me my friend

Sorry if it came off as rude, I was just pointing out it's quite rare to see something like that on television.

It's one of the reasons I like MSNBC, they let people be who they are.

Unlike CNN. Poor Anderson Cooper has had to play straight for like 10 years.


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Well, if that isn't one of the saddest things I have ever seen.

"Damn the country, Obama must fail"

This is butthurt to a whole new level. What is wrong with the Republicans?
The country is in need and all they can do is say no. Obama isn't a bad president, he's stuck with a timid majority and ideals of bipartisanship in the midst of an opposition driven by hate. I'd love to see anyone defend these hypocritical republicans, they probably will use ad hominems against Maddow and the MSM.

This is the best ivé read today..just wish more americans had a brain to actually this fellow..more like this

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

argumentum ad hominem

Called it in my first post.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:55 PM
Just what do think there is to cooperate with? Get a clue, capitulation is not cooperation. Why should we cooperate with the imposition of a fascist state? Republicans are OBLIGATED to oppose him. His "health care" policy sucks, his take over of 2/3s of the domestic auto industry is straight up socialism. His attempt to control 17% of the GDP is fascist (read the definition). He hasn't got a clue about world politics. I thought Bush was naive but at least he realized that you have to take the world as it comes, not as you think it should be. I thought Bush was a crap president but obama tops him on all counts. He's arrogant at best and condescending at best. Are you really happy with a prez who bashes the US every chance he gets? He has categorically stated he wants to redistribute wealth. He surrounds himself with a cadre of people who believe they are the anointed ones and fully believe you should have no say in how you live your life. If you truly believe obama has any viable answers you're living in a fool's paradise. There is nothing to cooperate with.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:56 PM
While this is no suprise for the GOP, hypocisy has been their name for some time now, I doubt the Dems, many of them, are any different. They held majority for 1 year and a half and it became evident that even within that party there were those politicians only interested in their own political welfare, not those of their constituents.

So, please dont "look towards the dems" to do anything. Both parties have been corrupted within. Its a damn shame.

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