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New Released Pictures from a Police Helicopter

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posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Sean48
Ya so..

That explains a partial collapse on the affected floors, don't explain a free fall

from every floor below..

You slept through Physics class, didn't you?

You had hundreds of tons of building above the impact point on both towers. Once the damaged floors failed that section of the building started falling. Since Kinetic Energy is a function of the SQUARE of the velocity, the falling floors easily overloaded the floors below the impact point.

Try this. Take a styrofoam cup, turn it upside down and set it on the floor. Take a brick and set it on the cup's bottom. The cup will hold brick's weight. Now lift that brick 1/8 of an inch off of the bottom of the cup and drop the brick.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by JIMC5499]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by JIMC5499

Try this. Take a styrofoam cup, turn it upside down and set it on the floor. Take a brick and set it on the cup's bottom. The cup will hold brick's weight. Now lift that brick 1/8 of an inch off of the bottom of the cup and drop the brick.


Didn't have a styrofoam cup, so I used a Tin Pail, More in line with the real

Strenght of the building anyway.

It dented the pail on one side , and fell off to the side .

Isn't that what the physics says it would do


posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Sean48

The point comes across better with the styrofoam cup. It is actually more representative of the building. The point that I'm trying to make is that once those upper floors started moving, all bets were off. As they fell the mass of the floors that they collapsed was added to the overall mass of the falling debris. This increased the Kinetic Energy of the collapsing debris, as a result intact floors were overwhelmed and the over all speed of the collapse increased. It wasn't free fall, but by the time it reached the bottom of the towers, it was pretty close.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
I always wanted to know how its possible for new pictures to be released after almost a decade...with what right does anyone harbor these pictures?

They weren't new pictures. They were taken on 9/11 by NYPD helicopters. They were the property of the New York City Police Department and they don't like to release *any* photos on the grounds that they are usually considered crime scene photos.

Probably the only reason these were released is becuase the subject matter made them historical artifacts, more than it did crime scene photos.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Interesting how these institutions keep things like this for so long I am surprised that the NYPD did not fight the FOIA request.These pics are interesting indeed.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Ulala
I've always wanted to know one thing.

The second last photo in the Daily Mail link, bottom left hand side, the ash almost seems fountain-like in the way it's being created then falling, how was that explained ?

This is known as a "pyroclastic flow". Until 911 it had only been observed emanating from either erupting volcanoes or nuclear explosions.

Never before or since has a steel framed building collapsed from a fire, and never before has anything other than a volcano or a nuke bomb created a pyroclastic flow.. Yet, on that magical day, it happened not just once, but several times. Yet never again has it occurred. Hmmmm. Lucky for those "islamofascists" they picked the magical day in history when laws of physics were taking the day off.

It's just another one of the hundreds of things that should raise warning flags in everyone's mind yet somehow doesn't.

Here's a picture of a volcano. Note how similar it looks.

It is also termed a "pyroclastic density current" when associated with a nuke bomb. Look at this: canchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1203839418&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=2afa92916076d9d29ced39f1530e926a< br />
Note how the dust cloud from the WTC seemed to burst upwards, flowing like a fountain of dust, up, away and then downwards.

Now can any of you "debunkers" explain what caused this pyroclastic flow? On what planet does floors "pancaking" on each other reduce thousands of TONS of concrete to a fine dust, and cause it to spurt upwards and then flow outwards like water?

More to the point, what caused the PULVERISATION INTO DUST of most of the building?

And what caused the 48 giant central columns to just melt into slag?

Someone want to crunch the numbers on exactly how much steel is in 48 1100 foot tall steel columns, and how much heat it would take to melt them? I doubt it.

Don't think about it. The buildings collapsed. Now get on with your lives. Pay your taxes, collateral. You owe us lots of money forever. Let us worry about what happened, who did it, and what we will do next. JUST GIVE US YOUR MONEY.

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