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Giant bizarre deep sea fish filmed in Gulf of Mexico (with footage)

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Extraordinary footage of a rarely seen giant deep sea fish has been captured by scientists. Using a remotely operated vehicle, they caught a rare glimpse of the huge oarfish, perhaps the first sighting of the fish in its natural setting. The oarfish, which can reach 17m long, has previously only been seen on a few occasions dying at the sea surface, or dead washed ashore......


It's really a wonderful fish. Look at the movements of his fins. Looks a bit like the "Flying Serpent" seen in space, or a far larger version of this so called "rods".

I wanted to post this as news, but it's to old.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:35 AM
That's amazing. Great thread. Just goes to show that there is still plenty of stuff that we don't know about our planet.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:39 AM
Here is a nice picture I just found:

[edit on 10-2-2010 by cushycrux]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:44 AM
What a beautiful creature!

Look at the elegance of how it moves. Beautiful!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:48 AM
The oscillation in this creature which enables movement, reminds me of the flying "rods" which have been captured on film - flying through the air at mega speed. photos/ig/Paranormal-Photo-Gallery/rainbow_rods1_lg.htm&h=360&w=480&sz=20&tbnid=1NoN-jyBrapJCM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drods&hl=en&usg=__X MMIJE0C6HVdZ28xHbs3UDjeYxs=&ei=3bhyS9-cHpX-0gSC0qSsDQ&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=8&ct=image&ved=0CB4Q9QEwBw

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:05 AM
really nice info,
that fish reminds me too about the "sky serpents".

Always glad to see new stuff on this earth.
a little off-topic, I hope to see achaeological trips to the
botton of the sea, who knows what we may find there, 1/4
of the Earth is land, the rest water. Our world has clearly two faces,
and one of them is engulfed in darkness...


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by suziwong
The oscillation in this creature which enables movement, reminds me of the flying "rods" which have been captured on film - flying through the air at mega speed. photos/ig/Paranormal-Photo-Gallery/rainbow_rods1_lg.htm&h=360&w=480&sz=20&tbnid=1NoN-jyBrapJCM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drods&hl=en&usg=__X MMIJE0C6HVdZ28xHbs3UDjeYxs=&ei=3bhyS9-cHpX-0gSC0qSsDQ&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=8&ct=image&ved=0CB4Q9QEwBw

I once saw a show where a guy shook a bush full of moths at night & filmed it. The result was a swarm of 'rods' caught on film. By adjusting the film speed, it was made clear that the rods were ordinary insects. Sorry.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:29 AM
It appears to be an Oarfish.

Another photo of an oarfish.

Very cool video! I love the grace and beauty of this creature. Still don't want to meet with one in the sea. Nope.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:47 AM
ther eis an amazing photo of 18 or so marines holding an oarfish body they captured i The Mekong some time during the Vietnam War. Such a creature is believed to be the original of the legendary Thai Naga Serpent, a mythical buddhist beast found in thai murals for hundreds of years.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:52 AM
awesome awesome, but if these fish are so rare, why are scientists capturing them, hope it lives after its capture

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:53 AM
unless they meant captured it on film, then ignore my last reply

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by suicydking

Thanks for the info - I will look into that....but I would say that in the documentary I watched (ages ago) , the amazing thing about them was the speed they moved - well over 100 mph - which the moth theory does not explain

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Here are two more videos about oarfishes:

Living oarfish comes to the surface (California)

Oarfish near surface, appears almost to be invisible:

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by suziwong
reply to post by suicydking

Thanks for the info - I will look into that....but I would say that in the documentary I watched (ages ago) , the amazing thing about them was the speed they moved - well over 100 mph - which the moth theory does not explain

I'm always happy to provide accurate info when I can. Here is some good reading on what I mentioned:
Wikipedia (Rod)

Check the Optical Illusion section, it specifically addresses the insects. As for the speed of the rods:

"...This documentary also addressed claims that rods were capable of flying at speeds impossible for insects, showing that video cameras cannot be used to accurately measure speed if the distance from the lens to the moving object cannot be determined.[2]"

edit: spelling

[edit on 10-2-2010 by suicydking]

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