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Amazing Images of Crop Circles

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:58 PM
and the nail in the coffin:

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 04:04 PM
I don't have to prove a damned thing...the evidence is already well known.
Do your damned homework. The cellular and structural damages found within the nodes and fibers of the vegetation, cannot be replicated by any known sciences of man. This is a fact!

When crops are trampled down, they are irregularly bent, and snapped in half.
They are not woven inside the affected areas like a true circle always have.

The evidence also has shown, deep root and chemical anomalies that so far, haven't been explained.

I think I must be dealing with a 13 year old idiot, who refused to read any information on many of the professional crop circle web sites.

Now you explain this one...crop circle formations are found in swampy marshy areas.
They are found in sand.
They are seen in the oceans, only not as complex.
They have been spotted in snow.
There has been documented evidence, of tree tops being affected near crop circles...

All of this is your morons with boards, cavorting all over the world? HA!

The designs getting the most coverage, are the ones in green fields of crops...
but they are not the only places where they show up...

you have failed the course. ( I )

You come here and take a dump, leaving a pile a stinking conspiracy claims supported by nothing but conjecture and hoax. Then you tell those who don't buy your asinine theory, to prove it? I'm sorry, but the burden of proof is on you, not us.

Go to Google, and key in Crop Circle history. Do your homework! So far you shown us nothing new. Same old, same old. This topic has been brought up dozens of times here on ATS...research it. Like I wrote, I don't have to prove a thing...the evidence is already against you.

I am finished with this... time to move on to something worth my time. You have not won anything in this argument. Just that your troll perhaps...

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 04:05 PM
maybe op ,, you just havent seen this video wihh an open mind---- then it your mind might be allowed to sw---wway your belief and offer a little of realiseing mi5/mi6 involvement.

and a link to more goodies

[edit on 2/9/2010 by dashar]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 04:12 PM
Cool pictures, i hope we see more of them.

It´s amazing what man can do, i´m under the impression that most of the ´crop circles´supposedly made by UFO´s are really just man-made.

I don´t believe ´all´ of the crop circles are man-made, then again, cool pictures.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Thanks for posting these... They're awesome ! That leaf is amazing. Never get tired of "art" like this, no matter who, when, how and why

[edit on 10-2-2010 by flymetothemoon]

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