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My Evil Dell

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Yes the title is an acronym.

I'm ready to believe my computer is truly evil. Last summer after taking some
photos in the backyard and loading them to my pics (windows). I noticed in one of
the shots. In the not so far distance, a perfectly referenced UFO. I actually had
my first photo of a metallic daytime craft. With roof tops and telephone poles.

I didn't even know it was there until I uploaded it. When I showed my wife her
jaw fell open in disbelief. She was my worse skeptic beyond ridicule before that.
I was so proud of that pic, for at least four hours. That night when the wife got
home, she tried to email it to a friend of hers at work.

All that is left of the photo is a blown up version that is just blue sky and craft. I have tried and tried to find the oriuginal in this machine that it has to be
somewhere. I have even uploaded a few different programs trying to find it.
Spent so much time running searches that it would be insane to look even
one more time.

I have called off the search. Here is what's left.


I swear it's like this evil machine knows I valued that one photo and is holding it
hostage. That's the oddest part, it has never happened to any other photo. Only
to the only photo I really gave a crap about. I find it unbelievable and unacceptable, but here I am, that was 6 mos ago. I can't blame my wife, because she could not have done such a thorough job of gettiing rid of it, if she was to try.
She already feels like it was her fault, I say no way, it has to be in there.
Because it was in there.

That's not all there is to this by a far cry. I feel like Franklin sometimes with this,
this machine. It's like, it's mocking me.
You know, The Twilight6 Zone.

I swear it gets in moods. As you can see I don't have a problem uploading photos
to ATS. Well the other day I decide to upload this one photo I have in "my
pictures". The evil dell will just have none of it. I tested what I was doing and
was able to load any other pic. Not the only one I wanted to load. Oh no, no
fn way. Uh uhhh. As if it was saying something like.

"You know what pal? You think you can have me jumping through whoops for you all the time! Well I'm sick of you.You don't know anything about me. This time what you want ain't happening". CRAZY! But if it said that to me, I wouldn't be shocked at all. That's how bad it is.

It's getting to the point that I'm afraid, one of these days, the wife will come home from work, to find me about to be choked out, as the death match has finally
ensued between man and machine.

It really is nutty.
I hope there are others who have at least something simalar to ad. I hear people
say all the time that computers are evil. I use to laugh. Now I'm starting to listen.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Almost nearly on topic, thought you might appreciate this -

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by moocowman

Almost nearly on topic, thought you might appreciate this -

I'd call that on topic for sure Moocow.Lmao

That's pretty good

Thank you for that.
There's some genuine humorists on these boards to say the least.
I owe you one pard.
Set myself up perfectly for that huh?
Right on time. To funny

[edit on 9-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Maybe your computer spots bogus UFO pics and deletes them....

I wish mine would.

(all in good fun randyvs)

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Lol, I have a Dell myself it's nearly as old as my ex mother in law and yes things do seem to disappear off it never to be seen again.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:39 AM
I've had this same issue (well, not exact). A program that is absolutely fantastic is Google Picasa here's a link:

It will show you all the images on your system, there's an option to 'Search your system' (not exact wording but essentially the same thing).

[edit on 2/9/2010 by Anesthesia]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Signals

Well if that's it then it went over board.
I won money on the Saints though thanks to you.

So it isn't just me or mine then. That's good to know , I wonder what's up with that? I have had this one since 04 also.
Resurrected twice

[edit on 9-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Anesthesia

I've had this same issue (well, not exact). A program that is absolutely fantastic is Google Picasa here's a link:

Well the plot does thicken. That is the exact program I had when the photo disappeared , Trip out. I got rid of it even though I wasn't sure it was responsible. I 'll have to bring it back now that you said that thanks.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:51 AM
this morning, I turned on my desktop Dell. It loaded a Blue screen with an error message.I phone Dell customer support, they say i need to get a copy of windows XP and start up again. This means Im going to lose over 2 years worth of work. Thousands of samples and recordings.

Im hoping there's some way of saving it, dell can no longer help me, so I'm taking it somewhere to see if it can be salvaged.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:51 AM
this morning, I turned on my desktop Dell. It loaded a Blue screen with an error message.I phone Dell customer support, they say i need to get a copy of windows XP and start up again. This means Im going to lose over 2 years worth of work. Thousands of samples and recordings.

Im hoping there's some way of saving it, dell can no longer help me, so I'm taking it somewhere to see if it can be salvaged.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:51 AM
I put all my pics on photobucket and my backup drive just in case they end up getting deleted.

On the Dell issue. I bought a dell once. I usually build my own computers but i thought i would give them a chance. I got my new dell in the mail and and fired it up. It worked grewat for about a week. The only thing i did with it was online gaming. (Everquest). No internet surfing no porn no dounloading of anything except got everquest patches. After a week it started acting weird. It would freeze up constantly and i would have to cold boot it.
Sometimes it would take several boots to actually start up. The problem was getting worse so i decided to send it back to dell. After they recieved it they called my on the phone to tell me the problems. Hard Drive and mothorboard were screwed up.
Thats normal. It happens to the best of them. I decided i didn't want the computer and was going to build my own. I was still in my 30 day window where i could return it no questions asked.
10 Years later im trying to buy a house. And on my credit report it says i still owe dell 2 grand.
So to make a long story short i had to pay them for a computer i had returned or i could not buy my house.

And i will never buy a dell product again.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:54 AM
I forgot to add. I do allot of outdoor photography. That UFO pic you have looks exactly like some of my pics as a bird flys through them. Looks like a pigeon or a turtle dove in yours judging by the colors.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:55 AM
I've recently been on the lookout for a certain photo I knew was on my pc, but couldn't find it. I was able to find it by doing a search on my hard drive. I went into search, chose pictures,music and video and then there's a spot to type in part of the file name. Since I didn't remember, I typed in .jpg and looked through 14 thousand photos that were on my hard drive.

I found the photo.

Ps. I also have a Dell.

PPs. I'll bet you won't be able to find this thread it was moved to bts.

Good luck!

[edit on 9-2-2010 by virraszto]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Darkice19

On the Dell issue. I bought a dell once. I usually build my own computers but i thought i would give them a chance. I got my new dell in the mail and and fired it up. It worked grewat for about a week. The only thing i did with it was online gaming. (Everquest). No internet surfing no porn no dounloading of anything except got everquest patches. After a week it started acting weird. It would freeze up constantly and i would have to cold boot it.
Ever since I stopped down loading games, I have no issues with mine. Save the "personality conflicts'. for mentioned.

i do run the casinos alot with no problem. No porn though.

Thanks for the tip.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by virraszto

I'll bet you won't be able to find this thread it was moved to bts.
Wonder why they moved it. I was in science and tech wasn't I?

I prolly should have put it in paranormal.

Guess I just won't put up anymore threads. Seems to be the message I'm getting.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:02 AM
There is a program called Pandora Recovery. It's free. You may be able to find that file with it, if it was erased from the system.


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 08:29 AM
I repair computers for a living, and in my considered opinion, Dells are junk from the word go. These people use hardware parts from anywhere, Dells are as different as night and day even the same model. I recently gave away a practically new Dimension, the thing ran alright, but had no PS2 mouse/keyboard ports, only USB, and with a Dell, if you change out RAM or the power supply, better use parts from Dell. I once put an after market power supply in a Dimension and smoked the MB bad. The memory sticks have smaller slots for Dells. Dells do make good paperweights.

A better choice for a production machine would be a E-Machines. I bought a used on for my wife a few years ago, ATS board with Nividia chipset and AMD Semperon 3000+ CPU, SATA capable and support up to 4 Gb of Ram. You can't get that in a Dell. You can also do like I do and build your own computer, here are some links.

Anyone can build a computer that will fly in performance and wow your friends. Look here:

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