posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:10 PM
I wrote this while in the military (in Iraq for the 2nd time) and I figured I would share it with you. It popped into my head after wondering why I/we
were there and what purpose we were really serving.
Terrorist. One word to which a race of people have come to signify. One word that has been used to strike fear into the hearts of man. This
declaration has been both misused and overused by America’s current government administration. The year is 2008 and that expression has been thrown
around for the past 5 years or so, making people cringe in fear at the very mention of it. We use the expression “terrorist” today just as people
used “communist” in the 1960’s. We use the word terrorist as a means to invade and control the regions and people of the Middle East just as we
did in the 60’s with Southeast Asia. Now, as back then, we stand on the brink of global catastrophe because of a single word. The American
government needs its people to fear something. They need us to fear an unforeseen force as justification to enact whatever lies in their best
interests. They would rather do this then to do what was in the citizens’ best interests. Most people in positions of power care only for themselves
and what they can get, as opposed to what lies in the best interests for the citizens of our country. Americans as a whole never look at or talk about
history, therefore we are doomed to repeat it. Americans also do not see liberty as our founding fathers once did when they drafted the Constitution
and the Declaration of Independence. We as a people, and those in seats of government, are more interested in twisting the constitution into some
perverted wretch of its former self to further their own wants and needs. Civics is no longer mandatory in the public school system, so many of
today’s youth do not even understand democracy, the very way our government is supposed to run. It is human nature to abuse power when left
When the cold war ended, the government had no enemies to buildup the American people’s fear of some unforeseen force that was ready to invade
our country at some unknown time in the future. The government needs a terrifying internal or external threat to control its people