posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 01:20 PM
Wow, some people aren't reading the other forums-- we've discussed NEAT in detail in the "Science and Technology" forum-- go check it out. There
is a great thread called "Comet is coming fast and huge!!!" that will give you links to all info.
I have been quite suspicious about this tape of the astronauts. How in the hell can a video tape survive an uncushioned re-entry? Most of the
playbacks of the tape that I have seen show a "normal" plasma eruption of some sort, outside of the window. Obviously an attempt to pull at the
heartstrings of the world, I sense that this tape may be another piece of the puzzle.
The allegations that NASA had good reason to believe that the mission was going to go badly... the first Israeli astronaut on board... Comet NEAT
receiving a high-five from our Sun... Orange level terror alerts...HAARP/Scalar technology going into overdrive... Imminent war in Iraq & N.Korea...
Bush putting something in the budget about finding aliens that DO exist... increased FEMA activity... talk of a cataclysm coming in May...what if NEAT
was a delivery vehicle, and the 'debris' that we will experience is actually an alien landing or invasion?