posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Godwill
Well this is where the ethical dilema comes in. Im a man. I can tell alot about the intentions of other men by intimate knowlege of body language,
expression, tension. I do all this faster than the speed of sound, with one glance. No matter how good a machine might be, theres no way they can ever
be as acutely aware of another beings intentions as another human. In that scenario then , a man walks down the street, hes armed, but not pointing a
gun at me or anyone else, just approaching. Now me , I would ask the guy what his game is, but a machine would just see the gun, see the advancing guy
, and think "Deletion Protocol Active...Initiating".... BANG! Potential ally gets his brain pan remodeled , and all because a machine cannot truely
tell what a persons intent is from his body language.
Another thing. Military commanders are prone to giving orders which quite frankly are moraly unjustifiable , and do not provide enough respect for
innocent life (example "Theres like five terrorists in this building, and fifty four non combatants"...."Yeah blow the building up, screw the
occupants. Shouldnt be letting the heavily armed, dangerous men in if they want to avoid a bombing!"). If the order is so utterly disgusting that a
soldier, no matter how damaged, or covered in the blood of his allies might be, cannot carry it out, then guess what? Now the soul dead leaders of men
can just order a spiritless , heartless , cold, calculating deathmachine to do the deed instead. A death machine which has a deletable memory, no
family to pay off in the event of death or injury, no psychotherapy to pay for, no clothing, or medical supplies, or even food. Just bullets and spare
tracks for these guys.