Society-wide depression has struck America. Why it's happened and what we can do about it.
An unnatural economic and psychological disaster has struck America. Five contributors, each interacting with and shaping the others, have devastated
the American moral, economic, psychological, and social landscape. Each is fed by related streams, but each contributes its own force to the
This is something I think about every day. People revolt all over the world, people protest. Some people give their lives for a cause. America,
however, seems to just be going with the flow.
"Well, I lost my job and my house...oh well. I need another plan."
"I lost my house, because I got ripped off by the banks"
"Our Tax Dollars fund bailouts for banks that screwed us."
How did we get to this point? Sure we blog on the internet about how injustice is running rampant. We curse at the TV when we turn on CNN. We
Yeah...I said it. We are whiners.
The American dream in which each generation surpassed the previous generation in real wages has all but disappeared, along with dreams of an intact
family, a steady job, a home, and an honest supportive community.
Lets shed some light on this situation. Lets bring in some factors as to why we are the way we are. The psychology, if you must:
The Dying of the Economic Dream
Let us look at our history in order to understand what happened. From 1820-1970, the United States experienced a unique period of ever-increasing
prosperity. For 150 years, U.S. salaries rose together with ever-increasing worker productivity. For 150 years, each generation was able to afford a
better standard of living than the generation that preceded it. That was the American dream.
But now we are getting poorer. Everyone used to compete for American Markets. That causes outsource for American Jobs.
Our culture promotes consumption. Consumption equals happiness. Equals status. America's self worth, is gauged by your paycheck's worth.
But consumption, and status has been so blown out of proportion that we can no longer feed our needs for consumption.
What about personal crisis? Family crisis?
When we got to the point that the male of the family's wages were cut, because of outsourcing, women were forced to join the workforce. In fact,
there was a surge in the last 60 years.
Without a stay at home mother, families were forced to use day care. Dry cleaners. Tailors. Take out food.
See, the earnings they make pay for all of these things, because they are not there, at home... to assist.
Now, your family is trapped. A hamster wheel of economics.
Enter: The Credit card.
Since we are constantly on the hamster wheel economics, we are forced to borrow money. This is another part of your trap.
Now, you have both parents working. They cant keep up with just their wages, so now they borrow money. The money borrowed with intrest creates more
Now youre in the cycle we are all a part of today.
Goodbye, american dream.
Next step.
Americans' Increasing Isolation from One Another
Since the 70's there has been overwhelming social decline.
When was the last time you had a dinner party?
Went to a blood drive?
Hosted a PTA meeting?
With the isolation we have put ourselves in, we are hurtiing ourselves deeply. Since the 70's, the surge in self-help groups has been phenomenal.
Same with prescription anti-depressants.
What causes us to disconnect?
The internet?
Are we too busy?
Too much TV?
So now we are broke. We are in debt. We are disconnected from our family. We are disconnected from social and civil interaction. The hamster wheel
spins, and we are tired of running in it.
The Drugging of America
This is the numbing of Americans with psychotropic drugs. In 2006, Americans, who make up approximately 6 percent of the world's population, consumed
66 percent of the world's supply of antidepressants. In 2002, more than 13 percent of Americans were taking Prozac alone. Prozac is one of thirty
available antidepressants. Anti-anxiety drugs, such as Zoloft, are so widely prescribed that in the year 2005, the $3.1 billion sales of Zoloft
exceeded the sales for Tide detergent.
I write here on ATS, constantly about this subject. I am very passionate about it.
I want you to watch cable/network TV for 2 hours, and tell me you didnt see a drug commercial.
I would love for you to tell me that. But the fact is, you probably WILL see a drug commercial.
Asthma. Sadness. Anxiety. Restless Leg syndrome. Penis is broken. Fibromyalgia. Blood pressure. Allergy. Pain. Depression. Birth Control.
Name a condition, and I have see a commercial for it. You have to. So this is how we cope? Everyone has their own view about this subject. You see the
stats. Agree or not.
If someone used these tactics as a battle strategy, to destroy our nation.......they'd win.
Can America be fixed? We are broke, broken, hopeless, afraid of the government and ON DRUGS.
Our environment breeds these things. Everything is a commercial. Everything is and ad. EVERYTHING IS A DISTRACTION or a coping mechanism.
Advertising creates omnipresent images of happiness accessed though products that relate to sexual attractiveness. The sexy woman rides in the man's
sleek new car. The virile man drives a big truck and smokes Marlboros. Multibillion-dollar industries such as the diet, cosmetic, and fashion
industries promote products to enhance sexual attractiveness
What you and I seem to be, fellow Americans:
Distracted. brainwashed. broke. sad. In debt. thoughtless. careless. apathetic. hopeless. washed out. washed up. disconnected. disinformed.
misinformed. money focused. egocentric. status cravers. hippocrites. liars.
The upper 2% of rich people just so happen to be our leaders. Our celebrities. They dont care about you. They dont care about Us. We, on ATS are some
real thinkers. We know we are lied to. We know everything is a sham.
But the general public, do not. There is nothing "average" about the people here that post on a regular basis. We are creative, thoughtful, open
minded individuals.
What do we do? What can we do?
How do we get the general public to be outraged? Is this a hopeless battle?
Your thoughts, ATS'ers?
ote sources/Layout article
[edit on 7-2-2010 by InertiaZero]