posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:55 AM
I have a post under the gov't military project which is on the first page. Which also explains.
Before 9-11, I posted quite alot on MTV board. too much infact, to get their attention. Then i did not know but now I know they have paid posters
from gov't, from all different interests, and hackers from gov't and all sorts of hackers lurking. Plus I did not have a firewall.
One more thing, I have no evidence to back up. I found this site accidentally, and I was trying to found out if it discussed anything like my
You might say what I experienced was just a coincidence, but it is not. Because I was spending so much time on MTV board, I saw too many strange
things involving me private information. Like a car I drove before, Acura, and piano...stuff. And they knew the sites I visited what I did on my
computer 2 or 3 years ago. Now this is all maybe routine and harmless now I think back. worst was yet to come.
I had started to think that they can see me inside my house, whenever I visit that site, they would discuss what I did..something very private
sometimes., that's why I had my was too specific and private to be just mere coincidences.and I have a defect on my face from childhood
accident..One time I was looking at that in my small mirror, and when I went to that site again, they used username which described my defect.
But I wasn't sure this time what was going on. Oh one more thing that happened twice here that later made sense was two weird things.
There was a poster there who had a home page, and I visited his home page and looked at his pictures.
Later that night while I was sleeping I thought I was and sensed somebody like him lying behind me.....trying do...enter my behind.I can feel
it..but it felt more is too disgusting to explain...but now I look back and I know that they did not succeed was because I never had that
experience. It sounds so crazy but they can make you feel things that you have felt..that is if your nerves or brains have memories, or experiences
of it(if you read my other post on gov't project, I talked about it over there)Not only that they can magnify that sensation.
On other night, I was at my brother's house watching hours and hours of Japanese animation. He was alway on a job, and I was watching his house.
Later that night, I was sleeping and I felt cold thing wrapping up my body and i was a animated girl, full version, naked hovering around me, I
screamed , and woke up, and she disappered out the window. But at this time I thought I was just having strange nightmares and did not think to
connect these two events together. Now knowing and experiencing what I did these two events weren't natural... this is nothing compared to what
happened to me after ward now that I look back.
my story is long...I will right more later. Two things I want to summarize here is that,, they can see you inside the house crystal clear without
putting any devices, if they want to,(later I found that they can see you anywhere you go if they want to) and I don't know how they do it..but they
do. Second thing, they can mess with your brain to see and feel things that are just like holygraphs. sounds crazy,,,but it gets crazier later on and
scary too. Have you ever been so scared without a break that you just wanted to end your life? I have experienced that later on. I will post again
They are not increasing their harrassment of me since I am writing here, they probably think that nobody will take me seriously here..,,.