posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:08 PM
"Ignorance is bliss" comes to mind when I read your conclusions, and I almost felt for you when you said that you "touch the cement" and was
relieved from the experience.
Either you believe it or not (and the last is intentional), there is a veil of deception surrounding everyone, I describe this as the mental prison,
and has EVERYTHING to do with the places you dont want to look: spirituality, "aliens" and of course "fringe science".
One of Asimov books contains a short story of a scientist that started to learn new things that no one could, and he noticed it that he immediately
got ill everytime. He literally used the example of bacteria being cultivated in dish full of peniceline on the borders: if you got outside the norm
you die. Of course there is the literary intent of narrative for the short story (he was a great writter), but for those who know what im talking
about it was his way of telling that the truth is hiden outside the confort zone.
Perception plays a great role in everything, and to start out I will give an example: why kids in middle east write their names on bombs to the
enemies? Place yourself there and move backwards in their lives to understand HOW that (abominable) thought got enough strength to be carried out.
I will not even try to convince you of any 'theory'. Im done trying that. I learned the hard way that karma is individual and self-loathing got
anything to do with free will.
Conscience goes where your belief allows it to go.
Beware of that.