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A dream can change everything :)

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:12 PM
its nice you had this experience..i have something similar but i didnt get a dream to make me like that.. thing is since i was really young i have been a really sensitive person, it has just been there. so i have always been living life with alot of awareness and kindness. im never mean to anyone and when i meet new people i genuinely want to know about them etc.(even old people are interesting because of their stories) also when i go into nature or when i pet animals...i get this really good feeling inside of me that i am making a connection with the particular thing or even nature. you could say i "feel" everything around me in a spiritual if im one with the particualr object. (its hard to explain what it feels like..).

one of my biggest fears is never to forget people who are important in my life, i try to keep as much contact as i can as i am afraid that one day when im old and i will remember the young times....and i wont know where they are...and the only image i will have of them will be when i saw them..i wont know what they look like or if they are alive and they will be lost in time.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:18 PM
well as fatality started this so i will add some words also to this.

I can understand that dreams can change the view of everything after they did it with me, so i want tell you that they showed me how the world changed everywhere, the sky was burning from red to white and i could see that in the sight of me where everything was destroyed, buildings and skyscraper lost their windows and plants took everything back.

This was just one of the few lucid dreams i got that shocked me every time when i woke up, it took time to understand why and when they all come to someone, its not that difficult i noticed that if people are in balance with himself and the nature then they are sensitive to negative emotion that are threatening the live of himself or the loved ones.

You need to know that dreams aren't illusions they trying to tell you which path is save for you or for others and i aware that i am not the only one that get dreams like Fatality, lots of people around the world have them they just don't know what they are.

I know that something will come soon, you maybe too but i think you still don't believe it because its to hard to leave everything back what you have it will be easy for those that have less then the ones that have to much, this is why you see the world changing dramatically.

Thanks for reading and may be your dreams always be positive to you.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by imans

My God that was like watching an electrical short circuit occur in a paragraph. What in the world are you talking about? You expect someone who is in their 20s to understand the secrets of the universe? Why don't you just tell us if you know so much, but you don't, you are just babbling like the rest of us, at least we know we are babbling. And maybe you do too.

Someone makes an inspiring post especially to be so young, and you bash it citing the ultimate nature of the universe. That from some perspective what he is doing is not important, from that perspective what you are doing is not either.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:33 PM
That was totally awesome. Sorry to make a short post, but that is all I can say. It was a really beautiful experience. Thank you for sharing it.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:08 PM

"Ignorance is bliss" comes to mind when I read your conclusions, and I almost felt for you when you said that you "touch the cement" and was relieved from the experience.

Either you believe it or not (and the last is intentional), there is a veil of deception surrounding everyone, I describe this as the mental prison, and has EVERYTHING to do with the places you dont want to look: spirituality, "aliens" and of course "fringe science".

One of Asimov books contains a short story of a scientist that started to learn new things that no one could, and he noticed it that he immediately got ill everytime. He literally used the example of bacteria being cultivated in dish full of peniceline on the borders: if you got outside the norm you die. Of course there is the literary intent of narrative for the short story (he was a great writter), but for those who know what im talking about it was his way of telling that the truth is hiden outside the confort zone.

Perception plays a great role in everything, and to start out I will give an example: why kids in middle east write their names on bombs to the enemies? Place yourself there and move backwards in their lives to understand HOW that (abominable) thought got enough strength to be carried out.

I will not even try to convince you of any 'theory'. Im done trying that. I learned the hard way that karma is individual and self-loathing got anything to do with free will.

Conscience goes where your belief allows it to go.
Beware of that.


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Thank you for sharing your interesting dream, this reminded me of some of the dreams that have led me to question some of the things about what is consciousness - what can be regarded as self etc.

What struck me as interesting about these kinds of experiences - and what is actually quite important when thinking about the realness of these experiences and the nature of these experiences is overall - is that one can (usually after this kind of state) remember - not remembering.

That is something that is actually quite weird, since if we were somehow parted or separate from our energies and the experiencefield, we experience now (as memorable things etc.), then we should not remember the experience of not remembering - the helplessness of not understanding what is going on, and that part where we do not remember anything at all (not even our own name) - unless we actually experienced it whilst [..somehow..] connected to those parts of us that are active when remembering - perhaps that was just a state of not accessing those parts in our body / sort of dream paralysis - or something that comes as a sideproduct of training ones self to see lucid dreams ( something that comes as a byproduct of trying to stay conscious whilst sleeping..).

A point of perceiving things without having controll over our memory - for example, that part of brain would be falling into deep state of relaxation that handles remembering and memories ( but we are consciously aware ) -> that would be simply experienced as "not remembering anything" and perceiving it from the consciousness point of view.

..and by this I don't mean to disprove anything, and that this experience would not be similar to consciousness parting ways with material body lifetime experience (as a vessel to consciousness that is feeling), but just wished to share few ideas.

Personally I have had lucid dream experiences ever since I was a child, and this is why this subject and the question about self - for example - have allways fascinated me.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Jussi]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Novise

your god, he could be only twenty but he is just talking about a dream that he invented all the story, and it is obviously clear to any honest eyes that are not only in the net meaning politics powers business or economics ones
and you know there is nothing there that need to be old to say it, even a ten year old child can make up story better than this one

and what i am to you say nothing about what he is or what you are, and since it is has nothing to do with the issue here so keep it to yourself opinion im not interested to hear your thoughts about me

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Hi. First time poster.

Interesting dream you had there.
I had a similar dream many years ago..

It was night and I was at a dock or port with a wooden jetty. Some soldier types were searching for me and getting close. I remember feeling terrified.
I tried to hide in the water but they found me and brought me up. I saw a rifle raise and then darkness. Then I started thinking "OMG I'm dead...but if I'm dead how can I still be thinking?" Then I woke up.

The whole thing seemed so real, more than any other dream I've had. I normally have pretty wacky ones, and know it's a dream throughout.
I didn't think it was a life changer but it was shorty after that I began to wonder if there's an afterlife.

Anyway, glad yours had a positive effect on you.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by imans

Assuming he was not fully lucid, he "invented" that story the same way he beats his heart, grows his fingernails, tans his skin, etc. Why attack this? His introspection will lead to greater things, you talking down on him might, but it's unnecessary.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Novise

it is not your affair how things led there, you insist on talking about what is not your business when it is others interactions that dont concern you in anything there

my first post was clearly not saying anything about the lie and made a comment on a general level about the content conclusions, but then he didnt respect my right perspective and meant directly to put it down and obviously from the lie business, so the lie became a living source and not any logical sense or positive means, and this had to be said by me

and believing that dreams or lies can mean anything good is surely all about willing negative infinite existance as the source of yours

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by imans

what is really weird is how everyone seem to enjoy considering the ego of the other as justification of few words that he means to give to his ego also existance energy, it is amazing the politics you held

you are all here saying how it is wonderful what he wrotes what is the problem if someone thinks differently and clearly justify objectively his critics and thoughts
you dont even give any credit to objective justifications, all you care about is hey why did you dare touch the ego of the writer, so you could hurt mine too

everyone has a right of expressions according to himself existance, telling me that i wont get credit for what i am dont mean anything to me when i never mean to give myself anything of what i write, on the contrary i mean always myself out since it is not me

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:38 PM


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:58 PM
None of us are unique little snow flakes, we okay our role in life and take what is given.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by LilBeliever15

And why can't you learn spanish?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Fatality

awesome post! i've recently had a similar experience and came to the same conclusions that you have, and i find that fascinating and also comforting for whatever reason. i can't help but think that we're lucky for having such experiences and i think it's awesome that you've chosen to pass it on.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by imans

Oh I get it you are egoless and anyone who disagrees with you is driven by ego. You are detached from existence so anyone who disagrees with you is obviously sucked in and living a lie. You can't just go around being all smug and then wait for someone to disagree with you, then point at them and say, "Aha! Ego." What is hilarious is how in your infinite wisdom you can't realize that this OP is merely a life experience from a limited perspective, a raindrop. You totally fail to put this all into context. I'm sorry nobody can disagree with you without it being so hard. It's fine to disagree but it's another thing to discourage someone with obviously good intentions who is learning and growing and one of the best contributions of the weekend... lol

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:15 PM
This contrasts my thread, in religious conspiracy's forums...Well done my man!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Novise You are so write, I was thinking the same thing about the reply! I think he must have gone off his meds. , cause he makes no since to anyone but himself that is for sure.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by imans

you need to start using better sentence structure and being a bit more articulate. i haven't understood the meaning of any of your replies, though i get the feeling they're negative for no reason.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Fatality

Sounds more like a break through acid trip than a dream to me. Your "dream" is very similar to ego death experienced by a lot of psyconoughts. There is nothing more profound than having your ego ripped from you, it really forces you to look at yourself in the mirror.

when you are stripped of the ego, you can no longer hide from yourself. You are no longer a brother or a sister, a son or a daughter, a farmer or a soldier, just consciousness in the void.

Thanks for you post, just be aware that the ego is powerful and it tends to bite back hard.

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