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Pink Ouija Board Targeting Young Girls Riles Critics

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:58 PM
Delving into the unknown is no game. Terrible thing to sell to a child, sadly though I am becoming less and less surprised by tales like this! We live in a world where money comes before sense.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra
Firstly, how does one define a "premature" death; if by premature you mean anyone who doesn't live into their 80's then there are hundreds if not thousands of things that cause more premature deaths than Ouija boards.

Secondly, where are these studies that prove Ouija board use is linked to premature births, visitors (paranoid hysteria, sure) and full-fledged hauntings? Especially when taking into consideration that a haunting is something that has yet to be verifiable by recognized scientific methods.

I suggest you take your fear-mongerous conjecture elsewhere.


Premature death is dying before you were supposed to. It does not nessecarily mean the person was supposed to live into their golden years. By playing with this portal you are playing with fire in the most literatal senses.

Premature births are usually triggered when the stress level of the mother is unusally hieghtened to the point where it freaks the person out typically rooted by an external force or entity. A haunting or the sudden appearance of an apparition will cause the mother to go into labour well before the time she's due.

Science will never be able to fully understand hauntings or the appearance of appatition as there are things that science just does not know enough about. In no way in this case is established science the "end all, be all" authourity as science will always try to justify a falsefied or fake excuse just to deny somthing that it can not prove from exsisting. Look at UFO's for example, millions around the world have seen them, hundreds of thousands of hours of docmented footage that is in fact confirmed as a UFO yet there is a segment of our populous that plainly does not believe or could care less about it.

Look at SyFy's Ghost Hunter's USA and Ghost Hunters International as well as other well respeced and recognized haunting detection firms that have the tech to not only detect a presence but can accurately identify it chemically. To say a spirit has never been caputured on either a highly sensitive camera or via evp systems is dead wrong.

I see at least a new shadow or apparition on average of once every 1 - 3 days and it's been consistant since like before 2000 do not try and tell me that it's all fake. In the 3 - 4 weeks before the Haiti quake up until the incident I saw somewhere between 40 - 60 apparatitions.

40% of those you see haven't reported to processing for final judgement and still have unfinished business left on Earth that prohibits them from fully crossing over as if there is something you were supposed to do but didn't it will prevent you from crossing over hence why it's vital to tie up all loose ends and finalize your business on Earth before you die.
30% of all apparitions are usually loved ones who have passed before. 10% are those that are former residents of the house you now reside in who are trapped between planes.
The rest are those who are bent on causing harm to other and evil and demonic forces.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
Premature death is dying before you were supposed to. It does not nessecarily mean the person was supposed to live into their golden years. By playing with this portal you are playing with fire in the most literatal senses.

And who's to say it's premature? Premature supposes that there is a set plan to when someone is to die. We can assume if there is such a thing as predetermined death then it is likely we cannot preempt this; lest we be more powerful than "god" and his plan/fate/destiny what have you.

Regardless, you've no science behind your claims and you missed the point. Ouija Boards don't kill people.

Premature births are usually triggered when the stress level of the mother is unusally hieghtened to the point where it freaks the person out. A haunting or the sudden appearance of an apparition will trigger and cause the mother to go into labour well before the time she's due.

Stress can cause people to go into labor prematurely; whether this stress is cause by a "ghost" or by a delusion caused by a paranoid belief in the supernatural is yet to be proved.

Science will never be able to fully understand hauntings or the appearance of appatition as there are things that science just does not know enough about
which is why they should continue to be studied.

In no way in this case is established science the "end all, be all" authourity as science will always try to justify a falsefied or fake excuse just to deny somthing that it can not prove from exsisting.
Nothing like unsupported belief at all is it?

Look at UFO's for example, millions around the world have seen them, hundreds of thousands of hours of docmented footage that is in fact confirmed as a UFO yet there is a segment of our populous that plainly does not believe.

There are some problems with your example here. UFO's exist, this cannot be argued as, by definition, anything Unidentifiable by an observer, clearly Flying and an Object is a UFO. What people don't believe is the presumptuous notion that UFO == Aliens.

Look at SyFy's Ghost Hunter's USA and Ghost Hunters International as well as other well respeced and recognized haunting detection firms that have the tech to not only detect a presence but can accurately identify it chemically. To say a spirit has never been caputured on either a highly sensitive camera or via evp systems is dead wrong.

You are kidding right? Heat signatures, EVP and "shadow people" are bunk. Cold Spots are THEORY, EVP is rarely what people claim it is and I see shadows everywhere I go, especially when I look through IR cameras. If you can't reproduce results you don't have proof.

I see at least a new shadow or apparition on average of once every 1 - 3 days and it's been consistant since like before 2000 do not try and tell me that it's all fake. In the 3 - 4 weeks before the Haiti quake up until the incident I saw somewhere between 40 - 60 apparatitions.

40% of those you see haven't reported to processing for final judgement and still have unfinished business left on Earth that prohibits them from fully crossing over as if there is something you were supposed to do but didn't it will prevent you from crossing over hence why it's vital to tie up all loose ends and finalize your business on Earth before you die.
30% of all apparitions are usually loved ones who have passed before. 10% are those that are former residents of the house you now reside in who are trapped between planes.
The rest are those who are bent on causing harm to other and evil and demonic forces.

and I'm from a planet orbiting Sirius, but don't ask me to prove it, science doesn't understand enough about aliens for me to do so.

Your claims are conjecture at best, whether YOU are convinced otherwise or not.

[edit on 2/9/2010 by eNumbra]

[edit on 2/9/2010 by eNumbra]

[edit on 2/9/2010 by eNumbra]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by Lophe

Referencing Penn&Teller.
Their show is aptly named.....Cause they are full of #!!! They have an agenda and it's not a good one.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

YEAH DAMN THAT LOGICAL THINKING AGENDA. What a bunch of dumb sensible people, has no room on a forum like ATS.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Hiya PG,
Considering how many ouija boards have been sold and multiplying them by times used and adding x for 'per person''s kinda obvious they don't do anything. Imagine a few million ouija sessions since the late 19th Century?

Looking out the window, I'm not seeing a lot of demon hordes or teenage girls committing blood sacrifice?! How about you?

It seems to me that the guys being scared and trying to scare others are 21st Century misfits. They aren't comfortable in the modern world, their values and beliefs are at least 300 years out of whack. Teenage girls love getting hysterical, they're kids! Adults quoting Bibles and doom and gloom? Meh. This world has room for difference? Sure. The sad thing is that these fear-mongers would like to put us all back 300 years if given the chance.

Hey, K
Well, it seems obvious to me and thee and couple of other folks here.

If the spirits would give out lottery numbers, long shot horses, or which stocks to buy, I’d go dig mine up. But they don’t, so I won’t.

Blindfolded ouija board sessions are the best. The ghosts always seem to be illiterate.

I found this interesting, it was something I hadn’t thought about:

The problem is, Ouija boards (and their "use") are so entrenched in peoples' minds as something you use to contact the dead. They don't think that if they worked they would be used by a multitude of professions, not just 'ghost hunters'. Imagine the ability to settle contested estates and unsolved crimes for a pittance of the usual financial and resource cost!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:48 AM
No research or survey can back this up but do know that the spiritual activity in residences where the portal isn't used or housed in is typically down to a minimum while residences where it is played the activity levels spike drastically typically negative. By briging forth someone as I've said and cannot implore enough is these evil and demonic entities have been known to piggyback on the tail end of the transmission.

Think of it like this, your internet provider is providing a connection to the web right?, virus', spam, spyware, adware typically ride in on something you are seeking correct? Same thing applies here using two totally different items.

Any simple handheld can record the electromagnetic activity in the room as electronincs alone will emit a signal but will remain consistant. Bug the say, tv and leave the crib for like a day, come back, see what's good. The only increases would be say, an alarm clock, tv (only if on a timer to turn on at a preselected time is activated), any 24/7 maintained lights, boiler, hot water heaters (regardless if they are in fact feeding water to you or not it still high revs to maintain pressure on the line it's designated with)

Besides that no other activity would be present. Now, if something buned out or was pulsed that is definately indicitive of a haunting but don't feel violated or even alarmed as it is not a crime. No criminal act was perpretrated in cases like this. Only becomes criminal in the event it in fact can be proven but according to the law I beleive it is defined that a haunting is not a criminal act in no jurisdiction in The USA.

Everything electronical or mechanical as well as every living creature on Earth produces what is called an electronic signature. Every single signature is unique to each entity. This is so minute that most don't either realize it or it hasn't manifested itself yet to the surface to become a risk for something harmful. This is still quite a few years off but the DoD at The Pentagon is in reasearch and development of a weapon detection system that can target something the size of a Jack Russell Terrier using nothing more then the electonical signature being emitted from a standard dog collar as well as using that to lock the weapons guidance system on that signal so it targets that and not the animal. Your personal electromagnetic feild goes like 2 feet in every direction around you.

As others have said for which I fully agree with and can highly commend each for is we do need to be going towards spirituality and the all important and coveted spot into the Eternal Kingdom. I am most definately all for it and do back it not only whole heartedly but fully as well so with that said religion or a communual prayer group is more the way to go in that regard as it's considerably less risky. Although the corporate aspect of all established religion is basically corrupt universally and across the spectrum the local branches and chapters seem to be uniting peole instead of dividing, But under no circumstance is anyone to lose their individuality and to never lose what makes YOU, YOU! The person we all love and care about. Not some detatched robot who only expresses interest or any kind of interaction in others if it can be explotied to recruit for your personal sect.

Remember the following,

The best path to the spiriual realm begins with you. It eventually becomes a give and take but sacrifice reminds you what you have and don't have and to not take it too seriously. No questionable paths as it will always end up bad, very bad.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Lophe

I'm logical. I'm logical enough to know that not all things are knowable. Penn and Teller are not. Their logic only goes as far as to confirm their own personal preconceptions.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 04:07 PM
So, do you have any actual experience with a Ouija board guys?

What happened to make you believe in it or to think it is all bunk?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by YourPopRock
So, do you have any actual experience with a Ouija board guys?

What happened to make you believe in it or to think it is all bunk?



posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Not the most exciting results you had...

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by YourPopRock

Not the most exciting results you had...

Now I get it. I kind of thought this might be the case and you kind of confirmed it. Stories like this thrive on conjecture and rumor. The only thing that keeps them alive is keeping them 'sexy' or "exciting." If a million people gave the same answer as me and one person had some wild story about demons...would you automatically believe them because that one is exciting? I am not sure what you hoped for. I have had mine for decades and it hangs on a wall in this room now. Perhaps demons do not like me?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:25 PM

I am just curious as to what kinds of results people have had with theirs.

My guess is it will be a wide range... from nothing at all happening (pretty much making the board a ripoff) to the anti-christ coming over for a beer!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by YourPopRock

I am just curious as to what kinds of results people have had with theirs.

My guess is it will be a wide range... from nothing at all happening (pretty much making the board a ripoff) to the anti-christ coming over for a beer!

LOL. Ok fair enough. Given that this is ATS, I am sure you are not far off at all. Well enjoy. I am real sorry mine was so uninteresting. I will perform a ritual or ceremony tonight and see if I can't talk some demons into at least peeking out so I have a better story for you. I have had it since I was a kid and used it many times.

I would dare say it is not a rip-off though. I certainly got whatever money was spent on it out of it in entertainment. It always served a purpose at parties in scaring the hell out of friends. Of course there was always someone who tried to move it and if enough people let them get away with it, whoever was left was scared out of their freaking mind!

I could tell you about those kinds of experiences but I am sure that is not what you were looking for so happy hunting and I hope you get some good ones.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Maybe you can do the wierd science ritual... then see if the Ouija board makes a hot 1980's British woman!

Now THAT would be a story!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by YourPopRock

Nah, she was on celebrity fit club a couple seasons back stating she had not had sex in three years because she was so disgusted with her weight gain. I would be using a Ken Doll anyway so who knows what I will get. I will report back if I survive and do not get sucked out the chimney.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:14 PM
Ghost and spirits are fantasy and delusion. Anyone who believes in them is desparate for an afterlife or a heaven.... it is incredibly ignorant to believe that these TOYS have ANY power.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:16 PM
My ex girlfriend had a toy that she claimed had a LOT of power!

(Something about not falling asleep on her or something like that...)

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Don't you dare try and tell me that my magic eight ball is not really a fortune telling machine. I am sure without my rabbit's foot I would be poor, homeless, and ugly now. I also have this little folded up piece of paper that when used correctly will determine who else in your 6th grade class you will end up marrying. This stuff is real!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Why wouldn't someone with a secret agenda market evil to children as a toy?

Heck, remember the Smurfs? Those things HAD to be evil!

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by YourPopRock
Why wouldn't someone with a secret agenda market evil to children as a toy?

Heck, remember the Smurfs? Those things HAD to be evil!

Disney, Barney, Telletubies, all that stuff is evil. Remember Cabbage Patch kids? Evil through and through. They gave me nightmares. I do not doubt that it would happen one bit. I just think that after all these years, the evidence the Ouija board does anything more than the 2 X 4 it is nailed into seems to be lacking.

I do not think you are far off as I imagine most of the people that run the companies that market things to children are probably some damaged individuals and being sadistic and devious does not seem to far out of the realm of probability.

p.s. tsk tsk for falling asleep on her.

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