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Realtime World Statistics...Wow!

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:50 AM
they should also add average(as that's what they use for rest of stats anyway) oil usage per day.
oil used to date ! -- that would be telling how exponentially everything goes.

if this goes that rate as on these charts we will have to start nuking each other just to leave something for survivors

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by reassor

Exactly, you are very correct. The thing that blows me away with these short bus people is the way they get so frazzeled when you point out simple inconsistencies or the lack of including all of the continents in their equations. It just doesn't make sense to exclude all of the newly discovered South American oil fields when you're making an argument for peak oil? It's as if somebody wanted to direct an opinion.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:10 AM
Weve got 15,641 days left of Oil, that is not good for me and my future

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
Weve got 15,641 days left of Oil, that is not good for me and my future

Folk have been going all 'end is nigh' about oil for 30 years. Sure, it's gonna end one day...finite resource. The thing is, new oil fields are being discovered and improved technologies have meant we can now retrieve more oil from the existing fields.

An Oil Arab who's name escapes me right now said...'The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.'

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:24 AM
S & F OP

Thanks for providing that link.

This one seemed to jump out at me more than anything else "14,230 Species that have gone extinct this year"

That's alot of species to never be seen again.

....and it's only february.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:44 AM
Much of this data can be proven false overtime just because of the methods used to acquire it, Sure this might be good general estimates but it is ignorant to think they are not pushing an agenda. How can we know the species killed this year I am interested, doesn't scientific process ask that we verify data before we conclude it is correct. What is there verification form? Algorithms? I can make an algorithm that shows any piece of data that I want, doesn't mean it is scientifically tested and correct, just means I have an algorithm that calculates in real time and is the "best" possible data I can get that meets my needs.

Remember every source is biased unless you are willing to go out and test or challenge a piece of information it isn't a fact yet. Let us take # of species dead this year. Where does this information come from? A organization or a group of organizations, whose goal is to save species, biased right? Then how does it make sense to take it as truth.

Again I am not saying all data on the site is false but much of it is misleading.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by ahddm]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Haydn_17

Weve got 15,641 days left of Oil, that is not good for me and my future

Around 42 years, If I am lucky I will be around to see the world then. Even with new oil fields found it is still a finite resource and will eventually run out.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by ahddm

Sure this might be good general estimates but it is ignorant to think they are not pushing an agenda. How can we know the species killed this year I am interested, doesn't scientific process ask that we verify data before we conclude it is correct.

Agendas? We all have agendas and lots of them. You do too. That we aren't banging on about agendas is because we already know. It isn't ignorant, it's just not warranted....

The extinction figure is probably inaccurate. Animals, insects, molluscs, niche organisms are going extinct...the exact figures are impossible to know. There's more information on this site...International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Red List of Threatened Species. Be careful...they've got an agenda

The Worldometers website explains its existence in the FAQs. It supplies links to the organizations and sources of its statistics. It explains how accurate the data is. How do I know? Because I looked some years ago and I've looked today to answer questions from members that missed the FAQs and my post that links them.

The website is a useful visual tool to give an impression of the movement of stats. Static data sets are less involving. It doesn't represent the omniscience of some god...

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by bharata

Around 42 years, If I am lucky I will be around to see the world then. Even with new oil fields found it is still a finite resource and will eventually run out.

Unless it renews in internal earth conditions a lot faster than we think, or by other mechanisms than we think.

In that case we may never actually run out.

I am skeptical of the fossil fuel theory anyway. It might be geological. I haven't seen it proven either way.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:08 AM
This statistic was the most interesting.

1,021,736,216 - Undernourished people in the world right now

1,146,094,250 - Overweight people in the world right now

So the wealthy eat up the food the undernourished should be getting? I say we serve up the overweight people to the undernourished..

[edit on 7-2-2010 by libertytoall]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by bharata

Around 42 years, If I am lucky I will be around to see the world then. Even with new oil fields found it is still a finite resource and will eventually run out.

Unless it renews in internal earth conditions a lot faster than we think, or by other mechanisms than we think.

In that case we may never actually run out.

I am skeptical of the fossil fuel theory anyway. It might be geological. I haven't seen it proven either way.

I understand where you are coming from and yes there is no conclusive proof either way, however it is my opinion that the process of converting x amount of whatever material to crude oil will take longer than 42 years. But again I may be wrong and actually I hope I am wrong.

In the long run this type of resource is way too expensive and inefficient, we are also too dependant on it for the production of many of our day to day items. The world is addicted to oil and like any addict cold turkey ( and I am not talking about the day after thanks giving
) is necessary before full recovery can be expected .

[edit on 7-2-2010 by bharata]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Chillidog1
I came up with 42.8 years until the end of oil. That explains ALOT.
If only everyone could/would take the time to contemplate some of the information on that link.
There are some very interesting, and very sad stats. S&F

And that's just when oil is completely gone. According to peak oil theorists we only have a year or so until oil production reaches it's peak, then it's downhill from there and oil prices will sky rocket.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Oh wow...

We need a new form of energy too lol, and fast.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

While I admit the meter page is cool it isn't accurate on quite a few areas - like gas left, they have no idea how much oil is left in the world. So I have to say - this is so New World Order oriented!

Now they have a meter to justify population reduction on many different levels.

A meter to say: Killing people is going to be alright because we have posted the reasons.

Useless eating barbarians can now see how worthless their lives are. Which in reality, it is really the Corporations destroying every resource and the heads of these corporations are the very people at the top causing all these worldwide problems.

They create the problems, redirect the issues, and use it as an excuse to justify murder in order to control the planet.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by arizonascott]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

In all honesty we only eat this much food because it's there in front of us... some of us have sweet teeth so like to eat the cakes (because they are there)... if no cakes were ever made we would never be needing it or wanting to taste it because it would never have existed... same with sweets and drinks!!

People wouldn't be dying of smoke related diseases if ciggarette companies hadn't bought into the idea of getting people to smoke..... would never have been heard of.... etc etc....

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
VERY cool website

Maybe the people who run that website could also estimate the money made from marijuana sales in the U.S. alone so we could get a realistic figure as to much much tax revenue that would generate in 1 year.

That may not solve all of our financial woes, but it would be a good start.


All drugs:
1. Increased revenues from tax.
2. Decreased health costs due to cleaner drugs.
3. Decreased crime.
4. More police per head for all other crime detection/prevention.
5. Removal of the main source of finance for terrorists!
etc etc

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:02 AM
Some things should be pointed out:

  1. You can't predict the "end of oil" because you don't know how much there is. A monkey should know by now that countries don't just go around telling media "oh there's unused oil here", including U.S. and Russia.
  2. The current trend is rapidly changing due to economic crisis and multiple wars, so real data is unreliable. I am sure more people will commit suicide in coming years, more get obese, much more spend money on entertainment etc.
  3. Statistics on this scale are not and cannot be calculated anywhere near correctly. Like the number of obese people or starving people - how many fatties are actually 'enlisted' and who would actually count starving people, or those died of starvation? Similar to the 10% 'jobless rate' in U.S. which many people consider a bad joke.
  4. I also want to strongly point out that a lot of very important statistical figures are deliberately incorrect due to convenience of their use in propaganda purposes.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by libertytoall
This statistic was the most interesting.

1,021,736,216 - Undernourished people in the world right now

1,146,094,250 - Overweight people in the world right now

So the wealthy eat up the food the undernourished should be getting? I say we serve up the overweight people to the undernourished..

[edit on 7-2-2010 by libertytoall]

Good one. ;-)

And cannibalism starts in 7,426.352 days.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by malcr

you should also add new jobs since it would require production

i just cant rap my head around how they dont see it :/

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:54 AM
Dis-information is my main concern here.

Esp. oil left, deaths today, births today etc.


think about it, whats the one thing we have to do to make the supply meet demand? decrease demand.

S&F for interest


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