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Share your previous alien life story...

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:28 AM
I have noticed, on this site, that some people have claimed to be an alien from another planet who have come here to earth. I'm actually interested in what these people have to say, how they became aware of their previous self, and why they're here.

I know many people don't believe in aliens and less believe in aliens that came here to live among us. I'm not one of those people and find it very fascinating. So please share your stories no matter how strange they seem.

So why am I interested in other people's experience? It's because I'm not originally from this planet myself. Through telepathy, I have become aware that I'm from the planet Venus. I was born 2400 years before Christ and came to this earth 3500 years ago. I believe love is the answer to all things and that all of our actions should flow through love. I'm still learning to this day why I'm here and what lies ahead. I don't consider myself better than anyone and look at each and everyone one of us as equal. No matter what your skin color is, how you look, or what people say we are all equal.

Yes, there will be people who bash me for posting this but do you honestly think I care. I care about other people's stories and their awakening not cruel-harsh gestures by people who just sit behind a screen trying to make others feel worthless. No one is worthless and everyone has value to their lives no matter how strange, weird, ridiculous, you think they are.

Please share your story because you never know who might awaken next.


P.S.: If this is in the wrong thread please move it. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:50 AM
I'm sorry I can't contribute to the purpose of your thread. I can't say I am an alien but I do feel a kinship to the Asian culture and I am starting to think more about reincarnation. But I'm intrigued by your premise. You say Venus eh? Do you have any clarity as to why things are the way there are according to your perspective? Things like why you are here, are you a hybrid, or indigenous Venusian, Are you a reincarnated alien to human form? You know things like this. Or are you searching for answers as to your purpose and existence. How comfortable are you in your skin? When did you become aware of your origins?

In closing I have to say you are a brave soul (that is if Venusians have souls) to come out of the galactic closet so to speak (no disrespect intended) here. I am sure many are sharpening their skewers and locating their "lighter delusional fluid".

I for one am curious.
Live long and prosper.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:31 AM
I can relate to you, bputman, I too feel like an alien on this world. Neither do I feel superior to any being, on this planet or any other, we are all equal, and none is above or below the other. Some do try to control, and these will be dealt with in time. I happen to have an uncle who tells me he is from Venus, and has told me wonderful stories of it, and the people there, and their culture. I now that the atmosphere that we think is there is nothing but illusion, something Earth could do well with in the future. My people are the Pleaidians, I have been in contact with two beings from there, a male and a female for many years. At some point in time a high Pleaidian being mixed his DNA with mine, this happened in a distant past. I have little pieces of memory from ancient times, both events and faces, and sometimes meet people who I knew in a before life. I think this life is the first time for me when I was allowed to grow old, and raise a family. I raised one family, a boy and girl, and am now raising another family, two boys. I am with a woman whom I knew in another lifetime, she knows this too. When we first met, she was 15, and we knew it then. We were killed together in a car wreck, and today suffer some of the effects of that wreck. Crazy, you say? Maybe, but things are not as they seem, are they?

I agree with you that everyone has value, and no one is worthless. We are each a small piece of the Great Creative Power that created all of this energy. The forming of that energy is our doing, we create out own reality, or, at least we used to. The reality is created for us now, by those who seek to subvert and control, and steal our power. Even the time line we live on is created, it was done in 1963. Every 20 years the time lines cross, and we have a chance to go back to the original. A hole, or rip in the time continuum was created, and I think the authors of this mess are still trying to fix it.

Thanks for posting, there are many here who are seeking knowledge, and only a few who would keep us from it. The internet, and this forum give everyone a place to learn, and to teach, to compare, and to explore. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:48 PM
Hello, bputman. Thank you for opening this door for us. While some might call our condition delusional or the product of an overactive imagination, we cannot deny the feeling itself that we are not originally of this Earth.

I have been posting and following for quite some time on ATS, but this is one aspect of myself I have never openly disclosed. It is the sort of thing that gets one branded a kook, and the majority of people who think along these lines do admittedly come off as such. But now that you have made a space for this discussion, it seems as good a time as any.

Now don't get me wrong: I was born into a human body, raised in a human family and grew up fully convinced of my temporary condition of humanity. I do not claim otherwise. There are no spaceships in the immediate memory of this particular human brain.

However, I never fit in very well. I was variously labeled gifted, disturbed, sensitive and strange. The few friendships I kept tended to be of a very strong and deep variety and with people to whom I felt a true kinship, but even with them I have always felt an enduring and unassailable loneliness which I could not explain.

None of things that typically amuse humans are capable of distracting me more than momentarily from the truth of my condition. Though I possess natural talents of an intellectual and creative nature, I have no drive to pursue the goals common to most of the human race. I eschewed academia ferociously, leaving school at my earliest opportunity and never looking back.

The pursuit of wealth, property, power and influence nauseate me. I have no desire to better myself in my worldly standing. The idea of marrying, reproducing, working like a dog until retirement and dying in a hospital bed vainly clutching at the ephemeral accessories of a forfeit life seem to me a hellish nightmare. I respectfully leave the pursuit of Earthly goals to those whose souls are native to this world. Those who want the Earth may have it. I live almost like a monk, though I am entirely apathetic toward religion and theology, caring too little even to brand myself an agnostic.

My life was a futile doldrums, empty of meaning, until I began having a series of otherworldly vivid dreams when I was thirteen. These dreams continued until my nineteenth birthday. Over the course of twenty or so separate episodes, I was introduced in staggering detail to an alien society quite unlike the human race. The dreams elucidated every element of that people, from their biology and anatomy to their million-year history, their life-cycle, their technology, the structure of their society, their view of the universe and their future in it. Through these dreams I became so intimately familiar with this people that humans began to seem like aliens. When I would look in the mirror, I would be horrified to see a fleshy, sallow monkey face instead of their great unblinking cat eyes and armored carapace.

I have finally come to understand that my human face is not my true face. The dreams came to me not as delusion or fantasy or escapism, but because at the core of my being I am one of them. The sequence of my few hundred human lifetimes has been the fantasy. I came to Earth to live as a human for a while, but quickly succumbed to the trap of gravity and forgetfulness. The lifetimes I have spent here, have been part of a process of remembering myself, piecing myself back together and ultimately devising an escape route. I hope to not be born into another human life. If I have my way, this will be my last.

Surely this will sound insane to some, and pathetic to others. Perhaps in some sense it is lunacy and escapism, but in another sense just as real it is true. There is room for ambiguity there. Thank you, bputman, for granting us this venue.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by MillionEyedMask
Now don't get me wrong: I was born into a human body, raised in a human family and grew up fully convinced of my temporary condition of humanity. I do not claim otherwise. There are no spaceships in the immediate memory of this particular human brain.

However, I never fit in very well. I was variously labeled gifted, disturbed, sensitive and strange. The few friendships I kept tended to be of a very strong and deep variety and with people to whom I felt a true kinship, but even with them I have always felt an enduring and unassailable loneliness which I could not explain.

None of things that typically amuse humans are capable of distracting me more than momentarily from the truth of my condition. Though I possess natural talents of an intellectual and creative nature, I have no drive to pursue the goals common to most of the human race. I eschewed academia ferociously, leaving school at my earliest opportunity and never looking back.

The pursuit of wealth, property, power and influence nauseate me. I have no desire to better myself in my worldly standing. The idea of marrying, reproducing, working like a dog until retirement and dying in a hospital bed vainly clutching at the ephemeral accessories of a forfeit life seem to me a hellish nightmare. I respectfully leave the pursuit of Earthly goals to those whose souls are native to this world. Those who want the Earth may have it. I live almost like a monk, though I am entirely apathetic toward religion and theology, caring too little even to brand myself an agnostic.

Goodness! ...this soooo fits me!!
The only difference being that I have yet to have the 'awakening' dreams.
I so wish I would have them, hopefully that would give me some sense of meaning in this senseless world.

cheers PQ

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