posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Hey guys...I am a HUGE medieval the time period, studied it some in college, but just enjoy the history of Knights, Castle's, Medieval
War, Weapons, etc....and have seen almost all movies and shows related to such until the other day. I was told about a movie called: ARN THE KNIGHT
TEMPLAR. Apparently shot in Norway or somewhere oversees. I have to tell you...this is one of, if not the BEST medieval movie ever made. They use
all the different languages, the weapons and props are truly amazing, and the actors are damn near perfect for their roles.
If you love this time period as much as I do I HIGHLY suggest you go to the YouTube page I post below and start watching. From what I was told there
is now 2 parts completed with one to go. If you guys know anything more about this movie or the books that it was based off of PLEASE post and
inform me....
Enjoy....this is the link to Movie 1 / Part 1 of 14