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posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:25 AM
Hows California been since Terminator took charge? Havent heard anything about it recently

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:30 AM
probably because liberals control the media, and arnold being a staunch republican and doing a good job, they don't want anyone to know.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 11:03 AM
Ya's funny you ask that question. I was just thinking to myself the other day that I haven't seen any news about Arnold lately. Things are real quiet here as of late. I do know they just passed a law in April that forbids custodial parents from moving with their children out of state...which is one of the most ridiculous laws ever...IMO. Gavin Newsom has been awefully quiet too since the whole gay-marriage fiasco a few months back. I'll keep you posted.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Yeah...I haven't heard anything about him either. I guess that means he's doing a good job. Good for him.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:09 PM
I expect a statement or action from the Governor after the Supreme Court ruling in the case on the legality of the San Francisco gay marriage blunder.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:17 PM
Did he revoke that car tax that everyone was mad about?

What's he doing about all those illegals picking our fruit and cleaning our pools?

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Did he revoke that car tax that everyone was mad about?

What's he doing about all those illegals picking our fruit and cleaning our pools?

He did revoke the car tax and we all got little refunds back. Which was nice! As far as the immigration shouldn't have got me started on that.....I am completely dumbfounded at the way our cities cater to these people. I have NO PROBLEM at all with immigrants that are here legally but I'll be damned if I can sit and watch my tax dollars go to building "daycenter" for these people. I started a thread not too long ago about this issue. The city I live in has spent over $200,000 to build a daycenter for dayworkers. It's a nice little place where they can sit inside and wait for people to come by and hire them for a day. If they are not hired out, they get a FREE SHOWER, A FREE LUNCH, INTERNET ACCESS, AND COMPUTER CLASSES.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Venus
He did revoke the car tax and we all got little refunds back. Which was nice! As far as the immigration shouldn't have got me started on that.....I am completely dumbfounded at the way our cities cater to these people. I have NO PROBLEM at all with immigrants that are here legally but I'll be damned if I can sit and watch my tax dollars go to building "daycenter" for these people. I started a thread not too long ago about this issue. The city I live in has spent over $200,000 to build a daycenter for dayworkers. It's a nice little place where they can sit inside and wait for people to come by and hire them for a day. If they are not hired out, they get a FREE SHOWER, A FREE LUNCH, INTERNET ACCESS, AND COMPUTER CLASSES.

so here's a question i simply must ask...

if this can be afforded for illegal immigrants or even legal come citizens are not afforded the same things? i'm all for anyone who is looking for employment and i'm all for helping others out but why only a small percentage of the population? they dont pay for it but they get the benefits, so why cant the people woh pay for these have the ability to take advatnage of these with state colleges and universities? why cant we get free lunches and showers?

although i have a question...are the people at this day center legal or no? i'm guessing a combination of both but i'm curious as to what the answer is.

btw that 200 grand? that could have gone to help our own homeless and unemployed find work or a better way of life.

i'm not mean but we gotta take care of ourselves and our own citizens first. priorities!!

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:03 PM
PM - I have the same questions............They say they will check documentation but we all know that's a crock of #.


I'd like to get a truckload full of "GOOD OLD BOYS" who are currently out of work and drop them off there and see what happens.....YEEHAW

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 04:39 PM
I read somewhere that his polled approval rating was 65%, thats really good considering all the issues California has with its budget.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 07:43 PM
California is still way too liberal to swing.

55 in the bag for Kerry

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 04:19 AM
Anyone is better than pseudo- liberal Gray Davis.

IMO, Arnold is doing a good job. Yeah the budget cuts in the UC system, which directly affects me, kind of sucks. People losing thier jobs, less classes on campus...ect.....I think his wife and her family ties are helping him. Sacramento is pretty much all Democrats, it's amazing he's been able to accomplish anything without a slugfest. He donates his salary to the state, which is respectable. So far so good. What I can say for him is that he has been a good negotiator.

But then again anyone would be considered doing a better job than Gray Davis.

I think Nerdling mentioned California as being more liberal, I'd have to disagree. Northern California is radically liberal but the rest of California, besides LA and Northern California are pretty conservative. It could very well go to Bush. Not what I want, but who am I to say with but only one vote.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by browha
Hows California been since Terminator took charge? Havent heard anything about it recently

Hafent heard anyting about it? Vat are you krazy? Kalefornya number one action state in de welt! We haf de fires und de earthquakes und de mudslides und all of deese tings! It's fantastik.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 05:37 AM
I can't wait until they put the military on the border and to tell them to screw off.

Then, round up those without legal papers, and ship them to the closest point outside the US. If they aren't from there, tough. You broke the law, find a way home yourself chief.

I can not stand for a SINGLE TAX DOLLAR to go to illegals. NOT ONE. They should get nothing but the cold shoulder.

We need severe (moreso) penalties for those who hire them knowingly, and penalties for those who hire them unknowingly (to promote rigorus checks).

That should go for individuals as well.

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