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Ancient Aviation??

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Recently I have been reading about a very fascinating subject....."The Tschi-Kung Tribe", or "The Tribe of the flying wagons".
Ancient Myths and heiroglyphs from China tell the story of a tribe referred to as one-armed beings, who were capable of flying in Flying Wagons.
The Ku YĆ¼ T'u, an ancient writing from 1341 speaks of this tribe, and it's Emperor Tscheng, which came from the West (china's perspective).
The Writing states that the tribe invented these wagons, and was existant beginning around 1766 B.C. Also the chinese poet Kuo-P'o (270A.D. - 324 A.D.) mentions the Tribe and their emperor, as very elegant and sophisticated tribe, who fought and won countless battles ue to their flying wagons.

Remembering the aspect that this Tribe supposedly came from the west, you will be suprised to hear that around 1900 Karl Feliy Wolff (1879 - 1966) wrote: "Dolomiten Sagen", a book about local stories and myths from the Alps-region, and guess what.....
He mentions a Tribe of One-armed-men in possetion of flying wagons.

Also, sometime around 1900 in Valcamonica (Italy), about 150 kilometers away from th river Oglio, Archaologists found a Valley filled with more than a hundred-thousand pictures and writings carved into stone, who all tell stories of a tribe of men who victoriously fought countless battles. The Catch is that all these men had only one arm.

[Translated and re-written by PAKd-on-Mystery]
[Source: "P.M. Magazin Germany", "Historica Mystica" by Lars Fischinger]

What do you think about all of this?
Where did their knowledge come from?
What happened to this Tribe?

[edit on 5/2/2010 by Pakd-on-mystery]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:44 AM
It seems like flying wagons would give them a tactical advantage, but having only one arm would be a disadvantage. Does the myth say anything about why they only have one arm? Do they have a ritual of some sort to cut off one arm?

I am curious about the origins of myths like this. I don't know if there was a real one-armed tribe or not but it's interesting there are separate accounts of it. But do we even know for sure the accounts all have separate origins? Or could Karl Feliy have known about the China myth perhaps?

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Arbitrageur]

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