posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:09 AM
Ken Portman had been a CIA field spook for almost eight years now. Although officially it didn't exist, he was assigned to Langley's
Domestic Operations Directorate. What the average citizen didn't know...
Well, this was one assignment he wished to God that he hadn't gotten.
Fifteen minutes after the flight had taken off, a group of hijackers had taken over the aircraft. Ken didn't really wonder how they got the weapons
onboard, even though security was supposed to ensure this kind of thing never happened again. TSA, as always, was overworked and underpaid.
Langley had intercepted the message traffic that foretold of this event well in advance, and his orders were clear. He was to ensure that no one
interfered with the hijackers. It had been decided at the highest levels that this should be allowed to happen. The American people were getting too
complacent, too comfortable... It was time to shake them up.
It was childsplay for his contact at the airport to get his weapons smuggled onboard. The Berreta 9mm with matching silencer, and the 6 inch combat
knife were right were they were supposed to be in the rear lavatory. He had removed them before the flight even left the ground and the gun with
attachment were now inside his waistband with the knife strapped to his calf.
The passengers were all in the rear of the plane. He had heard some screaming during the takeover from up forward, but he had no confirmation of
casualties. For the most part, they were doing what they had been told and were sitting tight in the back. Two of the hijackers were standing guard
in the aisles leading from economy (which he always refered to as traveling in the 'luggage' section) to business class seating. They had been told
that the hijackers had a bomb, but Ken sincerely doubted it. But it kept the passengers nice and docile, so he let it slide.
It had been about 25 minutes since the hijacking when Ken finally looked out the window, and he didn't like what he saw... Surely this was not what
Langley had thought they were going to do? In a matter of a minute, he held court in his mind, and came to a decision. Even if this was what the top
brass wanted to happen, he could not and would not be a party to it. He had to put an end to this.
He got up out of his seat on the starboard side of the aircraft and began to head forward towards the front of the plane. He heard some of the others
whispering things like "What is he doing?", but he kept moving forward. Both hijackers looked at him and the one closest to him held his weapon up
and told him to take his seat. Two seconds later, they both had a third gleaming red eye in the middle of their foreheads as they fell to the deck.
There was a gasp from the passengers, but he held up his index finger to his lips, and no one said a word.
He continued forward through business class, and peaked into the First Class cabin. In the front on the port side was another hijacker. This mutt
was busy looking out of the window in the portside door behind the flight deck. Ken quietly moved up behind him, and thrust the knife in the back of
his neck right between the C1 and C2 vertabrae, thus severing his spinal cord and stopping all of the message traffic from his brain to the rest of
his body. As he crumpled backwards, unable to understand why he no longer had any control of his body, Ken looked into his eyes and said, "Say
'hi' to Allah for me, Jackhole!".
Ken took a look out of the same window that 'Abdul' had just vacated. No time to waste, he told himself. He tried the door knob to the flight deck
and found that it was locked. He stood back, and kicked it with all his might. It flew open just in time for him to hear the two remaining hijackers
exclaim "Allahu Akbar!" as American Airlines Flight 11 from Logan International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport slammed into the north
side of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City on the morning of September 11th, 2001...