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FDR Details of NTSB Report for Flight 77

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:13 AM
Article and Photos printed in 1996 according to title page?

You can find this PDF online by Googling, ASC-TRT-07-07-001

Details about FDR decode within.

I am retracting my statement about proof of photo fakery at this time.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by turbofan]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by turbofan
Article and Photos printed in 1996

If you had bothered to read the PDF you would have seen in it
"L3 Communications today (2007) year to be the world's leading flight incident"

So the info in the PDF was done in 2007....

Another "truther" conspiracy theory fails

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:48 AM
Interesting. The title page date says 1996. I did read that much.

I'll retract my initial post and find out exactly why this article was so
controversial. Perhaps it was the fact that part numbers and details
were available to help decode RO2....but I do recall mention of the photos
being an issue in particular as well.

More later...

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Don't know what the 1996 refers to but there are several references to 2007, including (very rough translation):

the company began manufacturing since 1960 flight recorders, so far has exceeded Over 60000, occupies most of the world's flight recorder of the market, in the flight recorder of the technology is also a Standing in the world's leading position. L3 Communications today (2007) year to be the world's leading flight incident Therefore, investigation unit demand, for the first time in its factory location (Sarasota, Florida City) Exhibition The two-day opening of the flight recorders from the crash investigators interpret training. Come from the world's major aviation accident Investigation unit of the flight recorder reading specialists, would have already have a number of in-depth interpretation of the flight recorder Technology

I'd hazard a guess that this Chinese document just 'borrowed' the NTSB photos to use here.

Seems quite obvious with a little bit of research, it makes me believe that whoever made this 'discovery' is the liar.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:21 AM
I'm wondering what:

Abroad during the period: In 96 years, June 18 to June 23 報告日期:民國96 年7 月20 日 Report date: In 96 years, July 20

is all about? Maybe there have been some edits since the circulation of
this document.

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