reply to post by concernedcitizan
Thank you !
You explained yourself perfect and easy to follow. I really appreciate it.
I think i'm with you on this.
I'm 100 % for bringing communities back to basic values and their own live by their own laws and believes on politics and everyday life.
Most of all the end of international corporations ! Because of the same arguments and opinions in your post.
No more stealing the ability to be a self sustainable economy. This is by any means an act of evil doing. leaving a community powerless to taking care
of themselves when disaster strikes. Like drought, failed harvest etc. The opportunity for a disaster is far greater because a community relies on
others for their need of basic products for nutrition and other live giving necessities.
It is on it's one important enough to close local economy to big corporate business. the result of closing our borders will also end the influence
and a decrease of power to gain and the use of it.
I'll give a party if I'm so lucky to see this happening.
The multicultural society is also an issue. As I see know how Islam is taking a firmly grib on everyday life. When there are more of them spreading
their ways and less of us fighting to keep our cultural and political values. They will take over and they will force their ways on us, as their
believe and culture will not make a respect an tolerence their way to act to us as we will not be very cooperative to a suppressed way of life.
I don't agree for ending the mixing of cultures all together. As there is also much to gain and learn from other ways of living and seeing life pass
by and taking place.
The end of corporates power will also cause this to happen. They are almost always responsible for migrating big number of people t where they are
needed as a work force.
I do applaud the resurfacing of loyalty and love for tradition, fellow countrymen and to put this all in front. T be and show your proudness, as you
are also responsable for your countries goals and achievements.
These feelings have a tendency for a higher risk of going to far and feeling superior to other countries an their inhabitants.
The first step in forming an alternative to modern society is to restore leadership by values and not utilitarian principles
Here in Europe there is a problem. We have always being ruled by aristocratic families. What has resulted in they are almost all related by blood and
thus merging and ending of societies by changing it to 'the liking of the current ideas of the power.
Only France, killed of theirs and the Netherlands were for a time a republic.
Until the same French had a little breakdown letting their freedom again be taken by a ruler. Napoleon Bonaparte. This F*ck wass also responsible for
the end of the Dutch Republic when he assigned his brother to to rule and be king.
Present day monarchy we have now. Does not have any reason for being in power. Their journey was and power was taken with lies, fraud and force. Their
bloodline filthy after some bastard child of a related German aristocrat. because there were no more of them left to follow up in line, after the
king died. King Willem 3 also lacked to create a next generation. and married Emma. who gave birth to our queens grand mother.
There is said king Willem was sterile do to an infection of a sexual decease.
Very stinky family we got in power.
I'm sorry for flowing of topic but these would be difficult to simply return to old ways. And acquire some original solutions I think to be in need
of reaching our new way of life.
The new way of living will be a problem for free will I'm ai favor of. Maybe you know some way to making it more present in the community.
Anarchy is over the top but how far can we go ?