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evolution, it's purpose for being taught and the real name of darwins origin of the species.

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Okay. I hope most people by now understand that the elites of this world want the majority of us gone. We were of value to them at one time but now that the overall populace is getting older we become a liability (we want some of our money(fake) back. Why is the "origin of the species" being taught in schools as fact. The fact of the matter is, if you want to undermine a society you will have to attack it through the educational system and through the media. It's called "deeducation" It began in america through the educational system as much as 50 years ago and then they took God out of the equation so people would have no choice but to believe what they were being taught. Can anyone tell me the original name of the "origin of the species"? hmmmm? The answer will shock you. Remember that it is the ruling elites that set the educational doctrine. Here's the original name of the "origin of the species"

On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES in the Struggle for Life.

IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT I SEE YOU HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY BLIND OR YOU AGREE WITH THEIR AGENDA. If you agree with their agenda it's because you hate people and have been conditioned to hate people. Divide and conquer. Understand something are not among the favored and you can rail against the machine but 95% of us will be wiped off the map if they have their way.
The fact of the matter is that the majority of the world can live in texas. It's that big. Have you fallen for the elitist agenda that is alive and well in china and soon to come here? If you have it's only out of ignorance. Why would they hide the real name of this book if they did not have an agenda?

If anyone can give me one good reason why this book is being taught as fact i'll eat my hat

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:01 PM
sorry...move this bad

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by unity1
On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES in the Struggle for Life.

IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT I SEE YOU HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY BLIND OR YOU AGREE WITH THEIR AGENDA. If you agree with their agenda it's because you hate people and have been conditioned to hate people. Divide and conquer. Understand something are not among the favored and you can rail against the machine but 95% of us will be wiped off the map if they have their way.
The fact of the matter is that the majority of the world can live in texas. It's that big. Have you fallen for the elitist agenda that is alive and well in china and soon to come here? If you have it's only out of ignorance. Why would they hide the real name of this book if they did not have an agenda?

How on earth did ou reach that conclusion? Just being provocative? I have known since the age of 12 (when I read it) the real name of Darwin's book. You obviously have not read it, or understand it's premise. "Species", as Darwin is using it here, has NOTHING to do with Humans except that we are one such species. It refers to the Linnaen Taxonomy's nomenclature where each creature is assigned it's place in terms of Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. Darwin's book is talking about how creatures differentiate into these groups, how members of the same Genus can become different species.

If anyone can give me one good reason why this book is being taught as fact i'll eat my hat

Mainly because of the evidence, of which there is a vast amount, that it is fact.

Honestly, it is nonsense such as our post that gives creationists such a bad name.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:29 PM
You know, from a conspiratorial angle, there is evidence that indicates that Darwin adopted his ideas and sharpened them after in depth consultations with the Jesuits.

I recently read this information and it was quite compelling. Maybe the Black Pope of the Vatican really stretched far with this one, to muddy the waters and totally usurp the argument.

It is possible.

On a personal note, I do not subscribe to Creationism OR Evolution. I think both theories are very flawed in many ways.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:32 PM
Social Darwinism’ is often taken to be something extraneous, an ugly concretion added to the pure Darwinian corpus after the event, tarnishing Darwin’s image. But his notebooks make plain that competition, free trade, imperialism, racial extermination, and sexual inequality were written into the equation from the start

Darwins notes state that he was a eugenicist.

Sounding more like Colonel Blimp than Lieutenant Columbo, Darwin envisions a far grimmer future for races or sub-species less fit than the Anglo-Saxon. “At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world,” he predicts. “At the same time the anthropological apes … will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state … even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla.”’

‘Darwin is cavalier about the extermination of lesser breeds. He estimates that minimal force will be required, for “when civilized nations come into contact with barbarians the struggle is short, except where a deadly climate gives its aid to the native race.

His followers were quite happy to run with such ideas, and Darwin would not seem to disapprove. Consider his son:

‘In 1912, in his presidential address to the First International Congress of Eugenics, a landmark gathering in London of racial biologists from Germany, the United States, and other parts of the world, Major Leonard Darwin, Charles Darwin’s son, trumpeted the spread of eugenics and evolution. As described by Nicholas Wright Gillham in his A Life of Francis Galton, Major Darwin foresaw the day when “eugenics would become not only a grail, a substitute for religion, as Galton had hoped, but a ‘paramount duty’ whose tenets would presumably become enforceable.” The major repeated his father’s admonition that, though the crudest workings of natural selection must be mitigated by “the spirit of civilization”, society must encourage breeding among the best stock and prevent it among the worst “without further delay”.’

Concludes Quinn:

‘Educated at the best schools, winners in a global competition that has driven anonymous millions to the wall, the Gentle Darwinians’ effort to turn Charles Darwin into the sainted founder of a humanist creed undoubtedly reflects their own high position in today’s world order. But unlike their Victorian predecessors, they prefer a Darwin devoid of his social theories and his role in linking evolution with rank prejudice.’
It is time Darwin is taken off his pedestal and treated to rigorous and penetrating scrutiny. Numerous works have been penned on this subject. Richard Weikart’s From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany would be a good place to begin for those who are really interested in such matters. The truth is, bad ideas have bad consequences, and Darwin had his fair share of them.

if you believe this stuff you are welcome to it. And you must be held in the ranks of eugenicists. You think you are somehow superior to other men? Or are you willing to commit suicide for the betterment of the race?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:40 PM
"On a personal note, I do not subscribe to Creationism OR Evolution. I think both theories are very flawed in many ways."
you wouldn't say that if you knew the mathematics involved in the bible, the temple mount and in the prophecies. The mathematics are amazing and all spelled out for eyes willing to see.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:45 PM
I am not a creationist. You can change the lingo all you like to deaden the message all you like. I am a believer in Jesus the messiah. I'm a believer in God as the creator of the world, the solar system and i'm sure things well beyond my capacity to see. I am not a creationist. I am a christian and born again follower of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God.
The end is coming...very soon. Find your avatar if you believe in such a thing. So many have been brainwashed. The television was not created for you entertainment. It was created to control you. The messiah is coming soon. prepare or don't. you've been warned.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 06:52 PM
The full title is still taught, even as much as last semester in opening level college classes?!?!?!

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 07:18 PM
There is so much logical fallacy in this thread that I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Maybe somewhere out there is someone with even more patience than I who can help correct these delusions. I've already picked up a warning this week for telling someone just what I thought of their ideas.

In short, Darwin is not alluding to human races in his title. he was pretty certainly a racist, coming from an imperialist 19th centiry english background. His work however remains purely within the realm of science regardless of what his personal opinions are. I would suggest those who can't grasp this to pick up any of his works (Start with the beetles or barnacles, if you want to warm up!) and learn otherwise.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:58 PM
Don't forget that when they teach evolution today most of Darwin's theories are not taught. They have been refined and bear little resemblance to his original ideas that Darwin put forth in most area. I don't have time to answer in depth right now but do a little research into genetic theory.

And every farmer alive practices eugenics, it was around LONG before Darwin and will be around as long as people grow/raise food.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:21 PM
I'm not sure where this thread should be, certianly not in the cryptid section.
One group thinking itself to be superior to another is hardly new or conspiritorial. While you might believe that race is the great factor used to decide who should live or die, I would argue that most genocide is ideaological. It is often associated with religion or philosophy.
I do agree that teaching children there is no God to be answered to and that the only important part of an act is the consequence (can you do it and get away with it or at least get by with it) has damaged our country greatly. Without God the motivation for personal responsiblity is either ego or fufilling someones elses expectations. I know that is fairly narrow, but altruism is generally fairly empty.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by unity1

The reason evolution is being taught as fact is because it is scientifically proven, plain and simple. While in Darwin's day it was hotly debated in the scientific community there is now more than enough proof to show that evolution is a fact. It is also the most logical explanation for similarities among organisms (ie we have thumbs, other apes have thumbs, this is more likely to be because of a common ancestry then because of a God who lacked creativity or only had a week to make all the animals and rushed it

Darwin was no more racist than any of the others in his day, in fact on many occasions he spoke favorably of indigenous peoples and natives. More likely the title of the book refers to races in the sense of differences/mutations in one portion of the species that set it apart from others of its kind and that, if passed on to the next generation, might lead to a new species altogether. As for humans we have not been out of Africa (where we originated) long enough to diverge very far in fact Race in the sense of human beings is not even genetically significant and it would take many more millenniums of separation of the races to lead to anything resembling a new species.

I suggest you do a little reading on Evolution I can assure you it has nothing to do with a depopulation agenda by the Elites. As greedy and evil as the Elites are I fail to see any direct evidence of a plot to kill off most of us and if they do have one I fail to see how evolution would tie in to it.


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