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I want world war III!

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Tormentations

Hey kid,if you really want WW111,just bomb the dome of the rock.Then,
you would have over 1billion muslims going to war against you.It would
not be a pretty sight and many people would suffer for it.If you are 18
or over,you may have to fight in that war you want.

I agree with some of the your x-box broken by any chance?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Tormentations
We need world war III in order to topple the U.S. government. Think about it for a minute. We need world war III in order to bring in thereafter a better government. I say you have to be willing to die for true change, so world war III would be our biggest helper. But what say you? You who want a better government had better want world war III so that such gets accomplished. How many of you see world war III is the only way to have our government toppled? Besides it'll reduce the population some which is much needed. Then we'll control the new world order as we seize the moment. Question is how do we spark off world war III? I have an idea. It'll involve an airforce pilots to go awol with their jets to strike missles at a government target in another big country like China or Russia. That should set off world war III if we could get enough airforce men to do it. But what is your idea if you really want to change this government seriously?

let me ask you something there son... have you ever been in war?

trust me it is not what it is cracked up to be... body parts, burned bodies , a smell you are NEVER gonna forget. Seeing your buddy right beside you just fall over after his brains are all over the place and then realizing that the wetness on your face and shoulders is what is left of his head. How about seeing women and children gunned down by you yourself because they are shooting at you... wanna know something son... when you pull that trigger ...a little piece of you dies every damn time.

Yea.... the loss of life in the millions somehow appeals to those of the Rambo crowd... but when it all comes back on you..war is not something that any rational person really wants to be in the middle of...

Take that from experience of 30 years in the Army...and having been in every damn fist fight from the NAm all the way through Somalia.... is such a good thing

besides... why rush it...It will get here when two or three big boys on the block get tired of stepping back from one another... you ought to enjoy life now son...because if and when it happens...everything you ever held dear is gonna be gone, and unless you really are the so called Rambo type... some street punk and filth that always comes from war zones or calalmity is gonna do you quick.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Firstly, I want to say - millions of lives will disappear - maybe your family. You believe that you would sacrifice your family for a better government? Maybe now - but at the point, I don't think you will. Hell, I'm selfish enough that I would do anything to keep my family with me.

Secondly, what makes you think the government aren't ready for a WW3? Maybe everything that's occurring is leading up one - maybe it's their intention for one to occur.

And finally, I'm agreeing with the other posters. I mean, what makes you think the new government will be better than the old. It'll just be another power hungry dog wanting to control everyone and eventually continue the never ending pattern until they've been "dethroned."

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:21 AM
I have actually been following this thread and want to throw out there some thoughts I have been wondering about..

Is the MSM and Government causing so much stress with the constant sky is falling routine that people are begining to crack.. to the point that perhaps wanting war seems better than the wondering will the sky fall today..

At least war would be a real situation to deal with over the fantasy threats being pushed on us by all and sundry!!

Just wondering is all..

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Arms dealers will love this. A life lost for a buck.

It will be NATO vs SCO this time around, and these groups don't play nice.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Tormentations
We need world war III in order to topple the U.S. government. seriously?

Tormentations, here is Albert Einstein’s view on the aftermath of a WW III.
No doubt in my mind that he could be very right indeed .

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:37 AM
You fit all the reasons for "you wanting WW3" into one short (and badly written) paragraph.

I bet you really put TONS of thinking into this one, eh?

Yeah...keep wishing for a war that millions (if not billions) may suffer and die within.

I am betting this-

The REAL reason you want WW3 is because you are a typically bored person, of a youthful age, with little or no understanding of the workings of the world around you, and you just rather see explosions and death because that sounds "more entertaining" then sitting around and playing the video games you are now bored with.

Look lil guy...when you grow up, you may start giving a damn about other lives then your own, and a cataclysmic Armageddon may just start looking like a bad thing.

Until are just a "kid" wishing for World War Three.

I mean...think about it...what kind of foolish person actually wishes for WW3?

You do...

How shameful.

Stop hoping for a world war to clean up the boring mess you have put yourself into, and start having goals above those of "wishing for countless deaths worldwide" just to "suit your curiosity" and "desire for entertainment".

Seriously...grow up and join "the human race" like you should have years ago.

Unless of course, you are totally ready to live the rest of your life as a narcissistic individual who has no idea what a "world war" entails in the larger picture.

You know what? Never mind... Just keep doing what you do and keep spewing this desire for WW3 to everyone you meet.

I am sure you will find a nice circle of people, lacking all self-esteem, who adopt you into their little club of life-haters.

If you are lucky, they may even let you join their Emo band, or share with you their "black lip stick".

Good luck out there.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Tormentations

WW3 was the Cold War
WW4 was the GWOT

What you want is WW5... and it's also treason.

Why are you right-wingers always so anti-American when you lose the White House?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:48 AM
Lets follow this thinking through for a moment.

WW3 happens, government falls

People gather together to establish a government for the people...some basic law principles (unless you want the old west, then to hell with law..let murder and rape be as common as grass on a golf course..), we will probably have to elect some people to do that

Someone is also going to have to build some roads so we can get around...we might have to put our funds together...chip in so to speak...lets call this..taxes.

Now then...we got taxes..hmm, we better get armed in case some arse tries to take over our new nation...cant expect the children, elderly, and whatnot to fight, so we need to establish a standing mans army...lets call this the military...will have some fly planes to shoot down any enemies, some will simply be ground troops, etc.

ok, got taxes, got the military...someone is going to have to have oversight over this..hmm, this is getting complex but necessary...I got an idea...lets have someone represent the ideals of our community...lets call them senators..nice greek feel. Hmm, seems our community that lives on this clean river is in disagreement with that other community living in the wastelands..they better elect their own senator.

seems there is a nonstop stalemate in the senate...we need someone to get things moving...lets all get together and elect a president...since we are already in disagreement with who it should be, lets simply say majority rules.

aww crap, we did it time, I am just going to claim emperor title and crush any opposition.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:53 AM
incidently, one suggestion to the OPs.

If you truely want the feel of a WW3 experience...a extremely mild one, its really simple. Find on google maps your nearest desert. go to said desert. carry no water, food, or cell phone service. drive aimlessly in the desert until your car runs out of gas or overheats and cracks the engine block.

there ya job in your personal post apocolyptic world is to simply government to make you pay taxes, no gotta find a job, no clean your house tuesday afternoons...simple raw survival.

and dont be a puss and look for a way out getting out of post now live there.

feel free to cheat a little by watching a episode or two of man verses wild for some tips and tricks.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:15 AM
Do you realize what you are saying? You are not well or you are young and you've definitley not experienced war or you wouldn't say something like that. Your humanity is what counts anyone can kill some one but to forgive some one for something is another matter. Man.........statements like yours make me wonder what this world has come to. I hope you can find peace and have compassion for humanity someday. It starts with caring about yourself in a loving way. I suffered for 13 months in day in and day out combat and can guarantee you it's nothing to take lightly I pay everyday for what I did to innocent people. It haunts me and has haunted me for almost 40 years now. Like I said you have got to be a monster or an ignorant kid to say you wish for WW111. phssh...wise up

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:42 AM
This is a ridiculous idea! First off...If WWIII were to happen America would be on top when the dust settles. The only chance America would be defeated would be if China and Russia joined forces to fight the US and NATO turned it's back on the US. The chances of this happening are ZERO. So in conclusion the US will never be toppled...


posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by intelgurl

If you live stateside, i hope you get a knock on the door before you bring harm to innocent people...

I find a lot wrong with your post.

Since when is it illegal to think the way the OP does? Oh It's Not ILLEGAL??

I personally think it is rather totalitarian, fascist, and an overt attempt at mind control to threaten someone with FBI up in their face. Simply because you disagree with their point of view!!

You can go on all day saying that mr OP will bring harm to people, but this cannot be proven and he probably is 100% innocent of those gutless accusations.

However .Gov employees, are directly tied to murder, countless murders. And yet there are no cops at their doors are there?

I hope you can read in between the lines.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:57 AM
thats probably the dumbest thing i have ever seen in my life, and i have seen dumb things, a lot of dumb things i had to reread your title about 10 times to make sure i was seeing it right

just because modern Warfare 2 is a really amazing fun game, doesnt mean we need it in real life, if you want to die for me, go ahead, i probably wont ever know your name anyways, nor will i care

MODS seriously do we want this crap here?

who gave you a flag?

[edit on 2/4/2010 by l neXus l]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:02 PM
To quote Albert Einstein, "I don't know what weapons world war III will be fought with, but I do know that world war IIII will be fought with sticks and stones".

Only a fool would wish for world war III, each world war progressed in forms of technology and the brutality in which it was used, more and more lives lost in each world war. You do know that if there was a world war III then it wouldn't just be the persecution of one race? It would mean the persecution of ALL races. You don't come out of a world war in a better shape than when you went in...

[edit on 4-2-2010 by Resentedhalo08]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:18 PM
thats probably the dumbest thing i have ever seen in my life, and i have seen dumb things.WW3? We can barley take care of a country even after we bomb the hell out of it.

Think about it for a minute.

No you think about it for more than a min. Lots of people will die for no good reason whatso ever. A world war would not topple the gov. And besides a "world war" is just a war when the major nations are involved. So if the major nations helped us out in iraq it would be a world war and your theory would still fail

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:51 PM
While I can applaud your desire to topple the government of Amerikka Inc. as it now stands, your blueprint to bring about such change is very shortsighted.

Although I do believe the occupation of Afghanistan, and Iraq to be the precursors to a long desired war with Iran, and thus WW III by Amerikka Inc. and it's zionist controllers...

WW III is not the answer to remove this rogue government.

I believe the answers to removing Amerikka Inc. from our once Great Republic are in the hearts, minds, and hands of the American People.

Expose the events of September 11 2001 for what they truly are, and the American people will demand a revolutionary change!


Originally posted by NichirasuKenshin
1933 redux. Future Historians, please note that at least one American publicly begged for Fascism to come before it happened.

The fascism has been at our doorstep for some time now...they just haven't kicked the door in ...yet.

WE Surround them....Think about that.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:24 PM
First of all i'd like to say to all posters on this thread.

Respect !

Lets say there is another way to get rid of governments around the world.

We will introduce anarchy !

Tptb always warn us about it, they say society would end up dead, do to a massive corrupting of our way of live.

First of all this is BS. They can not know ! Anarchy never existed as a living form of society.
Only people in the government and all jobs they give out under government rule can be corrupted !
Anarchy by definition means without any form of government.

Does anyone really believes, without government there will be more people acting like criminals or murderers ? Know of course not.
Crime would plummet do to lack of laws. We would as a community take care of ourselves.

I know there are a few on ATS that do not believe in mankind and that it will destroy itself without rules and regulations.

I'm not full of doom en gloom ideas so. What do you think ?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:26 PM
If we need war, we need not wage it with other countries. Instead, we should wage it upon ourselves, the US.

Information getting people killed left and right. Soon enough, the agencies won't have to answer to the president.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

Flagged, Flagggeedddd. For serious mental issues. You are insanium in the cranium.

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