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Bug/Listening device detection

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by MBF

back in the days of bbs it could be found anywhere , now days i would assume the same , just do a google and you ll find it but i wouldent rely on the info with in the pages , most of it is just nonsence and out dated if not plain and simply leathal if you dont have the background knowlege of what your about to do.

but if you want a hard copy as for memorabilia id suggest you just find an online bookstore that sells it , might cost you a heavy buck (100-500) cause of it rarity.

but depending on what your gonna use the info for id suggest you get real info from experts or better yet study from real books.

there is no short cuts to real enlightment.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Now_Then


Your a funny person but your not as smart as you think you are, TV remote controls work as stated.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:27 AM
Loose lips sink ships

I'm going to go with the apt. not being bugged, especially if this other person is "ghetto".

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Turn off the power circuit to the house. Sit in dark and silence until the person comes to replace batteries or see whats up. Have gun.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by Now_Then


Your a funny person but your not as smart as you think you are, TV remote controls work as stated.

Details man! - details or your just wasting bandwidth...

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by dainoyfb

Actually, I do a have background in electronics, heck it even payed the bills for about 12 years after getting the degree and certs. Though it has been many years since I've done any type of component level and circuitry troubleshooting and repair, I am still familiar with the basics of RF.

Yes I realize this device is a freakin' toy, but if you re-read my post, I basically address the "false positives" you mention because without the specs I really don't know how sensitive the device really is at detecting "bugs", or wires or pipes for that matter.

Please also re-read the Op's original post from this thread: "It would have to be inexpensive--due to the other persons finanacial state and not too high tech."

Given the financial state of the Op's friend, ans as I stated previously, $60 is a lot more affordable than "going to town" by paying thousands of dollars.

K.I.S.S method really works sometimes.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by amazing

Amazing, what is the nature of the information being intercepted? What is the nature of the feedback loop... what comes back to them that makes them suspicious? How does your friend know they are being bugged?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by amazing

Simply run the wires from your TV remote control over to your stereo audio input and the other wires to your directional antennae and you can listen to people in stereo every time they get on their cell phone.

This blows my mind. There are no wires on my remote control.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Type of information being recieved is general intelligence: what this person is planning to do the next day, where they is going, what legal things they are working on, who they are talking to. There is a legal issue at heart here and this other person seems to know every step this person is taking before they do it. 1, 2 even 3 could be coincidence but it's dozens of things.

Apartment is being swept visually by a friend and they are ruling out rats/moles as I type this although that's a real posibility.

Thanks for all the input though guys!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by amazing

What kind of feedback are you getting from the individual that has made you suspicious? What are they doing/saying that makes you feel violated? Be specific. Give as many details as you feel comfortable in giving.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Cararet Voltaire,

Yes. there are no wires on your TV remote control that are usable, that is why I said you will need to get some wires so you can run them from your TV remote control to the audio input of your stereo; otherwise you will not be able to listen to what others say on their cell phones.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:24 AM
seems to me that this is more psychological than technical.

the way to beat this is is not a technical solution. turn around the bugging if it is happening. Disinfo!

keep calm

you have the upper hand if you "know" you are being bugged and the bugging party don't realize you know.

as it is a cell phone, only make bona fide decisions away from the apartment, if the person is speaking to friends use inconspicuous code words for other meanings, spread false information at every given time. give out so much information that could be potentially wrong that the listener has to do more and more work to understand what is real or not

more to deal with means that the listener will have to work harder and therefore more likely to make mistakes

in the UK most cheap commercially available listening devices are at the top end of the commercial FM frequencies, 108 - 112 Mhz and sometimes around 86 - 88 Mhz, which means that not all normal commercial FM receivers will pick up the signal without being adapted. some also work in the 55 - 65 Mhz range (roughly band 1)

as a design, standalone bugs are relatively low power therefore have shorter ranges to give longevity of use. typically 100 -200 yards and if voice activated , can typically last about 2 weeks

so you are looking for someone who has initial access to the apartment and has some means relatively close to record the conversations

so keep the apartment safe and not allow any further access, physical security and for 2 weeks have a good time laughing and spreading false info. pick up on some of the way out threads on this site and spend hours debating useless boring information

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:26 AM
Ah, never thought of using disinfo to your advantage.

Great idea - should work out if indeed tapped (which im guessing you're not)

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Lol, I usually refrain from taking the mick but TV remotes usually consist of a battery, IR led and a chip that scans the keyboard and transmits a bit pattern on a 38kHz carrier using the IR led.

Feel free to explain how this could demodulate and decrypt GSM communications, even with a pie dish.

Just the decrption alone would take supercomputer levels of processing power.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Cararet Voltaire,

Yes. there are no wires on your TV remote control that are usable, that is why I said you will need to get some wires so you can run them from your TV remote control to the audio input of your stereo; otherwise you will not be able to listen to what others say on their cell phones.

Oh, I got some wires.
Can I duct tape them to the remote, or do I need to tie a square knot?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by f3rm1N

Lol yeah thatll do it.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Hedera Helix

Sorry... I missed page two of the responses before answering. Don't forget to check out the dental work.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

It's an illegal device to have in most areas and if I told you how simple it really is to put together, then many kids and adults alike would be putting them together, just like all of you. For a moment I thought you must have seen a real one by your description, but then I realized you wrote what you wrote by accident.

The OP just needs to legally look in the persons apartment to see if he/she has a TV remote control that looks a little strange, especially one that is near an audio reciever like a stereo. Without the audio reciever hook-up, there can be no listening.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by amazing

Not necesseraly : there are directionnal device just to amplify , and hear 100 miles away. ( and this would be the easiest way : in this case you cannot detect it : you could watch the cars, people, etc : could become crazy ).

There are device that detect radio waves , I don't know much about.

Strategy : if you really think he does that : follow him : take somes photos , and go to the police station.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

To turn a transmitter into a receiver, all you have to do is put the batteries in backwards.


[edit on 7-2-2010 by OZtracized]

[edit on 7-2-2010 by OZtracized]

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