posted on May, 28 2004 @ 07:58 AM
Terror hasn't won, But it is "winning" what you need to do is get things back in perspective.
For example, I was going to go to Thai land this august But changed my mind and will now be touring Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
Why ? because its dirt cheap.
Why's it dirt cheap ? well according to my booking agent before Sep 11 Sri Lanka and the Maldives benefited from a huge influx of cash from US
tourists. Now you can't spot a US tourist for love or money.
Why ? Because Sri Lanka is a predominantly Muslim county and there's currently a war on.
The war was on before Sep 11 but that didn't stop the US tourists because its only happening in pretty isolated areas, but now, The idea of going to
a predominantly Muslim country, and one that happens to be having a war is simply not of their agenda.
Even though there's no more threat today than there was 3 years ago, US tourists have started seeing major threats around the world which were
previously considered minor.
Don't let it happen. Don't get sucked into the whole "the world is against us, everything is dangerous" mentality, its simply an illusion.