posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Signals
I'm sure you are the one who's delusional.
There is plenty of proof, but there is also a cover-up. The evidence you are looking for will never surface. Besides that, there isn't any evidence
which supports that we are alone in the universe, or haven't had some kind of divine intervention thousands of years ago. These beings aren't just
going to come down and greet everybody, as they know full well how violent and xenophobic this species is.
Hundreds of years ago the Vatican had everyone believing the Earth was flat, and people who believed in the existence of microbial life were
incarcerated and considered insane. This strange belief that we are alone in the universe seems to be the remaining fallout of the lies of the past.
The movies/television/games with aliens are there to brainwash, to lead people to believe that there will be an alien threat even if the threat isn't
real and just another hoax like 9/11. What better way to unite the world under a new world order than with an artificial alien threat?
Earth is in no way natural, and according to the theory of evolution we shouldn't have all this technology right now, so where else did it come from?
Why do you think we spend so much money on a space program?
So I ask to you, before you call me delusional, to show evidence which supports YOUR claim. Of course, there is no evidence, as this is a highly
complex topic overwhelmed by speculation. We don't have the means to detect civilisations light-years away because our technology isn't as advanced.
The advanced technology which exists though is alien technology, as according to the theory of evolution it would have taken thousands of years still
to develop.
I'm sure the Trilateral Commission uses alien technology, and they want people to think aliens are a hoax so they can continue to take credit for
inventions they back-engineered rather than discovered. They want disclosure to be slow, to avert the chances of starting a panic. That's why History
Channel has shows about aliens, as they have a contract to disclose. The movies about alien invasions are simply brainwashing.