posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17
Humanity is NOT ready to meet ET
our race has rarely, if ever, been ready for any of the seachange eventsthat have come upon us.
Was humanity ready to expand from European the late 15th century? No, not really. Curious? Yes, but we were entirely too incapable of understanding
those civilizations we came upo and ended up extinguishing most of their culture and spreading disease even when we didn't outright conquer them.
And building from this understanding, is ET ready to meet us? Would we be accepted as we are, allowed to continue human culture unmolested?
We often assume so much of our visitors... that merely by their presence here, they must have passed through some point that rendered them into
friendly, benevolent critters that would not do to us what we have done to our own kind under similar circumstances.
But I do think that the truth may be that neither we or those visitors are in any way so far advanced that we are somehow beyond making a mess of
things... and that may well be why 'they' don't want direct contact with us.
One, it may be for our good that we remain separate... and two, it may be for their own good that they don't want us messing around in their lives.
Any invasive species is capable of eradicating those others that they compete with in a given environment.
We may be as much a threat to them as sci fi has made them to us.