Anyone who really follows any of my contributions will remember
This thread - Morgellons
Identified! posted about 2 years ago. At that time, I had pointed out research that had indicated that the "organism" appeared to be
nano-technology, was self-replicating, used the human nervous system as a battery and had no known taxonomy. Scary stuff!!! At the time though much
of this was simple speculation based on educated assumptions resultant of the research conducted at the time. New info is emerging that is far
scarier than some of the original observations.
Recent research results released by Clifford Carnicom (
Full article here: Morgellons, A New
Classification) take these findings to a new level. Allow me to cut to the chase: "As such, it appears that we are dealing with an
"organism" that transcends the structural existence that has been defined for life itself. The Morgellons condition appears, by the best
information and analysis to date, to be an orchestrated synthesis that crosses the lines of the three established Domains of life on this planet. It
is very difficult to envision, at this state of knowledge, that this "organism" (for the sake of discussion) is the result of any "natural" or
"evolutionary" process. This hypothesis, if accepted, forces us to consider the very real prospect of deliberate and willful indulgence in the
arena of genetic engineering. This could certainly explain, at least in part, the deliberate and willful lack of disclosure and honesty on the issue
to the public. We may also ask what was the motivation for the "ordained" mis-diagnosis of 'delusional parasitosis' that was promoted so
negligently and that has now failed so prominently? Disclosure and full honesty will reclaim their rightful positions in the end, regardless of the
machinations of our own species.
The more appropriate "term" for this condition may evolve in like order to that which has been described for science in general; I will not confuse
the issue with additional nomenclature at this time. What has happened here is that the term "Morgellons" now encompasses a broader context than
that which has been previously understood. I shall always correct my ways if a straightforward address of the issues reveals that everything after
all is amazingly simple, and that we can get on with our ordinary business of taking yet another pill to alleviate the symptoms. The evidence and
history thus far does not project such an innocent and gleeful outcome, and in the meantime we must prepare ourselves for the heinousness that has
been unleashed, by whatever means, upon us."
WOW! I urge anyone truly interested in understanding this condition to read the full article. It contains alot of information on what is happening
here and provides the details to support the previous statement. As such, I am VERY interested in hearing feedback from any other ATS members who
have been following the Morgellons developments regarding this new research.
Further, I am convinced that this was either created intentionally to perform functions that we still have yet to uncover OR this is the result of
unintended consequences of scientists playing with things that they just shouldn't play with - Like DNA!!!
Please use this thread to add any other scientific research that, together, may further our understanding of this abomination upon mankind. Thanks!