posted on May, 28 2004 @ 11:34 AM
These concepts for converting manned airframes into UCAVs have been around since at least 1997. However, I think some of the potential advantages you
describe are a bit optimistic. The airframes were originally designed for +9g, with some safety margin. Simply removing a pilot doesn't mean that
the aircraft could pull more g's without extensive structural strengthening. I'm also skeptical about using unmanned aircraft for air-to-air
combat. Stinger has been tested on the Predator for self-defense, but I doubt we'll see UAVs flying air defense missions anytime soon--certainly not
without a man-in-the-loop. The primary advantage of UCAVs is the ability to strike well-defended ground targets without risking a pilot, but
air-to-air combat requires a level of situational awareness that will be very difficult for a pilot in a ground control station to achieve.