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Intelligence Officials Warn Attempted Al Qaeda Attack Months Away

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by tooo many pills

Ok, goofy kid. I am willing to bet the CIA is one of the most corrupt alphabet agencies in the U.S.

Parts of the CIA are corrupt. There are teachers, lawyers, doctors, farmers, machinist, engineers, etc, who are corrupt. Do you have any idea how the CIA is departmentalized? The majority of employees by the CIA have no idea what happens in other departments. That'd be like me going to a hospital and going up to a cardiologist and telling him he's corrupt and the whole hospital is corrupt because a brain surgeon did something less than divine.

Yeah, it is a hard job, but them telling us a terror attack is likely within the next quarter of the year and that Al-Queda is sending operatives to the U.S. doesn't do anything but scare the American people. This will cause them to report every muslim near their homes. Which would overload the CIA with useless reports and prevent them from actually following the right people.

I see your point, and don't disagree with you. Though, I do believe that they made this announcement to cover their own butts. At least if they let America know that it's still a very probable possibility they won't be insulted and slandered when something does happen. Give the CIA some credit, they are good at their job.

They should either keep the information to themselves and do their job. OR tell us all the information they know, so we aren't just scared and in the dark. That way we will know exactly what to look for if an attack is about to happen and we wont be caught off guard. The terrorist have the element of surprise going for them. If all 300 million Americans know their next move it would be pretty hard to make.

This kind of goes back to my last point. They don't want to announce anything that could jepardize their information and/or deter their sources. I personally think telling the American people what 'might' possibly happen isn't a good idea. If a terrorist group knows that everyone knows what's going to happen, they'll simply change their plans. And this time maybe the CIA won't get so lucky find out the new plan. So, while everyone is waiting for some football stadium to get bombed, they hit the Olympic games instead. Kind of see my point? I'm sure they're busy trying to find the details and do what they can about it, but there's only so much the CIA can do. It's a game of bargaining, and if they can't find the right person to bargain with they will lose the game.

It really irks me when the bottom level CIA informants come on this board to say absolutely nothing but build up the agency.

I honestly don't think the intention was to build themselves up. I simply don't think the CIA really cares about the image they have with the public. The public is so quick to judge them and call them corrupt and useless that it forgets how much the agency really does do for them.

If I got what I wanted the CIA wouldn't be 'abolished', it would be 'overhauled and cleaned up.' But if you think they're perfect then I guess I'll change all of my opinions because you said so.

I don't think the CIA is perfect. Of course it could use some cleaning up, I agree. However, I try and defend them because as I said above, they do a lot more for this country than people give them credit for.

By the way, I apologize for calling you a "random guy", I was frustrated with the way people attack our intelligence agencies without really knowing anything but what they see on this forum or read on the 'news'.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Cuhail

I have to are you so well aware of the difficulties of being a CIA employee? I have heard -first hand- of the CIA working INSIDE the US borders from a contact I wholeheartedly trust. My "contact" revealed to me exactly what his dealings regarding the CIA were and I would like to hear yours too.
Can you elaborate?

If you can't, I understand...but my faith in your expertice on the matter falters.

Just asking. You made it relevant.

Admittedly, I don't have any personal contact from anyone in the CIA. However, I had done extensive research on all sorts of agencies like the CIA, DIA, NSA, State Dept., and FBI; as they're all part of my professional studies.

But if you think that working for the CIA is an easy task, then I'm afraid you're delusional and living in a false version of reality. You don't seem like a dumb person at all, so don't act like a job with the most successful clandestine service in the world is a cake walk.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree with you. As I said to another poster, I think they make this sort of announcement to make sure people are aware that it's still a real possibility. Citizens have become so accustomed that there won't be any more terrorist attacks that it leaves them vulnerable.

In my opinion, the intelligence community made this announcement to keep the American people on their toes, and so that if/when something does happen they won't get blasted by the media.

And hey, I like my name

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by ProUSA

Well said, you aren't goofy or a kid at all. I am sorry. I see your points, I really do.

I would just like to be more informed, instead of just living in fear that any sort of attack could happen. Obviously, the CIA knowns something about an imminent attack. Instead of tell us about it, they just tell us they know of it. How does that help anyone but them? BOOM! 'See we told yall.. you didn't listen to us!'

At least if the CIA told us some of the information about the attack, the terrorists would be force to change their plans. That would buy us more time and possibly extend lives. It would also make the terrorists even more nervous about being caught and they might just decide it is not worth it. Maybe the brainwashing would wear off.. who knows. It would force them to change their cards or carry through knowing that we know their plan.

As far as I know, the terrorist committing the acts of terror are directed by their leaders outside of the country, they are not making up their own plans. They may need more money sent to them to prolong their stay or they may have new directions sent their way. These things would lead to more trails for the CIA to follow. Yeah, the CIA could have gotten lucky with this information, but the terrorists don't know that.

I think if the CIA told us some information it would prove that they are definitly on our side and they trust us. Which in turn would lead to us trusting them more.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Alex Jones Exposes Government Terror Operation: July 25th 2001

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

Again, solid points.

The CIA is stuck between a rock and a hard place in that regard. They could let us know more detail which could possibly give the US more time to catch them, foil their plans, etc. There's also the possibility that they would alter their plans and do something that we weren't prepared for.

I guess there's no easy way for the intelligence agencies to do their work.

Just in my opinion, I don't think it's a good idea. I think people like yourself and I could handle sensitive information like that in a correct way. But there are also Americans who would overreact or even possibly psychos who would try and assist terrorist activity.

Though, no one said my opinions the best one

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Here is overview of the articles about the imminent attack

wonder if Obama has called in for a PDB about these warnings?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by tooo many pills
So we know Al-Queda is deploying operatives into the U.S. and the CIA is just letting us know ahead of time that they aren't going to do anything about it until the event happens.

Sounds good to me. Not.

Will the War on Terror ever end or will we just decide to invade every country on the planet? Ye Man!

Let me get this straight we have how many troops in the Middle East looking for how many terrorists? The ratio is like 150 soldiers to every 1 terrorist yet we can't find them and they are still coming into our country. God damn sleepers cells.. they probably think we are all terrorists too. Go USA!

You really buy into all that crap? THERE ARE NO TERRORISTS. It's the government man, what don't you get. Why do you think these "terrorists" are allowed into the USA? It is all a fraud.

Who do you think brings in ALL the drugs, coc aine, herion and pot? THE CIA. Oliver North stated so right in front of a congressional hearing!! There are so many FBI agents serving time for trumped up charges because they investigated the CIA involvement.

So lets have a war on drugs, but first we need a drug probelm in the country. GET IT?

Same with the war on terrorists. First we need some terrorists!!!!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by daddio

So lets have a war on drugs, but first we need a drug probelm in the country. GET IT?

Same with the war on terrorists. First we need some terrorists!!!!

Yes, alright, there are no terrorists

Keep living in your hole.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:14 AM


posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by stoneysauce

What you just posted makes you the definition of a "troll."

Making fun of my writing style? Way to contribute to the website, I can see you're extremely intelligent.

And hopefully someday I will be getting paid for my opinions

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by ProUSA

I'm not a troll, but entitled to my opinion as you are yours.

But cmon, you just dont stop! You own half the posts on this thread, just rehashing the same thing over and over!

No, offense. I just call it like I see it.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 02:36 AM
This coincidentally comes a week after a congressional panel deemed the Obama administration ill prepared to deal with a biological terror attack.

Failing grade for bio terror response

US ill prepared for biological attack panel finds

Last year Cheney also warned of such attacks:
Cheney warns of new attacks

It seems to me that they're setting Obama up to fail, next thing we'll hear is Palin come out talking tough on security.

[edit on 4/2/10 by Cthulwho]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:00 AM


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