Here is an interesting item from the PAGOSA SPRING SUN newspaper, dated:
October 8, 2009.
Appeared on the Letter to the Editor section
written by Ron Alexander.
Dear Editor:
I thought I would pose a question to drive the Pagosa Springs area residents mad with thought. What is the source of the constant low frequency noise
heard from Kenny Flats all the way to Juanita and beyond?
The noise can be heard by most people in their vehicles when the engine is turned off.
Using a low-frequency noise meter, as I used, the noise will show a constant 56 decibels in the C range.
Not all people can hear low frequency, but an example of low-frequency noise is the common home generator that is used throughout the county.
Yet, I believe this is not the source of the noise in the Coyote Park region.
The noise I'm referring to is only heard by about 60 percent of the public and those with bad hearing are blessed from hearing this constant,
inescapable noise.
Low-frequency noise caused by gas well compressors stations such as is found at Fawcett Gulch on Colo. 151 can be heard for many miles and will drive
people out of their homes.
In the right conditions, such as in desert environments, low-frequency noise produced by these compressors carries for 20 miles.
This noise is the EPA's number-one complaint.
Low frequency is also produced by tunneling machines.
This is what I believe is the source of the noise throughout the region of Archuleta County.
If you doubt the noise exists, go listen for yourself, for I doubt it has gone away.
I think the government is building huge underground complexes in the sandstone bedrock or even under Archuleta Mountain. The noise is 24/7.
If you're a reporter, go ask the local ranchers of the area and residents if they hear the noise.
It's a great mystery worth investigating.
Ron ALexander
Indeed, this is a fascinating report, relevant to the whole Dulce, New Mexico rumors, as well as rumors about southern Colorado's reportedly strange
goings-on and even stretching out to the rumors about Denver International Airports alleged underground complexes.