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Massive Tragedy. What would you do?

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posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Raverous
Id gather up whatever supplies I needed and probably just wander for a long time. Laws and such would be pretty irrelevant I think. Most of the remaining people would probably flock to a city and stay there so there would be a lot of land left alone. Yes... I think I would enjoy such a thing... just wander for a few years, exploring things without being bothered much, if at all and then find a spot to live the rest of my life peacefully then die. I don't see myself becoming an old man so when I got tired of it Id probably just eat my gun and hope for the best. If I found myself in hell I would have to form a rebellion and annex all of hell for myself and my followers, throw the devil out on his ass then start forming plans for a siege on heaven.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by Raverous]

If you're still on here, could you perhaps elaborate on the first part of what you're talking about, had me interested!

If you could go on of course sir!

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by Republican08

Being a drinking and smoking man, I would find the nearest cigar shop and liquor store.

Sit back and watch Armageddon.

No need to panic, I have my TOWEL.

I the same sir.

But perhaps instead of a towel.

I may just have towelie instead.....

[edit on 2-2-2010 by Republican08]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by Republican08

Well, I tried a two part joke.

Armageddon being the end and a movie.

The towel from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Can never be without a towel. That book and movie still cracks me up.

Sometimes my humor is kind of arcane and dry. An old friend in college, from England, use to get my humor, what more can I say.

[edit on 2/2/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Republican08

I don't think theres much to say really, Once the reality of the situation set in Id take whatever I thought would be useful from my house, then go to a local store and get whatever else I needed. Id probably look around town for the best vehicle I could find, preferably a nice pickup or a hummer. Id fill that up with supplies too and extra gas then just drive around, stop and explore whatever caught my interest, like old buildings and restricted areas in government buildings, things like that. Id document things with pictures and video if I could. After I got tired of wandering Id find a place to settle. Probably by the coast. Id fortify it however I could and live the rest of my life there. Maybe find a dog for company. After about 10-15 years Id probably just kill myself out of boredom.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:11 AM
My plan would be the one I have spent months and months formulating..

Which is to stroll down to the lake near my house, picnic in hand and simply enjoy myself..

Edit to add: after that I'd stroll along and set up house in thise place..

just a few miles from where I live on the Sussex Coast

Beside it has a nice observatory in the grounds

[edit on 2/2/10 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Republican08

I would not say it would be anywhere near as high as 60% of people vanishing.

Theres too much falsehood going around right now, there are many who believe in reincarnation yet say they are christian, there are many who say that being a good person alone can get you to God, there are many who believe that satan does not exist, many believe that you should confess your sins to a priest, heck even the pope thinks he gives salvation!

The bible speaks of all these things, thats proof that people do not read their bibles and thats another thing any christian should be doing as much as possible. The bible says that, not me!

If I was left behind I would take a long hard look at myself in the mirror and find out where I went wrong.

I would then do my best to survive for as long as possible and mend my ways. Not everyone will be wiped out as far as I understand it but I would certainly not want to be on this place when it kicks off. It takes a lot to anger God, but when it reaches this point I certainly do not want my maker to be angry with me. I fear God far more than I fear the bad in the world, thats for sure.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by XXXN3O]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

60% of the earths population is gone.


It will be more like 4% worldwide, and I doubt most will even realize it in America. Most Churches in America will still be full of false converts, hearing a watered down false gospel, living their lives no different from the rest of the world, with the exception of where they spend their Sunday mornings.

If the Bible was correct and the rapture did occur exactly as it said it would, why do some of the posters not believe what it says concerning the aftermath? A book just accurately predicted a supernatural event, and you still think you are in control, really? Just a heads up, but more than likely, most of the people left behind will not survive the full 7 years after.

To the no doubt flames that are coming, notice I started paragraph 2 with the word "IF", signifying an if P then Q senario. There is no point in arguing whether or not P will occur, I was simply addressing IF it did, the ramifications that will follow

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:11 PM
I would walk over to my pastors house and help myself to anything I wanted. Then I would work my way through the deacons houses and last of all the church pianist. (if the pianist doesn't get raptured NO-ONE does).
Seems to me like it would be a great opportunity with all those people gone and everyone scratching their head.
Unfortunately our entire government would still be right where they are.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by kingofmd

Originally posted by Republican08

60% of the earths population is gone.


It will be more like 4% worldwide, and I doubt most will even realize it in America. Most Churches in America will still be full of false converts, hearing a watered down false gospel, living their lives no different from the rest of the world, with the exception of where they spend their Sunday mornings.

If the Bible was correct and the rapture did occur exactly as it said it would, why do some of the posters not believe what it says concerning the aftermath? A book just accurately predicted a supernatural event, and you still think you are in control, really? Just a heads up, but more than likely, most of the people left behind will not survive the full 7 years after.

To the no doubt flames that are coming, notice I started paragraph 2 with the word "IF", signifying an if P then Q senario. There is no point in arguing whether or not P will occur, I was simply addressing IF it did, the ramifications that will follow

Perhaps 60% because gods having a good day.

Letting muslims in and everyone else with a pat on the back and a auspicious "well you tried, and that's all that matters".

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Unfortunately our entire government would still be right where they are.

I starred you for this part.

Hell (pun intended), no one in Washington would even know anything happened.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Detailed Perfection
Actually, there's not a lot you or I could do. For the ones that are left behind won't be around long after.

Right because they would be nephilim food- locust living dead- or final *CING* ETERNAL FIRE PRODUCTS LOL

Jesus followers die 1c devil natas followers die twice. Makes sense ALL MUST DIE/MATURE/HATCH/RIPEN ADVANCE TO THE NEXT STEP OF EXISTANCE

[edit on 2/2/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:21 PM
In point of fact, there is nothing in the Bible about a "rapture" — that was phony-baloney 19th Century evangelizing.

What we do know about the Tribulation, however, is that everybody gets to go to Heaven. All you have to do is call on the name of the Lord and you'll be saved.

An easy out.

But, then, that was the whole purpose of the new covenant with God, right. Jesus Christ assumed the total burden of all Mankind's sin for infinity into the past and future. Mighty big load of sin. Our job was to earn it by turning to Christ and declaring Him our savior.

Hey, I'm not making this up.

So, in the End Times, when the Antichrist and his (or her) minions are slaughtering people by the billions, all you have to do is call on the name of Jesus Christ. Bingo. Get Out of Hell Free Card.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:24 PM
When I read your OP I thought about Stephen King's The Stand. I know, it's a bit of a different scenario, but in the end it's about the same concept (and I don't believe in the Rapture) so it's my way to relate to your question ... lots of people gone, how do you make it? I envision myself doing something similar to the crew in that book... Find what I need to survive and hit the road, looking for others (bad guys to be avoided). Details are moot, at this point, because no one knows exactly what situation they will find themselves in... I do know, I probably wouldn't make it alone, nor would I want to be alone. A group is better (mentally, emotionally, physically, etc.). I would continue to go on... the best that I could and in line with what I believe to be right. What other choice would there be?

[edit on 2-2-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:33 PM
None of you peacefull loving soul possessing creatures want to be around when the bottomless pit is opened TRUST ME YOU CANNOT SURVIVE W/O TAINTING YOURSELFS W/ EVIL VIA-stealing-killing-and what else negative your minds can visualise maty be happining THE LAWLESS LANDS

Any attempt @ surviving in this time w/o being evil will immedietly have you killed or tortured. DEATH HAS MANY UNKNOWNS BUT IS A KNOWN EXIT FROM EARTH FOR SURE.

Imagine dying twice SMMFH

[edit on 2/2/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

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