posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 02:37 AM
I had no idea what to even put in a title for this one as wierld as it will sound. I would really like to know if any other members have had this
experince at any time and for how long if you can remember..
I guess I started noticing this 'phenomon', for lack of a bettter word, for a couple years I guess. Sitting in the lunch room with my good friend
and co-worker, I was telling him of a movie I saw on t.v. a few years ago, he sounded intrested and said if it came on he'd have to watch it..
Within the next 2 days, the EXACT same movie airs on comcast!! At that time, I was hmm cool, and never thought nothing of it later...until...
Talking to my wife at home last year some time about a dream I had a few years ago, which was quite disturbing but, made a definate point in my life.
The dream was 'kinda' linked to the movie La Femme Nikita. She said she would watch it if it aired again ..
With in that same week, the exact same movie aired on comcast.. for like 4 days in a row.. I was like wow.. ok ..and me and my wirfe watched it..
Last year, at my former place of employment where I was talking with my friend, as stated above, I was sitting with him and engineer and we were
dicussing our long list of movies we liked. I asked him if he ever saw a certain movie, (can't remember the name of it right now) but he said he
hadn't but would definately watch it if it came on t.v. .....
Like clockwork.. the movie litterly aired THAT very night! I was WHOA!!! NO WAY. If I remember right, the movie was like 7 years old and I'd never
have seen it aired on t.v at all till then! So, the next day, we're sitting down in the lunch room when I say .. "hey, that movie aired last night
on comcast.." He looked at me and said.. "no WAY!!!" I confirmed it that I watched myself..
He looked at me and said.. that's weird!! I nodded..
2 weeks ago, I was telling a friend of mine at work about the movie Futureworld with Yul Brynner and said it was a classic.
It just litterly aired last week on comcast~!!
Can it really be all just coincidence?? I"m quite sure there are a couple of other times this has happened to me.
As I said stated above, if there is any other members that have had this happed, plz post them here with specifics as much as possible. All of mine,
but one, has happened at places of employment, that I can remember.
going to use this thread to track if this happens again ..
thx !!!