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Norway Spiral : Case reopened - the anatomy of an event

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by davesidious

my mistake, thanks for answering though

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:20 PM
Hi All
A very interesting event and no doubt not caused by a dud rocket launch.
Great work in localising and pinpointing the exact position as that helps to quell the speculation that it's cause is remote from it's location.
Anyway, this is our information on the "event".

" Coming from unused alien bases, the fallout is caught between layers of gasses which prevent them escaping into "their' atmosphere. The area of contamination is then opened and released into earth's."
Q) Does this contamination have any affect on earth?
A)" It changes the climatic waves"



posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:09 AM
to continue this thread of debate here something for ATS members that are not to familiar with the conspiracy of the ESICAT (like a lesser HAARP ) Norway Spiral

Some Theory's of HAARP of what it does that might have cause this

just a refresh

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:52 AM
Right from the mouth of the People that are Involved with HAARP

Some of you have Seen This ! Documentary

Narration from none other than Martin Sheen a big Conspirator Especially Kennedy Please Watch this !

Its 51.17 min long with 3 commercial's breaking in it you dont not want to miss it
make sure you have the time ! 480 Hi Def by the way

I have read this thread and the great minds on this site that have the Theory's of what has happened and Debunking as Missile no missile to both missile and ESICAT like HAARP combined

Listen Very Carefully to the documentary and Remember as much as you can in this discussion of this thread all 20 pages
It will astound you! the one that hit me was My theory as a Projectile (err Missile >? Shell ? Filled with Plasma ) Used as Starter To Create the the Momentum and ESICAT Takes Over to Make the Spiral and a Scientist in this documentary Sorta Says almost the same thing ! more or less Putting fuel to the Fire kinda way the other HAARP/ESICAT can be Controlled in all Directions , like a limb ((WAVING )) its hand ! Pun intended ! as to control the Spiral

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Wolfenz]

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Here's an example of a failed missile launch that results in a spiral cloud forming. As you can see, the cloud in the video isn't even close to that seen in those in Norway.

I have seen many rockets and missiles launched during my career in the DoD, and not once did I ever see one emit blue exhaust, or the entire lack of orange/red flames emitting from the bottom during flight.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry

This information here demonstrates that there is no way under the circumstances that the missile exhaust could have been moving at a strong enough speed to have not dissipated in the altitude, speed of the wind...etc. These figures are not really debatable under the circumstances. Otherwise the missile would be defying the laws of physics.

However, in light of new information, there is a possibility of a collaboration of technologies.

So, I am in the process of possibly revamping my opinion.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

Hello EM,

Apologies for not responding to you sooner...

I've had a chance to go back over the analysis which you've been posting here claiming to show why the missile could not have made the spiral that was seen in Norway, and I have found that the basis of the authors claim and thus his entire analysis is based on incorrect data and unsubstantiated assumptions and is therefore, IMO, completely false.

Without going into all the details (unless necessary) all I have to say is that he's assumed incorrectly that the Bulava is a 3 stage solid fuel rocket when in fact it's not. The first 2 stages are solid fuel propellant while the third stage is a liquid fuel propellant- this is to allow for more precise maneuverability during war head separation.

(check specs on top right)

The basis of the analysis you provided, according to the author, is that all 3 stages are solid fuel propellant, which "would rule out the possibility of the "ripples" being liquid or gas propellant." He then goes on to say "It seems to leave the only possibility that the "ripples" could be smoke."

Smoke!?- is that the technical term for it

So because it's "smoke" he later suggests, " that one would presume that it would defuse and dissipate at an easily observable rate....."

Well I have a few questions then:

What's this easily observable rate that he speaks of? What does that mean? And I'd like to know what the normal dissipation rate is for "smoke" thats being ejected at a very high velocity in the upper atmosphere? I'd also like to know what the composition of the ejected particulate ( i.e. "smoke") is for a 3 stage solid fueled rocket (NOTE: there are quite a few different types of solid fuel compositions) and why, because of this composition, the ejected particulate couldn't remain in the upper atmosphere for an extended period of time. How about providing thrust velocities to compare his calculations to?

He offers none of this supporting data.

There's more but I there's no point in going any further. The analysis has the right approach I think, but is far from proving conclusively that the spiral was not made by a rocket.

The fact still remains that is was...

[edit on 7-2-2010 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

I suggest you (and everyone else) READ THIS.. It may help to explain many of the burning questions that have been asked over and over again regarding this event.

Questions like:

What kind of rocket was it, why was it launched and what happened?
Did it really look that dramatic?
Why did it glow?
Why was it blue?
Why did it have a spiral pattern?
Why did it create a “black hole” or tunnel effect, where there was an apparent dark area inside a light ring?

Now if you or anyone else are in position to refute any of the explanations that were given for each of the above questions then I invite you to please provide your well substantiated reasoning for why those explanations are incorrect.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

That Trident failed well within the dense lower atmosphere, so the effect will be very different, as it tumbles through dense air, at a lower speed, at a steeper angle. Not really comparable at all to an ICBM failing in space.

Also, that trident does have a blue exhaust, but you can't see it because it's in the atmosphere and not being illuminated from behind by the sun. Trident missiles' exhaust contains large amounts of aluminium oxide, or sapphire, which shines bright blue when illuminated from the rear by direct sunlight. In the Norway spiral photos, you can trace that blue spiral down to the horizon, where it is in the atmosphere (and illuminated by the sun), and it appears exactly like the trident missile's exhaust. Also the flames are not always visible when out of the atmosphere. The *countless* videos on youtube of the Apollo missions, for example, show rockets outside of the atmosphere producing no visible flame at all. Plus, at the altitude the missile was at (well over a hundred kilometers), the flame would be absolutely tiny when viewed from the ground.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

Nicely done. Keep up the good work!

The most commonly-asked questions have already been answered time and time again by actual real honest-to-goodness experts.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

sure have you ever seen a Missile Spiral for at least 5 to 10 minutes! Stationary like it was harnessed! in a Circular Pattern as this was in ESICAT Tromso Norway

Never have ive seen this Find ME One Video that a Stationary Missile that is Suspended in a Harnessed matter that Spirals With (OUT) interrupting the Spiral Pattern its making ! and Changes Direction like it was controlled like in the China's Spiral in 89

its the combination of a (Projectile )= Starter Maybe? and ESICAT Just a Theory but a strong one

5 to 10 min is the report from witnesses this Spiral was doing its thing
by the men behind the curtain opps i mean Mountain

it makes you wonder if ESICAT can make holographic images and using plasma (shell) as the ink is this what it was doing doodling ?

waiting for this to be unclassified in the late future

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

No I haven't, have you?

Not sure how long the spiral was visible in the sky for, you'll have to watch the videos for the proper duration...

Either way, it was moving across the sky... it wasn't actually standing still

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

I did not say that the Spiral was Standing still! what i said was it Suspended
or Harnessed if the spiral was not the pattern (waves) would of been disrupted and not a near perfect wave circle

it seems to me the Spiral could of been controlled and so far i have not came up with a video of a projectile missile, rocket etc that can do the same thing as the norway / china spiral in this manner

for the 5 to 10 min it is the witnesses( from what i read in other posts ) that seen this phenomenon that claims the only one's that would have a crystal clear video right from the start would be E.I.S.C.A.T themselves if they were involved

a big guess ! capsule was launched by a mortar or like a cannon !
parachuted to the right spot then EISCAT took over the capsule controlled it released plasma from the capsule made it spin the spiral for measuring testing

the list can go on of how or why and what for

here is a site of interest

ok ATS people here you go right from the mouth of babes !

EISCAT was involved ? ^^ shown in the schedule ^^

[edit on 8-2-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Or the missile was travelling virtually directly away from the person taking the photos, which lines up with the calculated trajectory.

EISCAT doesn't have the ability to create anything visible on that level. You'd need special equipment to detect any optical effects created by EISCAT.

Please keep wild conjecture out of this thread - people are trying to actually find out what caused the spiral, and we don't need baseless assertions of HAARP or EISCAT or unicorn farts clogging up the thread.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

thank you for fixing that for me i was trying to say it was not caused by a missile ALONE ! if it was a missile ! ive should re edited im not saying is or not but something caused it something plasma >? i have no claims in what it was

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by davesidious

you sure are trying to debunk anything and everything in this thread !

IS EISCAT is right over the mountain you see in the picture !

obviously you can not imagine or wonder or Guess ! and that is what a conspiracy is all about about theory's of the undiscovered facts

sure it's crazy wild ! Tesla Edison Einstein did a lot of it before they proved it could be done to make it a fact

in every thread on this site ive seen in your just about every category is having the majority of your dissing debunking

maybe some of the ideas or wild guess might trigger something a reader has seen else ware

if EISCAT are run by government anything is possible and never to reveal the truth

honestly you need to watch this if you have not seen it ! some of the wild guess work these members are saying in this thread is also what the HAARP Employees are saying and some are saying they are not sure what else HARRP can do ! 1gigawatts HAARP and guess what EISCAT is 1gigawatts (billion watts) old site some dead like some still exist interesting though!

another view of the spiral

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Wolfenz]

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

No, the White Sea, where Russia test launches its ICBMs is over that mountain. That has been established many times by many different people.

HAARP and EISCAT can not produce optical phenomenon like you seem to claim they can. That YouTube video is conspiracy nutjob crackpottery of the highest order. Please keep to Science & Technology in this forum, and not ramblings about Tesla's unproven & undocumented work, thanks.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by davesidious

well you have not seen ((( Holes In Heaven: H.A.A.R.P. and Advances in Telsa Technology ))) then! have you ive posted it for you !
if you do not have time to watch this documentary then you do not have the time for research

it was not done by missile alone !!!! if there was one !

over the mountain to grandma house we go !

the big question lies here !

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Wolfenz
reply to post by PhotonEffect

sure have you ever seen a Missile Spiral for at least 5 to 10 minutes! Stationary like it was harnessed! in a Circular Pattern as this was in ESICAT Tromso Norway

Never have ive seen this Find ME One Video that a Stationary Missile that is Suspended in a Harnessed matter that Spirals With (OUT) interrupting the Spiral Pattern its making ! and Changes Direction like it was controlled like in the China's Spiral in 89

its the combination of a (Projectile )= Starter Maybe? and ESICAT Just a Theory but a strong one

5 to 10 min is the report from witnesses this Spiral was doing its thing
by the men behind the curtain opps i mean Mountain

it makes you wonder if ESICAT can make holographic images and using plasma (shell) as the ink is this what it was doing doodling ?

waiting for this to be unclassified in the late future

Wolfenz, you're arguing against people who don't check links, facts, and have no information to back their claims. In fact, its absolutely useless to talk with them because they are followers of a certain member who does the research for them. As of recently, his research has been failing them horribly.

Nonetheless, we're all on a different thread now, which has completely destroyed the debunkers initial claims. They're backpeddling and scraping for anything that will confirm their beliefs that it was a missile. Its hilarious.

If I were you though. I would just put Davesidious and Photoneffect on ignore. They don't bring anything to the argument anyway except for opinions and conjecture.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Damian-007

I have a similar view. Looks like some sort of shock waves, due to Hyper space / or time penetration.
Will be interesting to know, DoD or Nasa version, that they obtain from spy satellites.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

HAARP doesn't have the power to cause anything significant apart from heating of the ionosphere directly above it.

Please stop repeating this god-awful tripe in the Science & Technology forum, as it's sheer crackpottery you are repeating from other sites. It's nonsense. No amount of cheap YouTube videos can change the well-documented, well-understood capabilities of HAARP and EISCAT.

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