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Quantcast Question of foreign funding of U.S. elections unsettled

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posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:30 AM

Quantcast Question of foreign funding of U.S. elections unsettled

The 5-4 decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission struck down on free-speech grounds the long-standing federal and state laws that barred corporations and unions from spending money to elect or defeat candidates for office. The decision applied to all corporations, both for-profit firms and nonprofits.

"It means a U.S. subsidiary of a foreign corporation can now spend freely in U.S. elections," said Tara Malloy, a lawyer with the Campaign Legal Center in Washington.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:30 AM
Did our Supreme court just give away our nations sovereignty?

Will China now be able to control U.S. elections by setting up subsidiaries within in the U.S.?

Exactly how much influence should any IC, International Corporation, be allowed over U.S. elections? Can any corporations with a large financial stake in their overseas investments and trading partners be trusted with a huge influence over U.S. policy decisions?

The U.S. government is supposed to answer to the U.S. public, not ICs who have no loyalties to the U.S. public.

There are probably very few people who would approve of a foreign government being given a great deal of financial influence over U.S. elections, why should we view ICs as any different?

The idea that bribery is a form of free speech is simply ridiculous, and could very well be the decision that ends our U.S.. as a free nation.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 09:13 AM
I find it hard to believe that anyone would deny the influence of lobbyists over the U.S. government. More and more the control of our government is being taken over by corporate interests.

With literally unfettered influence over election campaigns through campaign finance, corporations will have succeeded in completely taking over the U.S. government.

Small businesses will be eliminated at every opportunity, and what little liberties we have left will be gone.

Does anyone want to live in a country controlled by greed?

A corporate entity can be controlled by anyone. It is a nameless faceless identity, a mask for people to hide behind. Anyone can hide behind the mask of a corporate identity, the Premiere of China, the King of Saudi Arabia, or anyone else.

When getting elected requires anyone aspiring to government office to have to cut a deal with the corporations that control the purse strings of the election process, democracy has been completely eliminated.

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