posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:40 AM
I was taking care a of a patient today in ER. During the treatment, I started up my usual distracting conversation so that the patient can relax some
what. The patient stated that they built tunnels, some in Washington D.C. recently and some in the state of Washington. He then asked me if I was
familiar with CERN. I said that I was and, it was interesting on how some of the unfortunate events had caused some delays. I had interjected that if
we (America) had continued with the one in Texas, he would have gleaned an exorbitant amount of knowledge by now. The next thing he said, was, if I
knew anything about the Superconducting Super Collider that was completed in the State of Washington. I said, I don't. He said that his company just
completed finishing the construction of all the tunnels that are used for the Superconducting Super Collider.
Has anyone else heard about this? Mods, please post where appropriate.