posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 09:02 PM
Congrats OP. A moving speech. You have very similar views to my own however...
... I am already passed to point of the illusion of "peaceful revolution" as I am sure many posters are already familiar with.
The "peaceful change committee" as I like to refer to having been believing in this same tired methodology of change for the past century and it has
gotten nowhere when it comes to the corporatism of America. People speak so often of this pipe dream of "amassing the people and being heard" though
it has happened countless times and the screams and pleads have been ignored. How much more can people continue the same tired schemes before the
words of Thomas Jefferson sink in? When will the words of all our forefathers be anything more that rhetoric and fancy speak in the eyes of the
Let me put it this way. The people are brainwashed. The people are SO brainwashed that it is nearly impossible to persuade them otherwise, even if you
have empirical evidence. Most, if you manage to persuade to join, will be settled back to sheepdom in short time thanks to the mass media and the
propaganda. Add into the mix the massively expanding population, the fact that the powers that be control what information the learn, the substances
the are vaccinated with, the history they are taught, and they way they should act - the odds are against us exponentially.
As I stated before, the only thing that will be substantial enough to awaken people in mass enough to keep them awake and joining in, is in fact a
revolution. Unless the people see others willing to fight for the cause, they will not be willing to do so and will continue to see it as futile and
useless. They would much rather continue with their meager lives how they are then to risk death with no hope of change. Only when a group of people
stand up to the government face to face, hold them accountable, and the government is forced to acknowledge them, will the people see a hope in
Keep the hope alive, however, it is time to go back to our roots on where this "hope" originated from. Blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice. Those are
the ingredients to liberty. Take a look at history and you will know this.