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Could Vancouver 2010 be the next 9/11?

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by juniperberry

I'm sorry if I don't understand your sarcasm
but I was referring to the alleged false flag event that might occur, not the actual Winter Olympic Games themselves.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Oh I get it now.. I thought you were discussing the conspiracy surrounding the Olympics in general and the cash grab that always comes with it..


posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by SaneThinking
SaneThinking, I couldn't agree more. I live in the area too and have suffered in my employment because of the spending on the Olympics instead of Healthcare and other more important causes.

Sports should be for personal development and fun- not for profits and expensive parties.

But let me get back on topic, interesting to hear about the A. Nitrate going missing from the ports... I sure didn't hear it from the MSM.

Maybe there will be a 'terrorist' attack after all

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:28 AM
Again... Ammonium Nitrate has been found..

dated Jan 06 2010..

'Missing' ammonium nitrate due to clerical error: RCMP (National Post)

dated Jan 06 2010

Clerical error behind 'missin' tonnes of explosive in B.C.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by juniperberry

Kiner Morgan claims it was a clerical error.

They have not been able to show (ie prove) that it was only a clerical error.

The RCMP is still investigating.

So, no, the ammonium nitrate has not been conclusively found.

dated Jan 16 2010, GlobalTV

RCMP can't confirm missing explosive chemical found

dated Jan 17 2010 News1130

B.C. RCMP probe case of missing chemicals

Cpl. Annie Linteau said terminal company Kinder Morgan (NYSE:KMP) called the Mounties on Dec. 31 to say 6,000 bags of ammonium nitrate went missing last fall from its facility after being shipped from Alberta.
Linteau said that on Jan. 6 the company called back to say a clerical error was to blame and that the material that was to be transported to another firm's terminal in Surrey, B.C., had been accounted for.
"RCMP and Natural Resources Canada investigators have since been conducting a detailed review to validate Kinder Morgan's assessment," she said in a statement.
"To date, investigators have not been able to confirm Kinder Morgan's conclusions. The RCMP will continue to work diligently to determine whether any product is in fact missing and if so what happened to it."

So if the RCMP is still investigating, why wouldn't that be cause for concern? Especially given their history of accepting corporate explanations at face value. And corporations history of lying to cover their asses and save face, no matter what the cost to the general populace.

If you can find something stating that the RCMP have confirmed Kinder Morgan's claim of a clerical error, I would love to hear it.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by ccforrest]

[edit on 31-1-2010 by ccforrest]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by ccforrest

Indeed, the company responsible says they have found the missing ammonium nitrate but the RCMP is still investigating. Hopefully unrelated but still gets you thinking. I still hope that nothing will happen at the Olympics but... There seems to be a lot of evidence suggesting something nefarious is planned.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Solar.Absolution
Agreed. But I believe a 'terrorist' attack on Canadian soil could drive Canada into a more policed state. I believe it would have a similar effect to 911 like a Canadian Pearl Harbor, but I'm just theorizing and speculating like the person who wrote the article.

This is Canada, not America, you can't overlay American looniness on us and have it stick, our governments aren't even remotely comparable. If the PM and his party even wipes their ass the wrong way in the morning a motion of non-confidence will be called and the government dissolved. Our last 3 elections have been separated by 2 years, our government doesn't mess with us if they want a job.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

I admire your trust in your country.... But they would also be able to use a false flag to gain support.

Americans thought it couldn't happen to us to. Then after 9/11, Bush gained incredible amounts of support.

One thing about history, is that it repeats itself. It knows no bounds. People are more similar than we are different... Every country is more similar than we are different.

I only hope you are correct...

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Solar.Absolution

oh...ohh.ohh don't forget this little bit of fear-mongering. Chlorine gas attacks.....scary....

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:51 AM
I just saw on the news that the RCMP has confirmed that the missing ammonium nitrate was in fact due to a clerical error.

They interviewed around 200 people so it sounds like they did a pretty thorough investigation.

One less thing to worry about before the Olympics.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by seattletruth
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

I admire your trust in your country.... But they would also be able to use a false flag to gain support.

Americans thought it couldn't happen to us to. Then after 9/11, Bush gained incredible amounts of support.

One thing about history, is that it repeats itself. It knows no bounds. People are more similar than we are different... Every country is more similar than we are different.

I only hope you are correct...

You don't understand Canadians and our political willpower. The post you are responding to is correct. Any act of violence against the people will NOT win support from the whole, some may buy there initial story, but once holes are poked in it, the leaders will be seen as traitors and they'll never be running the ship again. The things Americans vote for, despite many knowing (ex. bloodlines and Masons/Skull and Crossbones) you can't run in Canada. Any conspiracy by the leaders would launch a criminal investigation. Also, though I'm very convinced that our leaders are high masons, you can't find that by googling. The most you can find is that there is some kind of link in that Premiere Gordon Campbell attends the mason parades. They hide stuff they don't hide in the US because we won't vote it in. And we do vote people out. Many Canadians don't actually tow party lines so much as play votes to oust people.

That being said, I'm not even taking a chance that our leaders have not sold out to the US/UK mafia coalition and my kids will miss 3 days of school, as we're leaving today to go the interior just on the smallest chance they will use something nuclear on the 11, 12th, or 13th.

The dates for Haiti's quakes were 01 12 2010 and 01 20 2010 (they do love 3's and 13's. Also those sequences). 02 11 2010, 02 12 2010, and 02 13 2010 all share these numbers, sequences, plus one other thing. One of them is an anagram for 2012 or SION.

Because if something big does happen, even though many Canadians won't stay fooled for long, they could use this moment to implement martial law across north america, and I know that we have quite a few foreign and Chinese agents here.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:22 PM
[edit on 10-2-2010 by ccforrest]

[edit on 10-2-2010 by ccforrest]

[edit on 10-2-2010 by ccforrest]

[edit on 10-2-2010 by ccforrest]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:53 PM
I would say the concerns of a false-flag attack are warranted, however with so many people predicting it, I just don't see it actually happening.

That said, I have a little conspiracy theory of my own in the event that something DOES go down.

9/11 opened the doors to the war in Iraq (for some reason). Many many people believed the ulterior motive to be Oil. All the recent talk about "peak oil" and having just watched "Collapse", has reinforced that idea in my mind.

One of the major concerns about the Olympics comes from the news reports confirming that the U.S. Soldiers are on stand-by, ready to come to Canada and "help" in the event of an attack at the 2010 games.

Lets say a bomb goes off in Vancouver, and a buncha American military men flood the country... we will be left with who knows how many soldiers only one province over from Alberta... Canada's #1 source of oil (almost 50%)

...see my concern here?

[edit on 10-2-2010 by Jack Squat]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:49 PM
Man, CTV olympic 2010 olypmics opening ceremony has the most suspicous strange presentation with a HORNED violinist, almost like pan, its the mystery school zionist illumaniti crapola that the 2012 zion olympics will be as well.
And no one is getting it, it makes want to

This pretty explains all of that, and all the horned symbols, even Moses was horned in the early pictures:
The Code To The Matrix!

[edit on 12-2-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Jack Squat
I would say the concerns of a false-flag attack are warranted, however with so many people predicting it, I just don't see it actually happening.

That said, I have a little conspiracy theory of my own in the event that something DOES go down.

9/11 opened the doors to the war in Iraq (for some reason). Many many people believed the ulterior motive to be Oil. All the recent talk about "peak oil" and having just watched "Collapse", has reinforced that idea in my mind.

One of the major concerns about the Olympics comes from the news reports confirming that the U.S. Soldiers are on stand-by, ready to come to Canada and "help" in the event of an attack at the 2010 games.

Lets say a bomb goes off in Vancouver, and a buncha American military men flood the country... we will be left with who knows how many soldiers only one province over from Alberta... Canada's #1 source of oil (almost 50%)

...see my concern here?

[edit on 10-2-2010 by Jack Squat]

No, I don't...

First of all, why is it that every time anything bad happens, it's automatically a "false flag"? Conspiracy theorists are obsessed with the whole idea of false flag attacks, it's almost disturbing. Even if something did happen, why is it so hard to conceive of a legitimate enemy? Why couldn't it be perpetrated by some anti-corporation lunatic or a religious fanatic? I just don't understand why the first thing that comes to mind on ATS in all situations regarding domestic attack is, without fail, false flag.

I'm not even sure what you're implying.. that America would use an attack as a pretext to occupy the Alberta bad lands to hijack our oil supply?

There isn't even a remotely plausible situation that would see American troops crossing the boarder barring an all out surprise invasion from Russia

We have thousands of troops on standby should something completely horrible go wrong in Vancouver.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:09 PM
I hope you're wrong because the ceremony is quite good to watch... and because it would start the third world war for sure...

But you really done a great compilation job ! How much time did you spend on this ?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Nothing will happen during this event. There is simply far too much security plus its an obvious target. If a false flag occurs it will be completely unexpected, naturally, to maximize fear and uncertainty. This event will go as planned which is a shame in itself because its a huge waste of time,money and resources.


posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:43 PM
Not only that, We Canadians wouldnt stand for the same Stockpile of Crap the American Government feeds its own people. Creating wars for no reason through false information, continuing pointless wars for decades, not only once because of that false information, and staying at war because of false information even when, the false information came out and was ackowledged.

We Canadians would be at the parliament hills (our white house) within minutes with 4 wheelers, dirtbikes, skateboards, Tandems, dump trucks and a #load of trailerpark boys boozed up, hoped up, lock n loaded n ready to go tearing a rip through the hills and take over while politely and couteously over throwing the House of commons with a "Get the ^*&) outa hear you dirty SOns a %*^), please! Thanks eh! Would you like a beer for the road? You're welcome buddy!"

I also have a hard time beleiving inanything linked to Alex Jones as he's one major Cash grabber himself.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Actually while I agree with what alot of what Brill says, I have to disagree with the waste of time thing, because itis entertaining, the opening vceremonies, while not as marvellous as China (probably neverto be beat) was still beautiful and great to watch.

Also, it created Thousands of jobs over the last 5 years, will continue to create jobs and boost Vancouvers economy. Jobs were given to those who were otherwise unemployed, small businesses took on overwhelming amounts of new business and employees, without a stimulous package, Home owners have rented out there homes for 4 months from December 2009 to March 2010 to corporations and have paid off over 100,000$ of their mortgage, and while the USA Crashes (for obvious reasons) our Economy is flourishing. The housing Market hasnt tumbled it has actually increased, the bank industry is opening up more accounts than ever, and our dollar has stablized (relatively speaking) to just a few cents under the US dollar,which is right where we want to be.

It was a marvellous opening ceremony though! Nothing will happen as per terrorist threat.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
Actually while I agree with what alot of what Brill says, I have to disagree with the waste of time thing, because itis entertaining, the opening vceremonies, while not as marvellous as China (probably neverto be beat) was still beautiful and great to watch.

Fair enough. I would agree as well in some of your points but I would stress that most of the gains are short term. Looking at past olympic host cities many of the facilities, jobs, etc. are nowhere to be seen. In fact many countries are probably still footing the bill. There have even been statements made that the current economic crisis in Greece is attributed to olympic overspending.

I think its great that world class athletes can compete on the global stage. Yes the opening ceremonies are a dazzling display no doubt. What I would rather see is once the candle burns out, the facilities for example be used for the homeless. There are probably numerous other initiatives that could result. Still, in my own opinion, I think its extravagant spending that has better purpose. As such I wouldn't give the olympics the steam off my piss.


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