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Could Vancouver 2010 be the next 9/11?

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:07 PM

WARNING: I now believe I have reasonable grounds to suspect there may be a “false flag” attack carried out during the Olympics in Canada. The games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler from Feb. 12th until Feb. 28th. Below, I have compiled the following suspicious activity by searching and analyzing the news from various media sources and by speaking with citizens in Canada themselves. In my opinion, an attack on the Olympics while it is being highly guarded would be the perfect way to bring in more police state measure and to more fully integrate the US and Canada into a functioning North American Union. But the question remains, is that really what is happening right now? I hope you will look at the information and make up your own mind as to what pattern you see unfolding, any information provided is for analytical and educational purposes only and is meant to raise public awareness of current events and the potential dangers they could present.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Seems possible IMO but I suppose time will tell. Personally I hope that the information presented is merely coincidental and really unrelated... Hopefully this "article" hasn't already been posted. Comments?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:25 PM
My own personal opinion is that terrorists will most definatly use an event like this or london olympics or world cup in Africa. I think that given the situations globally and the tested relations between certain countries it wont take much as everyones to busy watching eachother. The world will never be the place people want it to be without trust. As for the terrorist threat, i would say that the governments would be ridiculous to not have security at the highest levels throughout these tournaments.
What makes it worse is this, If there was an attack would it be 100% proven without doubt as to who is actually was this time before starting another war?
Or will it be another catastrophe that suddenly gets the public brainwashed into following and backing the choice of war?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by enca78
My own personal opinion is that terrorists will most definatly use an event like this or london olympics or world cup in Africa. I think that given the situations globally and the tested relations between certain countries it wont take much as everyones to busy watching eachother. The world will never be the place people want it to be without trust. As for the terrorist threat, i would say that the governments would be ridiculous to not have security at the highest levels throughout these tournaments.
What makes it worse is this, If there was an attack would it be 100% proven without doubt as to who is actually was this time before starting another war?
Or will it be another catastrophe that suddenly gets the public brainwashed into following and backing the choice of war?

i agree these events are potential targets,the world is watching,a good way to get attention.
A terrorist attack before or just after the events would cause utter chaos as well,would they do something when they know security is tight ? if something is going to happen it's going to be out of the blue when people least expect it

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:36 PM
I saw this same report and found it to be interesting . Having said that I don't think it likely that Canada would be targeted in such a way . If Canada was attacked the PR would most likely back fire . Lets remember Canada is not a global military power nor are they seen as an oppressing nation . Having said that , yes Canada is involved in Afghanistan but would that be reason enough ? Perhaps but in MHO I think not .

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Hi, good info and there is more comments in this thread U.S. notes Al Qaeda Olympic threat or here Check it out.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Another alternative is that a country might use the distraction of the Olympics to attack another country.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Max_TO
I saw this same report and found it to be interesting . Having said that I don't think it likely that Canada would be targeted in such a way . If Canada was attacked the PR would most likely back fire . Lets remember Canada is not a global military power nor are they seen as an oppressing nation . Having said that , yes Canada is involved in Afghanistan but would that be reason enough ? Perhaps but in MHO I think not .

Well let's not be too Naive...

They could potentially attack and not have it directed at Canadians Aye!. They could be targeting any number of visitors.

Anybody Remember 1972 Munich Summer Olympics?

[edit on 30-1-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Very true indeed .

However I still think that the Olympics will go off without a hitch .
Lets also remember the scale of the reports claim . If material has gone missing at the scale which is talked about in the report then I think its more likely that a hole event would be the target and not just one countries teem members , but anything is possible .

[edit on 30-1-2010 by Max_TO]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Max_TO
reply to post by SLAYER69

Very true indeed .

However I still think that the Olympics will go off without a hitch .

I really do hope so.

I'll tell ya. There are few things I look forward to these days and the Olympics are one of them.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69


2nd __________

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:21 PM
As a British Columbian, and a resident of Vancouver. I'd say we are already suffering the effects of a terrorist attack, headed by the IOC.
The olympics have broke us beyond belief, cost over runs, governemnt handouts to the rich. An already imposed police state in the downtown core. Labour contracts sold off to american companies for a Canadian games.

A security budget that doesn't have an end point, started around $175 million and is now close to $1.5 billion when all is said and done.

Don't get me wrong I love athletics, a gold medal for the Canadian hockey team would make me overwhelmed with pride. But as a British Columbian I have been subjected to the side of the olympics, that you don't get to see unless you live it.

The threats are real and even exemplified by the facts, that our government is floating reports about missing ammonium nitrate as well from one of our port facilities.

So I feel, ya, you are right to warn the world about a possible threat during the games. I also feel our security budget does just that as well, and the pressence of war ships in the harbour, is also a good indication that the threat is real.

But as any person who lives in the area knows already. It's that the terrorists aren't the worse threat to us, as our governments own economic terrorism has crippled us beyond repair for the next 30 or so years.

Thanks for the games (said with as much sarcasm as possible) and the legacy of debt that comes with it.

None the less GO CANADA GO

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:40 PM
Yea, all of this has been covered by very good posts here

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by SaneThinking

Agreed. But I believe a 'terrorist' attack on Canadian soil could drive Canada into a more policed state. I believe it would have a similar effect to 911 like a Canadian Pearl Harbor, but I'm just theorizing and speculating like the person who wrote the article.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:10 PM
I live an hour from there and is not happening! I have been on the alert about this possibility for some time and have been holding the light over the lower mainland.

Just writing about this stuff enough online should change their plans! And ASAP too!

We know. I am considering writing to the local mlas and mayers to let them know we are not fooled. Anything will be the US/UK nazi bloodline coalition and they are not pulling it off.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Solar.Absolution

I don't think it would turn Canada into a more policed Country. Because Canadians don't believe everything we're told and our population is more apt to protest. People think we are laid back but not when it comes to our Gov't. They know what happens when they piss off Canadians. I'd say Harper is on his way out just because he prorogued Parliament. Just watch and see if he's not tossed. We expect our Politicians to work and not take extra vacation time because our fearless P.M. doesn't want to face questions in Parliament.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:11 PM
In response to your comment about Canadians. Yes we are resiliant, and don't take BS from the government, but what an excellent reason to delare martial law and post-pone an election. Or come back and say, yes we shut down government and dedicated all resources to stopping this because there were warning signs and we are better that the US's Bush administration.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by Nitewalkar]

[edit on 30-1-2010 by Nitewalkar]

[edit on 30-1-2010 by Nitewalkar]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:15 PM
I don't know why people still keep bringing up that so-called missing ammonium nitrate. A half hour after the story broke, the company that reported it missing found it. It has been sent to the wrong container port.

Soo.. if there IS going to be a problem, it will be from something else. And I think it will be more of a homegrown problem from the Anti-Olympic Activists (Olympic Resistance Network (ORN)) who apparently have a website with pics of guns and bombs.. (but that's just rumour until I find it).

But it's a little too late for everyone to attempt to shut down the Olympics. We've spent WAY too much money for us to not go through with it. We are on the hook for the money whether the Olympics happen or not.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:30 PM
I believe it is nigh time to see if the truth movement has enough strength to hold its own this go-around. It has been said many times that if we shine the light on the shadow government, they recoil back. If there is enough people blowing the whistle on this 'event', perhaps we can keep it from occurring.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Tgautier13
If there is enough people blowing the whistle on this 'event', perhaps we can keep it from occurring.

It would have been nice if they had started SEVEN YEARS ago when it was awarded. Then we could have been saved a couple Billion dollars.

Sort of a little late now, don't you think?

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