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So is the Crucifix a good or bad thing?

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posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 01:01 AM
I never understood why paintings and sculptures of jesus can never be happy and peaceful? They are always of his death. Buddha is always pictured in a peaceful and happy state. When people think of buddha they picture a calm wise happy man. Jesus is hardly ever pictured smiling or happy. What would make existance and the soul better, a happy warm smiling jesus, or jesus on a cross crying in pain? I understand the importance of the death and ressurection, but why cant jesus be depicted in a happy and loving way?

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Bananarama
Watching and reading lots of things about the Illuminati and equally about their satanic symbols and connections. One thing I'm wondering, do you think the Crucifix is still a symbol of God, or just another symbol that secretly represents Satan? I'm sure the opinions will vary so I want to hear them.

On one hand, I think it is likely to have Satanic origins, since most organized religions have them. On the other hand, I believe symbols only have the meaning you give them, so if someone used it in the name of God it would probably be different.

The crucifix is symbolic of death .... after all, that is what crosses were used for ... and not only to KILL others, but to torture them TO death.

As a Jewess, I can say that we don't at all understand why others would wear this to symbolize life when it symbolizes quite the opposite and was used on not only ONE Jew, but MORE than many of our own. We consider it very disrespectful HOwever, we have not the right to tell others that they can't uplift torture and death as a symbol of *their* life. Only we CAN speak up that Jesus would have never condoned such a thing as he was a jew ... and all Jews magnify LIFE and not anything that would represent the opposite.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by DXFILMS

why cant jesus be depicted in a happy and loving way?

As I understand it...christians perceive the murder of Jesus as the whole point of his coming. Judiasm sanctioned and in some cases required blood sacrifice of animals for a number of sins: Leviticus 4-Leviticus 5.

The premise of christianity is that Jesus' death took the place of animal sacrifice. God needed blood, but the blood of Jesus was "good enough" to atone for the sins of all humanity, so animal sacrifice is no longer required or useful.

So...given that perspective, it does make sense that christians would celebrate the death of Jesus.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 07:57 AM
'Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is my body." And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for the many for the forgiveness of sins."' Matthew 26:26-28

As you can see in those two verses, Jesus Himself told us He was giving us His body and blood as a sacrifice to cover our sins. As far as the crucifix goes, well, wearing one with Him still on it is not done by Protestants. We recognize it as the cruel instrument of death that it was. We would only wear an empty cross, which being empty, symbolizes to us His death AND resurrection from the dead. We do not worship it. If He had died in an electric chair, we would wear one of those. It isn't meant to be easy for non-Christians to understand. Our Jesus is not Buddha-like, or like any of the gods that encourage you to gradually become enlightened. Our Jesus requires an abrupt break with one's old life, even a death to it on our part. We don't proceed to god-hood. We just keep our eyes on Jesus, Who is alive, and trust Him to guide us day by day.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by novacs4me

Jesus Himself told us He was giving us His body and
blood as a sacrifice to cover our sins.

Yes. Which is what I said: "The premise of christianity is that Jesus' death took the place of animal sacrifice. God needed blood, but the blood of Jesus was "good enough" to atone for the sins of all humanity."

If He had died in an electric chair, we would wear one of those.

Exactly. You would wear the implement of his death regardless of what it was, because you apparently needed his death for your atonement.

It isn't meant to be easy for non-Christians to understand.

No, I think we do understand...we just don't feel the need to sanitize it. You worship a god who needs blood to forgive your sins. You believe that your particular atonement comes from the bloody murder of a god instead of the bloody murder of an animal.

What's not to understand?

You eat the flesh of Jesus.
You drink the blood of Jesus.
You wear the implement of his death.

Why? For exactly the reason you gave:

His body and blood as a sacrifice to cover our sins.

And so I say once a nonchristian...the whole idea of a god who requires blood sacrifice of another to forgive me...the whole idea of god creating an arrangement whereby Jesus had to be tortured and killed...the whole idea of me benefitting from this mans torture and murder... all seems somewhat unsavory to me.

I choose not to participate. There has to be a better way.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by LordBucket
As you wish, Lord Bucket. As I've said many times before, the God I worship is not tame, no more than Aslan is in The Chronicles of Narnia. I do not munch on Jesus' bones, nor swallow his blood. The re-enactment of the Lord's Supper is to remind us of what it cost Him. He is who He is. We Christians didn't make Him up.

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