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ATS Dump - Rant With No Steam

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posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:02 AM
If the situation is the same in other countries, then it's not just American in nature. Think about it. Let the guilt go. If you aren't doing the reprehensible things, then it's more important than ever to teach someone, compliment a kid and ask about his/her grades when appropriate, and to continue to bond with the other humans and help whenever necessary in the sanest fashion possible, while recognizing that we do live in a crazy world.

Arguing that there's too much life, however, I must respectfully rebut.
The premise for that argument is that life could be better for some at the expense of others.

That is a faulty and dishonorable approach, and is inhumane, thereby it fails.

There is no justification for that, especially since people are killing themselves off left and right anyway. No need for Death Pill dispensers on the street corners, pills that can kill are everywhere!
Abortion is still legal and relatively inexpensive. Guns and murder are supposed to be all over the place. So the death thing is covered and apparently rolling right along.

But the living? We must continue to be strong, because otherwise, who will keep any good alive?

These problems highlight the need for the ones who see and care to support each other, dig down for strength, and keep on finding ways to take our lives back from the Machine. I've seen many excellent suggestions that I can personally attest to the success of.

Lowering the constant influx by identifying the stressful sources - like CNN, for me as well as a previous poster - and working more for ourselves and our kids by spending time together, saying "no" and forcing them to adjust to a less-materialistic life, those things do yield good.

My son practically sneers at advertisements for things aimed at his generation (age 17). This wasn't easily achieved, but was helped by my example! If we watched TV, I felt it was my job to prevent the brainwashing by telling him what was wrong with the statements made on TV. We found way too many, but it served to give him what colleges and schools once did very well, critical thinking skills. Now all they give kids is critical attitudes, very different. Without good home training, what chance does ANYONE have?

We just have to step up and keep getting back in the ring when the fight is ours to win. I refuse to accept defeat, and I encourage all of you to take on the same attitude. Otherwise, nothing that matters will be left.

Only the strong survive. Some should be you.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:43 AM
Where does the desire for an object come from? It comes from the mind and body of the person.

Where does the mind get it's life force? From the spirit of the person.

Where does the body get it's life force? From the spirit of the person.

Where does the energy to indulge in an object come from? It comes from the spirit of the person.

What happens with indulgence? The spirit is wasted. It dissipates outward.

Is all desire wrong? Of course not, it is as natural as getting sick of the indulgence and waste is natural.

Is there any real value to an object of indulgence? Only in getting the spirit to exhaust it's inclination for it and slowly become fed up with the world.

Why does the spirit get fooled by objects of desire. Because an integral part of the worlds of matter is "Illusion". Illusion is a powerful force that tries to make the world and it's objects appear to be "spiritual". Illusion does this because it covets the spirit. It covets the spirit because it has no life or energy of it's own. So it is constantly prodding the spirits to part with some of their energy. "Illusion" or Maya is the partner with the "Devil" or Kal in the operations of the regions of matter. They benefit by getting a seemingly perpetual flow of energy and the spirits here benefit from expressing and exhausting their imperfections.

It is a good sign when people are sick of the world. It means they are inclining away from matter towards pure spirit. They be inclining to go inward rather than outward. Of course, depending on the individuals karma, this may only be temporary. But at some point being fed up will lead the individual to want the truth and to find the place where their spirit is fully benefited and they can abandon the mind and bodies forever.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:29 PM
A few have stated that they found my post confusing and disjointed.

I did warn that this was a rant.

Maybe it would help if I added that a good part of my job is working with people that have life threatening conditions. Often to improve their condition or to prolong their lives they have to make changes in their behavior and lifestyle. It used to be that more people were interested in knowing what they had to do to make their life better and was eager to comply. I am seeing more people more interested in holding on to their life destroying lifestyles then even trying to change. I could understand if they were happy with the lifestyle that they have chosen but they aren’t. They are unhappy with the way things are and they are unhappy about making changes; many even refuse to make the attempt.

It is like they are mired in this sea of ennui that they can’t break. I know that many, especially in the medical field want to call it depression but I don’t think it is that simple. They are finding that traditional anti-depressant medication medicines are not working for a large group of people so a new disease has been born; medication resistant depression.

Maybe the depression is medication resistant because it is not a true depression. Maybe we are as some have said awakening to the fact that the world that we live in today is not the legacy we want to leave. Maybe we are starting to realize that the life we traded was better than the one we ended up with.

It was supposed to be about life being easier, simpler yet more grand. We believed we could have whatever we wanted instantly and happiness would be guaranteed. Lay-A-Way was a start but it took too long to get the object of our desire so the birth of credit cards was the gift of the Gods. We could have what we wanted now. We were using someone else’s money to do it and the power it wielded was addicting.

We never thought about what would happen when the devil came to make his claim. Life was good. We believed it would always be good and if things got a little tough, well, we always had those magical credit cards. We never thought that what we thought of as a key to happiness would in the end be the key to our prisons. Funny as it may seem, many remain locked in prisons though they hold the key to release themselves but can’t part with it because the illusion of its power is so strong.

It is not just about the financial decline of our country. I goes so much deeper then that. It is like a cancer that has spread to so many organs that you can’t define the origin or how deep it goes. I am just making observations and sharing my thoughts and feelings in hope that someone will see things cleared then I do and maybe even have a solution or two.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by SpiritoftheNightSky
I don’t blame him. To be honest I don’t know who to blame and I guess that is part of why I feel tired. I don’t know what the answer is nor do I even know where to start or if there is a resolution to the ennui that seems to have crept in and taken up residence in so many lives. I keep thinking that we could have done better. That we can do better. I just don’t know where to start.

Maybe I am being too hard on my generation. Maybe we have given our children a chance to do better than us because they are going to have to live with a little less. Maybe they will learn the true value of family, friendship and community. Maybe they will learn that the things that money can buy are perishable and the true things of value have no expiration date. Maybe they will learn that happiness is not something that you have to chase; it is something inside you waiting to be let out. Maybe they will learn what we forgot.

No, you are not being too hard on this generation.

You want answers? I'll help you!

Who do we blame? Where do we look? Blame the people who possess the knowledge to control this world. They know how to free us, and they know how we can free ourselves...but, they do not want that, so they do not teach it. Instead, what they do is, distract us and keep us distracted. They sell us sex, drugs guised as medicine, overwork us, underpay us, tax us and bill us! Most people are too caught up in their, unfortunately depressing lives to even bother looking for a way out. Their way out, is what is taught to them; money. They believe that once they acquire the money they need, or want rather, that they are on their way out of this mental slavery. We are too busy trying to make ends meet, that we cannot even begin to think where to look. We don't even question why we do what we do...and when we do think about it, we're too tired to think deeply...the thought crosses the mind...then, it's back to work as usual. Why do we work? Why do we pay taxes? Where exactly does money come from? Most people answer these questions with..."We work because we have survive." "We pay taxes, because, that's how the Government gets most of its money." "And money is made by the Central Banks"...and all of these answers are a very small degree. 90% of it are all lies and misinformation.

As for my next question; Where do we look?
We look inside! And that is why many of us are out filling the void inside with things from the outside...because we do not know where that void really is. In fact, few of us know it's inside that needs the work. No, I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about spirituality. They are very different things...and many people cannot differentiate them, because many people do not know what spirituality is! People are thought what to think, not how to think. From a young age, they use science(which is a grand thing, but is used as a means to control us; like religion) to teach that everything is as it seems and that man is smarter than everything else, and that only things you can touch, or sense rather, are real. They teach us how to stifle our spirits and they "medicate" us with drugs and chemicals to help accomplish this!

In past times, the few who knew of the trap and how to get out, were punished by death! Today, this will result in too many, death for defiance is not practiced outwardly...instead, they ridicule us. They present these answers as movies, etc and make it all into "imaginary ideas"...anyone who presents such ideas are then labeled as wacky, crazy conspiracists, tin-foil-hat-wearing-nutjobs! People are taught that money is everything, and because most of these truths and answers do not equate to more money(which they think will help them lead better lives), or more wealth, or quick, tangible results, they do not even bother looking very deeply into the matter; they simply push it aside!

Do not let anyone tell you different; Knowledge is power! The people who own all the money know this better than anyone else on this planet!

Edit to add:
I agree 100% with ReelView! He knows what he is talking about!

[edit on 31-1-2010 by sdrawkcabII]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Thank you. I agree with everything that you said and I like the way you said it.

I truly feel that the key to regaining control of our lives and our country lies within us. I know that fear and uncertainty are obstacles that have to be overcome before we can begin the good fight. Many are starting to see that we have more to lose by doing nothing then by making a stand. We have much more power then we realize and we have to start using it.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I agree. I dont have kids but I know how I would raise them. I have seen this many times with friends of mine. They dont want to discipline or say no and then they get walked on. I dont even like Christmas anymore because all anyone cares about is the gifts when it's supposed to be about family. They way I see it is that some parents now-a-days want to buy their kids love and that is really sad to me. I was raised with nothing and my mother always made sure we had what we needed. I never felt like I lacked anything and she taught us what was important and material things wasnt one of them.

My brother has had his vehicle in the shop for the second time to replace the sun roof liner because his darlings have destroyed it. Everything in his house has to be kept up so high that even with benefit of a chair his boys can't reach them.

When I was growing up everyone had coffee tables full of tchotchkes and when you were told not to touch them you didn't touch them. We have been led to believe that discipline methods that have worked for generations are suddenly harmful to our children yet the results of the lack of discipline or the alternated methods forced on us have produced even worse results.

This is just another matter in the conundrum that needs to be fixed.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:13 PM
There is new post that has addressed some of the issues spoken of here that some of you may find interesting.

I honestly believe that our problem is multi-faceted and requires more than one avenue of resolution.

I also believe that we have to start somewhere and that the first place has to be within ourselves.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

Hey, you never know. There are freecycle programs out there. We have been able to hear from families that had just had a fire and give them some furniture somebody was going to let burn with an old house.

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