posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:25 AM
I was reading a post earlier today about a poor soul who had dealings with the Corporate Behemoth Bank of America (which by the way have received 20
billion of YOUR tax dollars in bailout money).
Take a read, it's an exercise in the futility of dealing with a company that has no interest in providing customer service, but is in the business of
making (or losing) money.
So, let me suggest to my fellow ATS'ers that to really fight THE MAN, The NWO, whatever you want to call it, start keeping your money near home.
Stop dealing with these huge banks who don't care about you.
Find a local bank, find a local banker, (and it's these small banks which, for the most part have remained strong throughout this horrible crisis
caused by the big bankers).
Check out this website.
It will help you find a local bank, hold your banker to the same standard you would your grocer. If the food someone gives you makes you sick, you
stop buying there. If someone is wasting your money, go somewhere else.