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*waves hello to one and all*

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:54 AM
I'm bored so I thought I'd write an introduction...

This is my 3rd attempt as I deleted the other for being mega boring.. So please don't expect this not to be mega boring as well.. (My partner gets me to chat to her at night when she can't sleep, I'm that boring :lol

I'm a project manager, having recently worked on deploying EU Environmental legislation across Europe and to be honest it has rotted my brain.. If I tilted my head I am sure it would ooze out... Perhaps in posting on ATS I might find some of wit again.. not sure, I might be to far gone for that.

I joined years and years ago, but found I had nothing to say, so went back to on and off lurking. That was until I had some information about the ship the Arctic Sea that made me want to post.. so starting a new account, here I am. again

(Tho I did try and go back to lurking, asking mods to delete my account to take the posting temptation away.. which made me look a bit of a plank.. but this place can be a bit of a drug at times, hey it's all about learning curves, and I make mine really steep)

I've always been interested in conspiracies, which dates back to my early teens and finding out that my church and school (RC) where making up the History of my county, and that led me to wonder why people lie and try to cover truth up.

I believe we Humans are stuck in circles, which can be broken down into 4 stages, the creators, who create the framework of the society we currently live in, the builders, who build upon that which has been created, the liberal Stage, fine tuning what has been created and built and lastly the waster stage, filled with lawlessness...

As India and China hit the first 2 stages in their current development, we I feel are moving into the waster stage (if we havn't already)

The first three stages see investment in their society, and the last stage throwing all that away, it appears to me that war, disease, famine etc happen right at the end and then we start the cycle over again.. Perhaps one day we'll learn from our past mistakes, perhaps this is a process of growth, and we would as a race stagnate otherwise.. I'm not really sure!

Any way I've seen crop circles, some that can be explained away as man made, some very, very difficult to explain away. (I question myself if they are not man made, who made them? I have no answer to that!) Tho I do believe the man made ones are a form of art and and marry in with similar art forms like the chalk figures, which continue to be carved into our hills to this day.. rather than a deliberate attempts to pretend to be of alien origin.

Over the years I've seen many Ghosts and believe in the spirit realm, tho have no idea why it is there, but I am sure it is..

Me personally, I am a bit of a mongrel.. with Saxon, Cherokee and Jewish ancestors.. of which the last 2 I know very very little about.. tho I would like to learn more about my Cherokee heritage, my family in the US are rather secretive about the whole thing.. perhaps one day, they will open up more..

Right, that's enough about me, time to see if I can find my wit and humour..

Regards to one and all

Thoughts Full of Junk

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

*waves back*


Welcome to ATS as an active poster!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by sugarmonkey

Thanks, it's taken me since August to actually write this...
It feels like wearing a silly name badge when you start a new job... which to be honest I usualy hide and just wear an learners plate

Edit to add:
BTW.. love the Avatar.. poor bunny, hope it's not got a headache..

[edit on 29/1/10 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:05 AM
Siyo Tsalagi! Hi and welcome back. Not sure why you say you're boring, your work in environmental legistlation would be of great interest to many here. I'd love to know more about that and yourself.
You know the drill - don't spend TOO much time here and don't get rattled by those who disagree with you.
I have cherokee ancestry as well so I'm especially glad you're here.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:13 AM
Welcome Aboard!!!

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Just a U2U away


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Thank you, but I now put my girlfriend to sleep when I speak to her
I've been infected with the alien legislation language... it is a form of pure evil, and in my mind there is no clearer proof aliens are on this planet

There are not many Cherokees to talk to England and I can't wait till my relatives in the US open up a little more about it.

[edit on 29/1/10 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:23 AM
Hello ...there.... thoughtsfull

Nice to see you stepping out onto the stage....

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by xsheep

Hi, right back at ya... My job means I lead from the front and get stabbed in the back *looks over shoulder* so I've become more a lurker in the back

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
reply to post by xsheep

Hi, right back at ya... My job means I lead from the front and get stabbed in the back *looks over shoulder* so I've become more a lurker in the back

Yes place is second in command
that way you get to keep your head down
while the knifes are flying .....

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