posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:50 AM
JFK was the last true president of the United States. It was JFK's father that had all the criminal connections and thus helped to get JFK elected.
Regardless of JFK's thirst for women, he was still the best president this nation ever had and he represented the last true Democrat the Democratic
party every had.
JFK was never a member of the CFR and was not an illuminate puppet or a Skull and Bones frat member as we have come to see since his death with every
president since. The changes he was about to institute would have changed America for the better, but there were those who found the business of wars
and drugs and oil was too much about wealth, power and control of nations to give up willingly. It was never going to happen. Even today, it will
not stop until we stop it once and for all.
I believe this is was when the coup against America began. The CIA was the planning source and even in the 60's, the CIA knew full well how to
create patsies for crimes they had nothing to do with because before the CIA created Alkaida it created patsies that were white Americans.
JFK was going to abolish the FED. JFK had even signed an executive order to begin printing US currency and was going to disband the CIA for many of
the same crimes they are committing today. He was also about to disclose the truth about aliens and secret UFO technology. Anyone of these reasons
would have been reason enough to kill JFK but JFK would not take orders from secret masters and he declared that in a public speech.
Bush Sr. was suspected of being involved intimately with the assassination of JFK and this is when it was clearly understood by Bush Sr. that there is
mega money to be made in criminal action and it is when the pressure was placed on the Mafia as they were known at the time to be the only major
competition that would impede the CIA's covert drug business and money laundering. When illegal drug operations began to transform into the money
making killing machine it is today, America was infected with the cancer of greed and corrupt politics we see today.
I heard just the other day on NPR that the illicit drug money from drug sales in the USA is a two trillion dollar a year level. That's two trillion
dollars that the public knows nothing of and it is how the CIA can bribe politicians, foreign leaders and nations in to doing our bidding and fund
projects that are secret to everyone and illegal and unconstitutional long before we get to criminal in nature.
The CIA can normally bribe whomever they need to and that bribe money comes from the illicit funds generated by all the many faceted CIA front
companies and underground businesses which include, organ harvesting, child pedophilia, sex slave prostitution, and murder of of children for Satanic
ritual purposes, murder for hire and these days it is involved in hostile nation take overs by means of mercenary armies and the use of religion as a
geopolitical weapon. The CIA is even in the business of selling secret technology to private industry and it is that level of corruption that is
unsustainable for this nation.
JFK would have changed a lot and those in power knew their days of gravy would be at an end. So, of course the assassination occurred and thus began
the age of puppet presidents. Every president since JFK gets elected to secretly serve the interests of their corporate masters and bankers. I have
no doubt that JFK's death is cited as what can happen if a sitting presidents cooperation is not as desired by the secret masters.
Today's presidents are mere puppets to secret masters. It is time to end that cycle of insanity and fundamentally transform the way we do business.
The CIA is the entrenched enemy within our own state of affairs and someone needs to wake up and see all the crimes that the CIA is responsible for.
But then I ask myself, who can stand up to the CIA and survive?
Since 911, the CIA began burying itself into many infrastructures of many governmental systems and state systems and programs because the CIA knows
that one day the axe will fall and if that happens the CIA and the alternative government it supports will be secretly set up in government in ways we
will never know about until it's too late. We need to either restore the CIA or transform it, but if we can not then we should disband the CIA and
begin looking at just what crimes the CIA has been responsible for and identify how much secret technology the CIA has kept hidden from the American
As with the unveiling of the secrets of the US FED, it is time to unveil the CIA as well. It's more than time in my book because they are indeed the
domestic enemy within our nation and the trillions in dollars that fund their agendas is undermining America's future to survive as the sovereign
nation we desire to be, because in my book, America is worth saving and fighting for.
Thanks for the posting, it really took me back to remember "the man", the one president that truly inspired a nation because he truly represented a
quest to better the nation and JFK wanted to do all that without all the lies that the secret government needs to help mind control the masses into
being the sleeping or hypnotized slaves of the mega corporations. JFK was by the people and for the people and I will never forget that fact. He
died as a man who was not perfect, but he took his oath of office seriously and today, no one takes anything seriously. Not even the oath of office.