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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 03:26 AM
John F Kennedy Speech - Message for the younger generations

This was his press speech in 1961... 2 years before his assassination.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by OpTiMuS_PrImE]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE

Kennedy was the man. Maybe (and hopefully) Ron Paul will be the next great president of the USA. There sure has gone a loong time since mr Kennedy.

[edit on 1/29/2010 by above]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by above

Not baiting or trying to start an argument here. Why is JFK regarded as a good president exactly?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:07 AM
In many people's opinions and some rather fervent ones at that, he was our last truly elected president.

This is the speech that got him killed (in many eyes): [since the YouTube button always adds a "\", I'll just provide a link]

Click to Listen

Anyway, all ya gotta do is listen to the guy to understand what he was about, how much of a loss it was to true patriots from then on, and I might add, why he was such a threat to TPTB back then.


[edit on 29-1-2010 by lagnar]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:04 AM
JFK wanted what he couldnt have.

My guess is that early into his term he asked for control and information on things within the US that had been otherwise hidden from him.

In a political way, he was told no, he then used his public persona and his position to highlight the problems within the US with regard to budgets, secrets etc as a way of getting back at them.

Unfortunately they where biger than him, and he had to go.

I have also read that he was starting to build relationships with the soviets, and information and secrets where to be exchanged, again creating problems for himself.

He wasnt playing the game America wanted it played, he was too liberal, and too optomistic about the future for the World.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:41 AM
America died the day JFK was shot. I was walking into 11th grade English class when I heard the news. Lots of the girls cried. I sat and watched the whole thing on TV, even saw Jack Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV.

LBJ had it done. No doubt at all about it. With Kennedy in the way LBJ would never have been president. Getting rid of Kennedy was the only way, and JFK was not the first man who got in LBJ's way and ended up dead. Easy to confirm that just do a little research on LBJ, he was a ruthless no good for nothing. I talked to LBJ's chopper pilot, he told me LBJ hated the whole Kennedy family, and was constantly shocked at the language LBJ used when talking about them.

I don't know who is really running things now, but they are not our friend. I am beginning to believe it is some element of the CIA as opposed to the so called illuminati or NWO people. The CIA was involved in the JFK thing, I have no doubt of that.. there was a CIA agent who "committed suicide" in a motel out west by wrapping a lamp cord around his neck. He knew too much and if "Noel" the guy who was his manager is still alive.. he knows it all.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by expat2368]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Kennedy was elected through the mob and then he was unelected by them. He was a womanizing, lying, asshat that pissed so many people off by his and his brothers actions, it cost him a pound of flesh. The worse thing about JFK was the complete dousche bag that followed him.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:50 AM
JFK was the last true president of the United States. It was JFK's father that had all the criminal connections and thus helped to get JFK elected. Regardless of JFK's thirst for women, he was still the best president this nation ever had and he represented the last true Democrat the Democratic party every had.

JFK was never a member of the CFR and was not an illuminate puppet or a Skull and Bones frat member as we have come to see since his death with every president since. The changes he was about to institute would have changed America for the better, but there were those who found the business of wars and drugs and oil was too much about wealth, power and control of nations to give up willingly. It was never going to happen. Even today, it will not stop until we stop it once and for all.

I believe this is was when the coup against America began. The CIA was the planning source and even in the 60's, the CIA knew full well how to create patsies for crimes they had nothing to do with because before the CIA created Alkaida it created patsies that were white Americans.

JFK was going to abolish the FED. JFK had even signed an executive order to begin printing US currency and was going to disband the CIA for many of the same crimes they are committing today. He was also about to disclose the truth about aliens and secret UFO technology. Anyone of these reasons would have been reason enough to kill JFK but JFK would not take orders from secret masters and he declared that in a public speech.

Bush Sr. was suspected of being involved intimately with the assassination of JFK and this is when it was clearly understood by Bush Sr. that there is mega money to be made in criminal action and it is when the pressure was placed on the Mafia as they were known at the time to be the only major competition that would impede the CIA's covert drug business and money laundering. When illegal drug operations began to transform into the money making killing machine it is today, America was infected with the cancer of greed and corrupt politics we see today.

I heard just the other day on NPR that the illicit drug money from drug sales in the USA is a two trillion dollar a year level. That's two trillion dollars that the public knows nothing of and it is how the CIA can bribe politicians, foreign leaders and nations in to doing our bidding and fund projects that are secret to everyone and illegal and unconstitutional long before we get to criminal in nature.

The CIA can normally bribe whomever they need to and that bribe money comes from the illicit funds generated by all the many faceted CIA front companies and underground businesses which include, organ harvesting, child pedophilia, sex slave prostitution, and murder of of children for Satanic ritual purposes, murder for hire and these days it is involved in hostile nation take overs by means of mercenary armies and the use of religion as a geopolitical weapon. The CIA is even in the business of selling secret technology to private industry and it is that level of corruption that is unsustainable for this nation.

JFK would have changed a lot and those in power knew their days of gravy would be at an end. So, of course the assassination occurred and thus began the age of puppet presidents. Every president since JFK gets elected to secretly serve the interests of their corporate masters and bankers. I have no doubt that JFK's death is cited as what can happen if a sitting presidents cooperation is not as desired by the secret masters.

Today's presidents are mere puppets to secret masters. It is time to end that cycle of insanity and fundamentally transform the way we do business. The CIA is the entrenched enemy within our own state of affairs and someone needs to wake up and see all the crimes that the CIA is responsible for. But then I ask myself, who can stand up to the CIA and survive?

Since 911, the CIA began burying itself into many infrastructures of many governmental systems and state systems and programs because the CIA knows that one day the axe will fall and if that happens the CIA and the alternative government it supports will be secretly set up in government in ways we will never know about until it's too late. We need to either restore the CIA or transform it, but if we can not then we should disband the CIA and begin looking at just what crimes the CIA has been responsible for and identify how much secret technology the CIA has kept hidden from the American public.

As with the unveiling of the secrets of the US FED, it is time to unveil the CIA as well. It's more than time in my book because they are indeed the domestic enemy within our nation and the trillions in dollars that fund their agendas is undermining America's future to survive as the sovereign nation we desire to be, because in my book, America is worth saving and fighting for.

Thanks for the posting, it really took me back to remember "the man", the one president that truly inspired a nation because he truly represented a quest to better the nation and JFK wanted to do all that without all the lies that the secret government needs to help mind control the masses into being the sleeping or hypnotized slaves of the mega corporations. JFK was by the people and for the people and I will never forget that fact. He died as a man who was not perfect, but he took his oath of office seriously and today, no one takes anything seriously. Not even the oath of office.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by shai hulud
Kennedy was elected through the mob and then he was unelected by them. He was a womanizing, lying, asshat that pissed so many people off by his and his brothers actions, it cost him a pound of flesh. The worse thing about JFK was the complete dousche bag that followed him.

You would be referring to Johnson, the one that warned us that the military industrial complex would ruin us? Looks like he was right. We should have paid attention.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:13 AM
Amazing that even after all these years, the mention of JFK can still stir up so much partisan vitriol.

He was not perfect, had a number of issues but... what president hasn't? We elect humans and expect them to be saints thereafter. We base our assessments of them on the most worthless of standards; politics.

And JFK isn't around anymore to defend himself so he makes an easy target.

I won't defend his mistakes nor attempt to knight him. But he did serve his country in both war and peace, in uniform and in government. No matter who actually killed him, he died because he was the president.

That ought to count for something.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by earthdude

You would be referring to Johnson, the one that warned us that the military industrial complex would ruin us? Looks like he was right. We should have paid attention.

Actually, the military/industrial complex warning came from Eisenhower.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by earthdude

Originally posted by shai hulud
Kennedy was elected through the mob and then he was unelected by them. He was a womanizing, lying, asshat that pissed so many people off by his and his brothers actions, it cost him a pound of flesh. The worse thing about JFK was the complete dousche bag that followed him.

You would be referring to Johnson, the one that warned us that the military industrial complex would ruin us? Looks like he was right. We should have paid attention.

That would be Eisenhower at his farewell address on January 17, 1961 that warned us not that bastard Johnson. Although Ike should have been brought up on war crime charges as well.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by shai hulud
Kennedy was elected through the mob and then he was unelected by them. He was a womanizing, lying, asshat that pissed so many people off by his and his brothers actions, it cost him a pound of flesh. The worse thing about JFK was the complete dousche bag that followed him.

I never had much respect for Kennedy, either, until I did some in-depth reading on his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Read up on it sometime, it might surprise you. If it weren't for Kennedy & team's handling of this one the planet would likely have turned into a smouldering ash-heap in 1962. It was by far the closest shave humanity has ever had with respect to total global thermonuclear war (that we know of, anyway).

Kennedy had to walk a tightrope between being too easy on the Soviets on one hand and falling into the Rules of Engagement traps laid by many in the US government who actually wanted nuclear war. The feeling at the time, especially among Curtis LeMay and his circle, was that nuclear war was inevitable so we might as well get it over with while the US had nuclear primacy. I respect LeMay for his service to the nation in WWII, but the idea of sacrificing an estimated 80 million Americans (plus hundreds of millions if not billions worldwide) was complete insanity.

Kennedy masterfully maneuvered the nation and the world out of that inflection point in just under two weeks. It was a diplomatic achievement of the highest order. I agree he is vastly overrated in many other areas and had deep flaws, but his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis alone earns him a place among the greats.

[edit on 1/30/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:14 PM
thank this is great speech of all time..peace

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:16 PM
The British nuclear submarine carries with it a sealed envelope. Inside are the final orders frmthe Prime Minister to be carried out in the eventuality that the UK has been entirely wiped out by Nuclear War.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:34 PM
If America did not die the day that the last legally sat Congress went home in 1861 then it certainly died when the Federal Reserve Act of 1911 was passed.

Kennedy’s election was as bought and paid for as any politician before or after Kennedy just suffered from the same thing Napoleon suffered from and that was the belief that his office really was one he was free to run the way he wanted to and believed.

Kennedy’s mistake was he had no idea to what extent the Government is controlled and compromised by the Shadow Government and the Secret Societies. He actually believed that the Secret Service could and would protect him and he could renege on the obligations and commitments he made to the money interests that put him in office.

He thought he was running a nation when in reality he was simply the President of a Corporation who’s Board of Directors could and would replace him anytime they wanted and had the power to do that with impunity.

America ceased being a constitutional government in 1861; The Congress that passed laws under Lincoln’s dictatorship lacked a legal quorum as the dispute between the states prevented the legal congress from being legally reseated.

Lincoln really was out to install a corporate government and a dictatorship from the beginning.

The government has operated as a De Facto War Time Government ever since and anyone whose spent any time in the U.S. Military can tell you that the Southern United States is still carved up into Military Government Districts.

America became a constitutional fiction way before Kennedy’s time; he just imagined one man with enough Charisma and Nerve could move it back in the right direction.

Clearly he was wrong, and clearly that should be the lesson for everyone.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Dont forget JFK's Executive Order No. 11110


He thought he was running a nation when in reality he was simply the President of a Corporation who’s Board of Directors could and would replace him anytime they wanted and had the power to do that with impunity.

So sad... So true...

I hate the idea of a shadow government because it leaves you with a feeling of helplessness. The thought that we have no say and no control over anything in America and we will never touch them just plain sucks.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by tooo many pills]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

You are only as helpless as you want to be.

They might have suceeded in killing Kennedy but they could not in fact suceed in killing us all.

They sure haven't suceeded in killing me!

The point is that as long as Americans are apathetic and complaicent and submissive to the underlying truths and choose to do nothing about them then that is a choice each and everyone has to make for themselves.

I have been picking on the establishment and fighting it since before most kids get pimples and I got gray hairs today!

Fight the good fight, make it worth the price you pay!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by shai hulud

All those things he might be, but really do we need to be dropping trow and pissing on his grave?

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 10:52 AM
The speech was given 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident to the American Press Association at the Waldorf Hotel in New York (April 27 1961).

A full transcript is available here:

JFKs preamble to making the speech is worth a read as it is edited from what we all have come to know as the secret societies speech, an extract is as follows;

"My topic tonight is a more sober one of concern to publishers as well as editors.

I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge for some; but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for the future--for reducing this threat or living with it--there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security--a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity.

This deadly challenge imposes upon our society two requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the President--two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for a far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy"

It is suggested that the speech refers to communists and communism and that kennedy is asking the Press to be cautious about what they are printing in relation to giving away -inadvertantly- information that may be useful to the Russians and the Cubans.

Have you also heard this explanation and what do you think about it ?

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