reply to post by phoenix_zephyr
Hey your condition is it only while meditating or listening to music? Because if it is related to relaxing, its not what you're calling it, its
related to gateway experience. I do heart chakra and chakra meditations occasionally, but the ones that really connect you to yourself and Higher
Self, memories, to me the more a person focus's on breathings and puts them through gymnastics which is great if you are into being controlled by
something and taught elitist thoughts that only the guru's can reach the prize, and you have to suffer to do this.
Well the problem is, suffering keeps you consciously aware that you're uncomfortable, ergo you are not in zen mind, mindlessness and not in right
brain, and you cannot meet yourself and your memories, be psi, or push the limits on your consciousness.
Freeform is best.
The ringing in my ears is a sign of gateway, it happens, just as I'm falling asleep, it happens in meditation, it happens with a frquency shift.
The music that increases that is giving you a shift.
Now if you really can't stand any music, then nature meditations even in your backyard with birdsong or at a park is good, or lying down and
listening to nature sounds. But I'm curious about that ringing. Is it there for other music. All music. A severe medical conditon? Because if its
there during certain music designed to get you into your right hemisphere, its a good thing.
The most basic freeform meditation, that can be done, with or without music, of any kind, is this way.
(I add that keeping a jorunal, and also setting intentions for several minutes before hand and before sleep, programming yourself if you prefer,
speaking them aloud, writing them down, I will remember who I am. I wish to help. I am connecting strongly to my Higher Self and will remember this,
each day.)
Lie down (if you can sit without awareness of body do so but if you are uncomfortable lie down), outside or inside. Close your eyes and place
something over them, so you are in darkness. Allow thoughts to come and go and go into third person mode and monitor them lightly, letting them
drift, until you see colors in your head, then focus on them, and HEAR THE RINGING in your ears, focus on it, any vibrations in your body, focus on
this. I can do this for a couple of hours gladly. I can also do this, and have the kids come in and out, deal with it, an go back to this state of
high frequency and vibrations quickly. Doesnt always work out that way. I listen to the music and keep various methods of freeform zen mindness
That is gateway. In that state you can program something, affirm, visualize, explore, send love and concern to someone, or the planet, really feel
for the person. If you're having difficulties, remember times when they were laughing, happy really let love build up. (I had my son who was upset
run into my room and cuddle up and talk about his problems after I was connecting to him and walking in his shoes, akin to telepathy when you are
doing it right).
Be spontaneous, and flexible. While you are setting intentions in a deep theta type state, or even listening to alpha, you are not completely zen
minded, but on that threshhold still good place to problem solve.
But for zen minded you picture it all going into a box with a lock, if its not going to leave well, and you simply are, in that moment.
Its all about connecting to who you are inside, without credo, but positive loving connection, higher frequency connection, letting more of your
sunlight/ray of light/self, swell up within.
Its not about merging with something else or allowing something to channel through you that is not you. As I sometimes think a few people do, and its
very worrisome.
Its about remembering you and connecting to LOVE. Progressing.