I'm going to get the kids to practice psi balls this spring, out on the grass with those water balloons. Not in the house, not on my furniture.
But my youngest, 8, has always had energy recongition and been quite psi, and I was told I have 3 indigos, and a crystal. I know which ones, my
youngest before school age, used to stand at the door and threaten the teenage gangs of bullies that circled around, it was shocking. I kept trying
to get to him fast. One morning he woke up from dreams, and they're often like astral battles, and he said, "I protect this house!" When he
watched a video last year on youtube, describing psychic abilities he gave a sigh of relief, and started using the word psychic. He finally had a
word, and it made him feel more normal, he said, "thats what I am." So I've been encouraging meditation, before sleep. They two youngest have
apraxia, neurological, and they're listening to bach to the future now, and its mellowing out their behavior just a bit.
Another variant, more beginning level, for a psi ball, is this:
You picture a wide ribbon/river, of pure white or white/gold light flooding through your body from the Creator's Universal Energy. This is the Force
in Star Wars. You breathe in this and breathe out all grey and dark things. You see this flood your body and fill your head, and fill your aura and
form a giant strong bubble shield.
See this and breathe, for a few minutes. Then you see your inner star, in your mid area, start to spin vibrantly, clockwise, and flood you with
energy. You see it course down your limbs, warming your hands. At this point you could activate your chakras, or work on your thymus, between the
fourth and fifth, and see it as a amethyst, like a little power house that you walk into and see all the engines running, and the amethyst glowing,
then do this with your throat chakra (and thyroid if you have a thyroid problem like me, and see a turquoise power building, just humming and glowing,
all engines going). Then move to the spot between your eyes and see a small star there glowing. Move into your head and see this higher thymus star
glowing bigger and bigger till it extends past your head.
Heal your energy centers, open then, see them running full steam. The last parts are optional, it does depend on time.
But then you feel the warmth of your hands and you can practice putting two fingers close together. With your fingertips almost touching, you reach
from you mid area, from the gut so to speak, from your inner star, and you see, imagine, image, the energy forming between your finger tips, whitish,
or pink or blue (love and healing). And you see it grow.
I have managed to not form a solid ball, but a faint glow of color in the air.