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Different political parties? Help me understand.

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posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:50 PM
I'm 20 years old, and I'm trying to figure out what political party best suits my ideals.

I've been reading about the Constitution party, and I was wondering what people's thoughts are on the party itself and its nominee for president, Michael Peroutka. It seems to me that he's probably not the best guy to be president, but I think the party itself has good ideas on the current issues and events.

I've also been looking into the Libertarian party. They also have a good stance on the current issues (though I can't seem to find their stance on homosexual marriage or rights).

I think that the people here on ATS are the most knowledgable people in the field of politics that I've come across on the internet, so I trust your judgement on these parties. Right now I'm "independent." My ideas don't totally coincide with the Republicans or Democrats, and I'm not too fond of either of the main guys running for president. I'm truly in the middle, but I'm looking around for a party that I could belong to.

Do you think its even neccessary for me to commit myself to one party or another? I'm not an independent because I'm a wishy washy, flip floppy guy who doesn't want to commit cuz I can't make up my mind. It's just that I don't want to throw all my eggs into one basket when I don't fully agree with either party's ideals. Is this a good or bad thing?

I'd really like some input on this, thanks in advance =)

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Nobody has input? I'm sure there are people out there knowledgable about such things, this is the best group of politically minded people on the internet. Sorry to *bump* this thread, but I'm searching for answers and I know some of you could help me.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 02:32 PM
As a young man, go where your heart takes you. Be involved and be a critical thinking student of politics.

But be aware as you mature your views and attitudes/world view may/will change. You may feel yourself out of step with other of the same party. If so, do not be afraid, move on to a setting more suited to you.

The best skill one can develop if you wish to be part of the political process is the ability to listen and hear what others are saying. If you can master just that one skill, you will go far.

For myself, I started as a Goldwater coinservative; life made me aware of how much I was gifted compaired to others less fortunate. My political path swung all the way left.

Today I see my self as a pragmatist, beholding to neither party or leaning. They all have merit but when carried to the true believer status they are all BS, become dishonest and dangerous to freedom.

Remember the end never justified the means and be honest and true to yourself first and only.

Life is a trip. Enjoy the ride and never be afraid.

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by gmcnulty]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 02:35 PM
Thanks for the advice =) Yeah, I'm all about going where my heart takes me right now. But I've been thinking that as a Poli Sci major I should find a party to stick with. Maybe I don't really need to. I have a really open mind about things, I'm open to everyone's opinions even though I don't agree with all of them.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 08:13 PM
Let me tell you something son..........the only folks you have to stick with (loyalty) is :

1. You;

2. The woman you promise to spend your life with;

3. YOUR family. (your wife and kids

Anything after that is optional.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 08:19 PM
I can understand your support of the two parties you mentioned. But only one candidate of two parties can win, Democrat or Republican. The Republicans are the closest to the ideals of the two you mentioned.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:22 AM
Im a republican, but i would vote for a dem or any candidate that i thought was qualified and making proposals i wanted to see.

Also note that as a registered independant, in many areas, you will not be able to vote in the primaries, as they are party specific.
for example, as a republican, i cant vote in a democratic primary...
one time, our city mayor was up for grabs, but republicans ran no candidate, so the election came down to essentially a democratic primary...which republicans couldnt take part in, as they had no candidate, the winner of the dem primary one the general election.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 12:34 PM
It's good to see someone interested in a third party. I find democracy to be very limited when it is viewed as a pick between two people, that is one step away from a dictator.
Though it appears I dissagre with alot of what Michael Peroutka says, I think(I haven't chaecked) I'd agree more with the lp. I prefer Nader in the USA.
I say let your voice be heard that you don't like either of the two main parties, that you are tired of the same old same old and you want change.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:10 PM
You can just remain independant unless you intend to run for office and become political yourself someday. If you think you run for office then you may want to chose a side and start working for that side so that you have a history of supporting what ever party you choose from early in your life.

If your just going to be in the stands watching like most of us then you can remain independent

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 01:24 AM
Well first, the Constitution Party is a bit too religious in my opinion, it has EVERYTHING that is necessary for this nation, then they need to go and ruin it by catering to the Southern Baptists...I am a long supporter of religion but not a specific religion. But this does not mean that the Constitution Party is solid about that, it's just a current trend.

The Libertarians, they are the closest things to anarchists you can find that have enough validity to not be laughed off the planet. I know a bunch and they're good people, I admire their anti-federalist views, but they are very anti-federalist, even to abolishing strong local controls.

Their good policies are abolishing all income taxation, and a bad policy of theirs is to do away with most of the military.

As far as social values, do whatever you want, the government can't tell you what to do, that's their philosophy, not mine, mine is that the States are the care-takers of the State's citizen's moralities.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 06:33 AM
You can always vote a split ticket as well...
No one says you have to vote for ONLY republicans on your ticket...
again, vote for the candidate that has the best ideas youd like to see,
as well as the "integrity" to seem to be able to carry it out and pe a political player, not a bench warmer.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 03:03 AM
The sad thing is, that if you are not alligned with a major party, what result does your vote really have? It seems the party is destined to stay 2 party, and I hate that that is the case, because 2 parties does not justify enough questions to be answerable to everyone

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 12:46 AM
Ultimatley your vote counts WAY MORE closer to your home, than in Washington.....the votes you cast for mayor, city councils, school boards, and chiefs of local gov offices have more of a direct impact on your daily lives, and also, you have more of an impact in their determinations....
once you get to state gov level, you still have a lot of voting the time your voting for congress tho, your one vote in the whole state, and while it still counts, is further removed in influence from you the voter to them the candidate and vice versa.....but your vote still counts.

Party alliegance cant be blind, and alligance to a party is a good way to band together for general support of broad based ideas, not specific legislations...

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 01:00 AM
If nothing else, Vote Incumbents Out! If you don't feel strongly for a candidate, stir the pot a bit. I can't remember whose battle cry that was originally, but the point was in refusing to send the same people to the legislature, white house, city hall, etc., you kept them on their toes and didn't allow them to develop relationship with "special interest" groups.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 01:03 AM
It is much more important to me how a candidate stands on the isuses than on what party they may belong to. Over the years I have changed my party afiliation but when I vote it is what that person stands for that counts not what party they belong to.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 01:55 AM
Duke_Nukem that's generally good advice, except when voting for President.

When you vote for President you are electing about 100-300 people. So what party you choose is far more important than what person you choose. A general guide is the President's Platform proposal but this is not a sure indicator of how his appointees will act. Party affiliation (thus knowing how the party has acted in the past) will give you a much more sure indication.

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