posted on May, 29 2004 @ 01:24 AM
Well first, the Constitution Party is a bit too religious in my opinion, it has EVERYTHING that is necessary for this nation, then they need to go and
ruin it by catering to the Southern Baptists...I am a long supporter of religion but not a specific religion. But this does not mean that the
Constitution Party is solid about that, it's just a current trend.
The Libertarians, they are the closest things to anarchists you can find that have enough validity to not be laughed off the planet. I know a bunch
and they're good people, I admire their anti-federalist views, but they are very anti-federalist, even to abolishing strong local controls.
Their good policies are abolishing all income taxation, and a bad policy of theirs is to do away with most of the military.
As far as social values, do whatever you want, the government can't tell you what to do, that's their philosophy, not mine, mine is that the States
are the care-takers of the State's citizen's moralities.