posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:35 AM
Like every other doomsday prophecy, it won't happen.
Nothing fantastic or significant will end the world as we know it...
No massive disclosure will occur
No Alien invasion
No Comets, Asteroids, Black Holes, Solar Flares, Exploding uranium filled Satellites, sudden polar shifts, sun polarity shift, Niburu, Killer Viruses,
Catastrophic Galactic Alignments.. etc etc etc etc etc etc
All these things, ever since i was a young boy, were given dates to occur; none ever occurred. Nothing will be different about 2012. 2012 is a money
making tool that has had HUGE media coverage - 2012 Fact: It sells more books and films than anything else at the moment.
What will happen though; is that a few of these "conspiracy" theories will change and take on a new date to continue the ongoing saga of bored
people with anxiety disorders needing something to fret over. We can expect the 2012 date to be moved to something nice and square and semi distant..
like maybe... 2020 or 2022 or 2024, something nice and rounded..
What might occur, a War, some Famine, Economic collapse and natural disasters etc etc etc
So in other words, nothing that doesn't happen today.
No doubt people will try and put some kind of meaning to the events though.