posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by slinkey10
I still stand by my appraisal of him being very cool, he is also a very talented actor.True he is not necessarily an ideal role model you only have to
research his tabloid exposure to understand that. However he is the very last person you would expect to "come out" as interested in ufology. I am
mildly excited that soon ufology with the help of people like Dyer and Williams will start to become far more acceptable and far less of a strange
subject only followed by beardy weirdies. I truly believe that there are many people who have experienced this phenomena but because of fear of
ridicule have been too afraid to speak about their experiences. Documentaries like this one will help to get the subject a wider audience and maybe
even change peoples attitudes about the type of person who is interested in ufos.This I believe can only be a good thing. Therefore although not to
everybody's taste Dyer is taking us a step further along the road of acceptance instead of ridicule.