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Wolf Woman Decapitates Dog, But She's NOT Crazy?

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Wolf Woman Decapitates Dog, But She's NOT Crazy?

Self-described wolf woman severed lost dog's head

Wolfie Blackheart is not an ordinary 18-year-old.

She believes she is a wolf — technically, a werewolf — and so she wears a tail. She also wears a harness in case someone special wants to drag her around.

And last week, she used a pocketknife in her kitchen to decapitate a dog — already dead, according to Wolfie — that had been missing since Jan. 5.

“I severed the head, boiled the head,” Wolfie said. “People make the mistake of hacking the spine, which will fracture the skull.”

She added, “You also have to put (the head) outside for the brains to leak out.”

Before the teenager carted the cranium to the woods, someone held it up and snapped a photograph of it inside her Northwest Side house — a shot that ended up on the Internet.


The story goes on to describe this weirdo as a taxidermist, albeit a taxidermist who specializes in dog heads — not exactly at the top of the list for shoulder-mounts — and, just to be clear, she thinks she is a canine.

I read this whole article and never once saw the words "psychiatric evaluation" mentioned... No, Wolfie Blackheart has an alibi that makes it all "okay" — see, she's a werewolf.

No. She is

a Nut-Job.

When did we stop treating lycanthropy for what is is — a mental illness — and start embracing it as a "lifestyle choice," like vampirism?

Diss sum crazy bidness, sho 'nuff.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:58 PM
omg. this is not normal. lol

really reminds me of that episode where butters turns into a vampire.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:19 PM
why is it we have idiots like this walking into a movie like twilight and going "yeah thats cool! im that!"?

if i said
"im actually an alien, so i like to abduct people, make them pass out and give them rectal probes and sexually based physical exams without their consent"
what would the response be?
thats okay, you're an alien?

i bet plenty of people that've been put into insane asylums were 100x more sane than this girl.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:31 PM
She thinks she's a wolf yet she wears a collar. Anyone ever seen a wolf with a collar. She also claims she is a canine instead of a canid. She's got tourette's (she "yips") and she wants attention. I would say she succeeded.
I'm sure her bark is worse than her bite. Someone should tell her taxidermists keep the skins ON. Oh, that's right, she dropped out of school.
I think there's a lesson for you kids in this story. Stay in school and don't eat alpo.
Not exactly my idea of "doggie stylin" either

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Things like this start to make me lose faith in humanity.. really though.. wow. The people who cannot seem to question their existence or how they are and become some eldrich people because of it. Sometimes I just think I don't understand people as I thought I did... yeah, she's a nut lol

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:59 PM
So what? Most of the world is crazy.

People huddle in groups, calling themselves Republicans, Democrats, Tea-Baggers, so their particular craziness can gain the approval of a group of similarly affected individuals. Rather than rock the boat, Freud preached the fiction that, if your insanity is shared by enough others, it becomes sanity. However that's obvious clap-trap. If we all run around believing ourselves to be werewolves and hopefully wearing collars, does the prevalence of the idea make us sane?

Sure this chick is crazy. So are the rest of us. But many crazy people are doing harm to each other and to the creatures we share this Earth with. Who is "Wolf Woman" hurting? What harm is she doing? Why should we care if she's lost in her own fantasy?

Becoming lost in a fantasy is part and parcel of the human condition. Don't take my word for it. Just look at the numbers of Americans eagerly awaiting "The Rapture".

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:40 PM
What a loser..

I really doubt this girl actually believes she is a werewolf, she is no doubt a disturbed individual but i doubt she is suffering from lycanthropy.
Just another sicko seeking attention, i mean, c'mon, she wheres a tail

But then again maybe she is a future serial killer, this sorta thing isnt normal:

When a car ran over Pixie — her “best friend” — Wolfie cut off the chihuahua’s tiny head, cleaned it and placed it in a jar

Burying a deceased canine companion is heart breaking enough, but cutting its head off.. Really not normal.

I found the mothers comments to be quite funny

“Wolfie would never harm an animal,” she said. “She likes road kill.”

Yea thats normal

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by james420

first of all, she is wierd.
Second of all, she has been doin the wolf thing for years, way before twilight.
third of all, her so called wolf pack is a tight large group of friendsthat you can look up yourself.
fourth, she is really sweet and is hot in my opinion and a great artist go find her drawings and her myspace picks. just because one random person wants to be a taxidermist doesnt make them clinically insane. btw, alot of the younger generation that get really into anime and the japanese culture like to role play and cosplay. this generation likes wearing cat ears, tails, and costumes. i know for a fact that wolfie wouldnt hurt dog, she'd break out crying just seeing a dog hurt. she always examined random roadkill though...... wierd

yes i know her personally

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:25 AM
You guys might be dismissing another possibility ....

What if ...... she is a WEREWOLF !!!

haha, yeah right, .... however If i was her parent i would prolly take her behind the ole shed and take a rusty shovel to her, put her out of her misery .....

no good can come of this, she sounds like a serial killer, as they have a tendancy to mutilate animals when their young, besides, isnt that what jeffery dahmer did ??? keep heads with him because he couldnt bare to let them go ??

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:28 AM
You guys want to know whats really weird?

Most of the replies on this thread including the statements in the OP are weird.

She is just a geeky, cute, anime chick if you ask me. Where were girls like this when I was 18.

Psychiatric evaluations? get a life and leave the girl alone. She's not decapitating any of your dead dogs is she?

Although I do have to agree that if she is going to call herself a wolf, the collar needs to go, how degrading.

But with a bit of guidance I'm sure she would make a fine member of any pack.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

haha, yeah right, .... however If i was her parent i would prolly take her behind the ole shed and take a rusty shovel to her, put her out of her misery .....

Yeah...because killing your own daughter with a rusty shovel behind a shed....



How could you say that or call this girl weird? You creepo!

Please don't have kinds.....ever.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Izarith]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Izarith

Too late !! I already have a kid !!

Why do I call her weird ??? hhhmmm, well because she mutilates dead animals and keeps the heads ?? is that normal ?? .... is not weird another word for abnormal ??

the whole thing about killing her with a rusty shovel was a joke, ...

I see you have taken quite fancy with her my friend, perhaps you two could hang out and cut eachother sometime.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

She is just a kid with an weird hobby man.

No need for an ATS thread over it IMO.

And to be honest, I could not tell you were joking. Sure i did not think you actually meant it but you were making her sound like a future serial killer so I was not sure.

No biggy.

And as for you all ready having a kid......ah spilt milk.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Izarith]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Izarith

.... oh I was serious about the serial killer bit, .... she is showing some of the classic warning signs.

Head Trauma, Bondage, Animal Mutilation.

she was expelled from school for carrying a huge knife, .... remember the name my friend, I have a feeling well be hearing it again.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

You have just described every cowboy in the world lol.

And every girl her age should be carrying a huge knife.

Seriously man, your acting ridiculous. You sound like a middle aged, over weight vice president of the PTA at an all girls school.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
Psychiatric evaluations? get a life and leave the girl alone. She's not decapitating any of your dead dogs is she?

The fact that she believes herself to be a "werewolf" - a completely fictional, not real, imaginary creature that does not exist, suggests that yes, she does need help.

That's only further supported by the fact she is compelled to decapitate the heads of dogs, albeit dead (so she claims).

As far as I know, I didn't think it's common practice amongst wolves to a) intentionally decapitate another dead animal and b) to preserve the head for reasons unknown.

Again, that suggests she's living in a fantasy. While not all fantasies are bad or to worry about, the fact that she acts upon these strange compulsions would suggest she needs help.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by noonebutme

No offence but I think people like you need help.

It's quacks like the people who you think can "Help" this girl who get a hard on watching skinny girls get electro shock therapy.

People who would make excellent thought police, and wish to dictate who "needs help" and who is eccentric are the ones that need their head examined by these barbarians with PHD's.

Like I said, some people need to get a life and leave this harmless girl alone.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Izarith]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:32 AM
As far as I can see this girl has not harmed any animals or harmed any person unless you call bruised hypocritical sensibilities harm.

So she likes to hack the heads of animals and boil the flesh of the skull? It does seem like a weird hobby but I think it would be a stretch to call her a wacko or a nut because she finds enjoyment in the beauty of a skull.

I used to collect huge rainforest beetles when I was a child living in the Amazon and when they eventually died I would have them injected with a preservative and pose them above my bed – wacko or just fascinated with surreal biological beauty?

Today I like to watch the sky often in the hope of seeing an alien spacecraft and I meditate often because I am trying to break through to a hidden extraterrestrial data stream that I am sure exists – wacko of just sure of extraterrestrials?

Going on that basis I would be a nut too and then I get nuttier because I am happy to admit that I have seen UFO’s and also that I believe my government is controlled by a hidden extraterrestrial intelligence.

Who is the bigger nut? I for thinking my world is a lie and that everything I thought was the truth is in fact a crock or this young girl for thinking she is a canine and has a penchant for beheading “dead” things?

She took a bang to the head; she has suffered some brain damage and she is not a wacko or someone to look down on to be ridiculed in my opinion but is just an individual. We all know if everyone thought the same things and did the same things the world would be a grim and boring place indeed.

Agree with you Izarith

[edit on 28-1-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
No offence [none taken] but I think people like you need help.

It's quacks like the people who you think can "Help" this girl who get a hard on watching skinny girls get electro shock therapy.

I've pointed out some severe issues this girl has; delusions of being a werewolf, bondage, animal mutilation, and trophy keeping of the decapitated heads of said dead animals.

That is not normal behaviour for a young girl.

And you believe I need help? I'm intregued to know how you link a professional psychiatrist to a person who is erotically stimulated by "watching skinny girls get electro shock therapy" ?!

Where did I mention she needed that? No one said that.

Your very defensive attitude and attempts to make me sound like a pervert for suggesting the girl needs help suggest that you yourself are harbouring some serious issues that *you* need help with, matey.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

Thanks Smoke,

Your a pretty well rounded guy, And from what I have read in your posts you have been all over the place, "As a traveler not as a tourist" of course.

I just can't stand blood thirsty people who are always on the look out for a witch hunt. Hell if the laws of this country were more lacks I'm sure this poor girl would have all ready been burnt for being a witch.

And I love how these witch hunters have adoring faith in psychiatrists. Now that's crazy if you ask me. Yeah send your children to be evaluated by licensed brain butchers.

Hasn't anyone on ATS ever heard of the thump, thump experiment the one that single handed destroyed psychiatric authority world wide?


[edit on 28-1-2010 by Izarith]

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